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Hello all, havent been here in a while things have been good BUT.....

newmom01's picture

In a nutshell, ss age 9 has gotten into so much trouble at his school in the last few years, that they finally put him out so now he is going to be going to an alternative school!

His mother keeps hinting at my dh to let him stay with us now...
HELL NO. Will NOT happen! She raised him that way she has got to deal with her own mess. And if you ask me the older brother is right behind him, he is 10

I do not have any kids by anyone but my husband, we have 2 boys age 2 and 1....I am busy enough. I refuse to have to start dealing with my ss and ALL his issues,( I tried this before, and was told this is not your kid/you are not a mom {at that ime} and have no idea what you are talking about) and I refuse to bring him into our home TO STAY and have that behavior around our kids. I tried to regulate his bed times, junk food habits, violent video games and language...BUT NOOOO! I had to stay in my STEPMOTHER place. So again, HELL NO keep your troubled child at your own damn house!

Him and his brother will just continue to have thier EOW visits, and thats it!

In all honesty I think the youngest ss is a lost cause already. He will be around kids that have the same behavior issues or worse on a daily basis now......which may cause even more problems


newmom01's picture

Dh is not pushing the issue at all. He asked and I told him no and he was like ok...but when BM calls I can hear her on the phone saying she cant take anymore and she is tired.... AND I am a mother with two little babies and Im tired too!

Oh dont feel sorry for her, she is not a single mom she is married and lived with him for over 5 years before getting married (right after our wedding I may add). So her hubby was well aware of what he was getting. And then she had a baby for him. so in all she has three.

TO: Flabber
Even if they did have some schools around our place my dh wont be paying ANYTHING tword it. so thats a no. He would probably start spinning around and melting if I took him near church. The last time I took him to church with us, he embarassed us so bad the teacher in the kid church said he could not come back!

I know how some people on here feel about the child support issue, but if my dh pays on time and is not behind, I feel it unfair to continue to contribute when he has a wife and 2 other kids at home. Now if they are with us, and want a small toy or something else small, then thats fine....but big fancy gifts and expensive gaming systems...NO thier mom has bought them all that stuff, they have a wei, ps3, ps2, dsi, x box, ......and thats the problem to me SPOILED and ungrateful. They should nto even have half of that with the behavior that they have in school....but who cares they make A's and B's but behavior sucks ..."throwing chairs, hitting classmates, cussing teacher, tearing up paper and throwing it around the class" Horrible behavior and she continues to reward them with these expensive games and toys :? :?