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A stepmoms job!

newmom01's picture

yep I understand it puts us stepmoms in a hard spot....they want us to love the kids and treat them like they are ours, but then they step in and tell us your not the mom they have a mom or that decision is not your choice (which hurts) so then we back off, then they say we are being distant? I guess we are just meant to cook for them clean up after them, drive them around, and keep them entertained with games and movies thats a step mothers job


Bex_S's picture

It's shit isn't it? We're damned if we do, damned if we don't. I've made it very clear to DH and BM that I am support, not a primary care giver. It's THEIR responsibility to look after THEIR child. They looked after their kid before I came along, so why can't they do that now? The system works for us. I never get accused by BM of overstepping, and I never get the "You're not my mum" attitude from SD.