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Flaming June's picture

I've been married to my DH for over 11 yrs. I have two SD who are now 13 and 16 and half. I raised them when they were 17months and other at 5yrs old. We have a Bio son together who is turning 10 soon. It never occured to me that relationship with a single father would lead to heartache, hardwork and so much of mental strain that I had to be admitted to hospital to say the least. Yes Dh was the same, enabler to two entitled brats who are nice only when their demands are met or else I'm labelled all kids of profanity there is out there. It became so difficult for the whole family when older one started playing about 4 yrs ago when she got close to her bio mom who is just a holiday indulgent mom. One that gets the better part of the girls and has to deal with two occasions namely Easter and alternate Christmas. Basically I've singlehandedly raised them while DH busy with his career and me struggling with a newborn and two daughters who were 6 and 3 when my son was born.

Both bio parents gives in to the girl's as they feel guilty and can not dicipline the girls. I've toiled for this long cooking, cleaning and basically slaving to the whim of whole family despite keeping a fulltime job. I'm up till 11pm most nights cleaning and packing lunches most weekdays. I am to be blamed in part as I am anal about healthy eating habits and always cook up storm to please everybody. DH comes home to a warm home and warm food and rarely have I not cooked unless I am sick. 

Older SD is lazy, unhygenic, foul mouthed and just unpleasnat to those who dont share her opinion. Spends all her time staring at her phone, social media and going out with her friends. Her room is filthy with food scraps, hides food, hides dirty soiled undies and bloody pads all around for all to see. I've even found maggots in her bags where she hides her uneaten food which is either stolen or uneaten lunches that I make deligently everyday. (I've stopped making them this year) 

What I can not stand is that she is maupulative, makes issue out of everything under the sun and ruins all family celebration if it is not ficused on her. Our house revolves around her and she has Daddy wrapped around her finger. What she says is what goes in the house. I cook what she likes, create events that makes her happy partly because I think that keeps peace at home. It has gooten out of hand as I've over compensated for her mother's lack of presence in her life as that is all SD wants, her mother. Older one feels abandonment issue with her mom and recently chose to move in with her by the end of year. This was around April this year. SD began to play up as she felt empowered of her mother wanting her so behaved in most abhorent manner, physically hurting my son (her half brother) to the point where he was having anxiety issues. He could not speak up around her, chew food noty to her liking, make any noise that annoyed her, while walking to after school tuitions, crossing the road, under the pretense of holding his hand, she would dig her long nails on his arms, twist his arms and just terrible hatred towards him. I was getting scared that she would push him under oncoming cars or worst hurting him by the time I drove home within half an hour of school finishing. I gave my son mobile phone for his safety which she would confisticate and hurt him still. Most days I come home speeeding like lunatic to find him crying, hurt or some dramas. Anytime I confront her she denies and sreams wolf and runs out f the house and making frantic calls to DH implying I'm hurting her or something to the effect. DH comes home all upset and with darkest of the mood and thats how she avoids being told off for her bullying my son. 
Well, BM spent two eeks of school holidays and figured out SD's behaviour. BM then decides to change her mind and doesn't her any more. BM did this after giving her false hope, initiating school transition etc only to be told "under no circumstances she is moving in with "her family" (she has another child (4yrs) with another man and is single mother) and she had two weeks of hell with the girls by text to DH. My guess is she could have hurt the little girl but I'm not entirely sure. 

In the mean time, me and son moved out of our own house one one accosion where he recorded her kicking the door and screaming profanity at him. He apprently hit him, pushed him by the neck and screamed at him to intimidate him. All along the younger SD keeps to herself and never defends the brother ot tells us anything if we ask her. Basically scared of the erratic sister. That day, in July my son and I moved to a rental place as temporary arrangement until SD moved out. Well, that didn't take place and now we are not sure what to do next. DH still visits us, younger SD visits us and I have still maintained 

SteppedOut's picture

Your not sure what to do? You need to keep your son away from crazy and abuse. 

Your #1 job as a mother is to keep your children safe. KEEP YOUR CHILD SAFE. Do not sacrifice him to the SD.

And shame on your husband for being ok with your son being abused. Your husband stuck up for your son's abuser. And you still want him around. Yikes. 

justmakingthebest's picture

Yeah... there really isn't anything to do with SD unless you can send her to some kind of treatment facility or boarding school. If she isn't out of the house, the only thing you can do is stay in the rental until she graduates and during that time figure out if this is really the marriage for you. 

Keep in mind I am not saying divorce. It sounds like you DH is kind of stuck- BM won't even take her own daughter. He has created a monster and now has to live with it.

SM12's picture

There is NO excuse for allowing your son to be tortured by anyone.   Stay where you are.  Let your DH deal with the crazy he created and raise your son in a safe environment.   Nothing else is excusable.   

Personally I would have put my fist down her throat for doing that to my son.  And probably ended up in jail.  But I know for a fact I would show her just how intimidation looks after I was done with her.

Rags's picture

Video and dial 911.  Video the maggots in her bags, the bloody pads in her room, the nasty disgusting funk she creates. Video her assualt(s) on your son then step in with whatever force is necessary to protect your child, hog tie her and call 911 to send the garbage man to take out the trash.  If she so much as looks at the 10yo wrong again, call 911 each and every time and have her frog marched out of the home in hand cuffs.

Then any time your hopefully STBXH is in the room, hit play so he can watch the proof of his failure as father, husband and man and her violent nasty disgusting crap.

And btw... FIND ANOTHER HUSBAND WITH SOME BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He is sacrificing his two younger children and his marriage to this POS toxic crotch puke and he needs to man up.

Even BM knows this kid is a POS and will not allow that crap in her home or for this toxic crotch puke to endanger  her young child(ren).

Do not let this POS kid run you out of your home and marriage. Time to put her ass on the curb... or better yet... behind bars for her violent crap.

IMHO of course.

ACT!!!! NOW!!!!!


Take care of yourself and your son.

tallmom67's picture

Wow, I thought my situation was unbearable!  You definately need to stay away.  I came from an abusive relationship prior to my current husband and I had a child with that monster.  Abuse is abuse and if is being ignored, it's being enabled.  Your husband has to get serious therapy for his daughter these issues will be carried to adulthood.  Both parents need to be involved with that.  You my dear get counseling as that will help you determine in your mind and heart of hearts what the next thing to do without a doubt.  I understand I am in a awful situation myself, but not nearly as bad as yours.  There is always other people with bigger problems.  You made the right choice to get out, I may have to do the same as soon as I can financial afford it.  Take Care!