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thinkthrice's picture

do people bring CHILDREN to a BAR???

that is all.


fourbrats's picture

of bar? We have a lot of local breweries and pubs that promote themselves as family friendly so there are a lot of kids in bars around here lol! Personally I have not taken a small child into one. My teens have gone but I wouldn't take my grandkids or my little niece and nephews. 

thinkthrice's picture

alcohol.  People are bringing crying infants who don't like the noise.  Idiot Millennial parents

beebeel's picture

I bartended in college 15-20 years ago. Idiots brought infants to the bar often enough back then, too. And that was when there were still clouds of smoke everywhere.

notasm3's picture

I think a lot of this depends on what your definition of a "bar" is.  Is it a place that serves alcohol?  Is your problem that children may see someone having a drink? 

There are many, many restaurants that have a bar attached where people often wait for a table and have a drink while waiting.  Since children are welcome in the restaurant it's not that big of a deal if they wait with their parents in the bar area.

Or is it what I would call a "club".  Drinks and music with little or no food.  Not sure why a parent would want to take a small child into a club.  Most that I know of have an age cutoff.  Even when I lived in New Orleans which is pretty much a free for all most clubs had an age limit.  Some at 18 - others at 21.  I think you'd have to be nuts to take an infant, toddler or small child to a club so you could drink and dance.(and try to pick up guys/girls)

On another board this came up - people in Wisconsin (I have never lived there) said it's quite common to have bars that are very family friendly.  


Cooooookies's picture

Years ago, the ex and I went camping.  I cannot remember if it was in Illinois, Indiana or Wisconsin.  Anyway, we asked an employee at the campground where the best place to eat was.  He referred us to a bar/ we thought.

It was a bar that served food alright.  At the back of the most run down, trashiest trailer park in the middle of the woods.  Like the kind of thing that only a bad Hollywood movie could make up...but this was real.  So we go in and order food.  The food was pretty good but the atmosphere - that was like stepping into an alternate reality.

This was no classy micro pub, brewery or new age "family" pub.  It was a run down, seedy bar.  Bar stools along the bar and wooden tables strewn throughout the rest of the dive.  Lo and behold, there was one young woman sitting at the bar.  BAREFOOT I might add.  Happily drinking bottle after bottle of beer.  Next to her stool, on the sticky floor, was her INFANT laying in it's carseat.

People really p*ss me off.  I mean get a friend, family member or babysitter if you want a have a night out for yourself.  It was disgusting.

Monkeysee's picture

I’d also like to know why parents let their kids run around restaurants instead of staying in their seats. This drives me insane! Bring something to entertain them or leave the kids at home if you can’t keep them in their seats.