Want to walk away
My DH was in a relationship before he ended up with me. I in no way caused his marriage break up. When we first got together all of us used to get on well enough. Sometimes it was even fun! DH and I got married at a registry office with just 2 witnesses. I was pregnant at the time and we were in love and thought we were going to get our happy ever after. How wrong was I. I would like to add that at the time it was the only way we could afford to get married, 4 kids between us with another one on the way. DH still had to pay maintenance and keep his daughter in the lifestyle she had become accustomed to (expensive one time use dresses at a few hundred pounds a time, which he doesn’t pay for anymore to my knowledge). So just after we got married all hell broke loose with stepkids refusing to speak to him. My kids were fine about it. So he was so upset we had to cancel the honeymoon, and I felt disappointed for many years actually because I had never been married before ( he had, and therefore he had had a honeymoon before). So obviously I wasn’t happy. We waited for the dust to settle and all was ok again with skids. We then had our first bio daughter together, and made sure Step son saw her in hopsital on the day of the birth, and stepdaughter was at university. So after this it fell apart again because DH was working full stop to pay the bills, we were barely managing, and DH had gone from seeing his grown up kids from about three times a week ( when it suited them) to a few times a month. It went on like this for a year. It got so bad at one point we even had a rent arrears letter.... which said we would be evicted if we didn’t pay it. About a month later I found out DH had bough a watch for a few hundreds for his daughters birthday around this time. All the time I couldn’t afford a haircut, all my kids had been going without. So I asked him to leave and he ended up going to his mothers. So after a few arguements, DH came back, we tried again. Then the “ we aren’t speaking to you if you are with her” started up again, which happens every few months now when they don’t like something. Sister in law waded in and said to everyone that I was stopping him seeing everybody. Which is not true, my DH is a workaholic. So then none of his family like me, they make snide remarks behind my back. Which I can ignore. But what I can’t ignore is my husbands approach to his kids when they ignore him, because he will sulk when they ignore him. He Denys this but he does. It doesn’t last for days or weeks I can last months all the whilst he’s pandering to them texting and running around after them trying to get them to take his calls etc. They can’t make definite arrangements with him, for example he has been reluctant to say I can only do ‘x’ evening a week for a few months. There’s a bit more to this, but it has ended up with me strongly disliking my DHs children, because he takes it out on the wrong person ( me not them. I have struggled on after attempting counselling but I think I have had enough now. I’m going to have to struggle for a while while I find my feet. But
- DHsfamilyfromhell's blog
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How old are all the kids?
How old are all the kids?
Age of children
DH has a 23 year old daughter and 20 year old son from his first marriage who live with their biological mother. Their bio mother hasn’t had a partner for over ten years to our knowledge. She initiated the divorce with my now husband. After the divorce he lived with a lady for seven years, who didn’t empty the box room so they could sleep over. She didn’t have any children of her own and found his children a bit difficult I think.. It was her house and he didn’t pay any rent. He had it cushy for a while you could say, but saw his kids every day and Sunday whilst they were growing up.I have a 20 year old son, and an 18 year old son (who live with us), and DH and I have a daughter who is 2 and a half, and a ten month old daughter. My sons biological father is in a good relationship and he sees the boys a few times a year as he lives in another country, and they also maintain phone contact etc. My in laws consist of one brother in law about to go through a second divorce, so mother in law doesn’t like any of his ex wives (even though the one I met was very nice) mother in law doesn’t like her daughters husband. Mother in law doesn’t like DHs ex wife or me. Mother in law and father in law have just entered their eighties, and they are on their first marriage, don’t believe in divorce, and father in law ‘frowns upon people wearing jeans and things like that’. They aren’t very easy going, and they aren’t going to change. My DH compares going to their house with everyone their to a shark pool!
Days of week
That should have read every Saturday and Sunday whilst growing up
So your DH would rather have
So your DH would rather have his baby and toddler grow up in a divorced household than set proper boundaries with his adult children?
What do you do for a living? I understand the struggle with finances while having to pay CS and Spousal Support. Why is it still had if the kids are out on their own? Is your DH paying for college for his kids? Is that required by the divorce decree? Can they/he take loans instead of paying up front? Monthly payments once they are completed with school might be financially more feasable.
Have you tried marriage counseling? Maybe the way that you are expressing these feelings are not clicking with your DH. Maybe an outsider can help your DH understand?
DHs daughter has finished her
DHs daughter has finished her degree so just pays support directly to his son now for another year (ish). DH said he was fine with me staying at home with the girls for a bit, and if I suggest working at the local supermarket because we wouldn’t be able to afford two cars he just says no don’t do it. The financial hardship has gone now, we have learnt to adjust. But it does mean my husband working long hours, DH is happy in that job until he retires. He was a workaholic during his first marriage, and worked away for two three weeks at a time abroad which contributed to his first marriage failing. Now he has a local job, that requires 6 am starts getting up a 4.30 a few times a week and the rest is normal hours. - the main problem DH is at a loss about how to arrange contact with his grown up children now. I suggested he take them to counselling, but it never got further than him looking, and he claimed one counsellor he tried never got back to him. I went to counselling with DH approx 2 years ago now. First time he said he didn’t like the lady and he said he wasn’t going back. Second time was arranged through his work, a male counsellour, and my husband took it as an opportunity to shout at me so I stayed about half an hour, and then walked out. DH is counselling resistant. It may be a good idea to give counselling one last attempt for the sake of our little girls.
Not to sound harsh but how
Not to sound harsh but how are you going to be a single mom with a teenager and 2 babies if all you can do is work at a local supermarket? Are you suggesting that you walk away from your marriage, that you aren't contributing to financially, and then collect CS and spousal support to sustain your lifestyle? Your main frustration seems to be financial and yet YOU aren't doing anything but nagging your DH to stop contributing to his kids. TBH, you probably should not have had 2 more babies if you can't afford to live this way.
What I would suggest you do is find some kind of certification or training where you can support yourself. I am not suggesting that CS not come to help take care of the little ones, but you need to be the primary source of income. Look into careers where you can work at home- medical coding for example. Look into quick certification programs- Accounts payable/ receivable, Nursing Assistant, Phlebotomy tech, Pharmacy Tech, massage therapist, etc.
You don't know me from Adam, but I promise I am not one to belittle any poster on this page. However, you seem unhappy with your life. Threatening to leave your marriage and not have any kind of plan is not a smart move. I think life is too short to be miserable, but you need to be smart about what you are doing. It sounds like you have a hard working husband who is burning the candle at both ends desperately trying to keep you and his kids happy. That sounds like a good man to have.
Look into what you can do to make your life better. Don't expect him to be able to fix everything for you. If he is working like he is, I am not suprised he hasn't found a counsellor for you guys to go to. Why aren't you the one looking for one since you don't work? I know being a SAHM is challenging, I did it for 4 years when mine were littles. However, I also know that when it came to appointments, doctors, schedules... all of that fell on me. Hell, it still does and I work close to 50 hours a week!
I have a degree but would
I have a degree but would have to start working at a local supermarket to save to buy a car to commute as we live in a village. Yes my husband works hard but I have offered to work and he says no. I haven’t looked for any other counsellors because when I suggest stuff he says no ie relate ‘not going there again’ or other ones that get conveniently forgotten about. The issue is no longer financial ( if I got a job, he would still work in exactly the same place because he enjoys it, with roughly the same hours. Therefore the children would never be better off in terms of hours spent with their father, it would just mean that my girls miss out on having me at home. I just want my DH to have a better relationship with his grown up children , that doesn’t result in him coming in a mood to our me and our children, because it’s really really dragging me down.
Further clarification...
I wouldn’t walk out on my children, but I am considering asking DH to leave the house. The relationship is hanging by a string, and we are both fed up of waiting for the next “I am not going to talk to you if you are with her” (me). As DH won’t give them a dose of their own medicine, and runs round after them trying to get them to talk to him when they say it. My stepdaughter didn’t contact her dad for four weeks, spoke to him a month ago at mother in laws house, accepted her birthday present and has gone back to completely ignoring him. I had suggested trying to get them to go to counselling with him. But it never materialised, mainly, I think by my husbands ‘inactive approach’ to things. He likes to sweep things under the carpet, and I’m sure in his head he thinks things are fixed enough. But they aren’t. I don’t want to spend my next twenty years unhappy. I raised my boys as a single parent. I think I want to be a single parent again. I’m fed up of other people dictating the mood of the day. It’s gone on long enough. Selfish? Of course. But I am out of ideas.
So, you are going to ask the
So, you are going to ask the only person working and supporting EVERYONE to leave the house?
Let's say he does leave, how in the world are you going to pay your bills? He will have to pay child support, but more than likely, that won't be enough to support 4 people.
I don't think you should stay in a relationship that you aren't happy in. However, you need a steady income before you make any drastic changes
Your DH's adult brood are
Your DH's adult brood are adults and should be acting as such. Because they are adults, your DH should not be supporting them. Your DH and you have little ones together and your DH should be supporting them and his you/his wife. In terms of supporting, I mean being a dad for the little ones and a husband to you.
The adult skids are trying to use emotional blackmail on your DH in an effort to break up your marriage. Maybe these toxic adult skids can only envision the first family or are jealous of you. Who knows what warped reasoning they have to act this way. Your DH is reacting to the emotional blackmail his adult brood is baiting him with. I'd flat out tell my DH this and go to counseling again if you think it will help.
My DH's adult brood did and continue to do the same thing to him. They cannot stand the fact DH and I are married and happy and the more DH throws it in their face, the less they want to do with him. DH always respected decisions and the people his adult brood decided to being into their family, yet they cannot respect that DH and I are married. Well, too bad.
You will find it is a common theme in here that adult skids use the "we won't speak to you as long as you are married to him/her." Or "We're going to use the gskids as emotional blackmail too" BS goes on all the time. Some DH's fall for it, and some don't.
A good, decent, husband does not let his adult brood dictate where, when and who he is married to at all whatsoever.
Best of luck to you.
Thank you that’s very very
Thank you that’s very very useful to know