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My Final Rant for a few days.....I Promise

SilentlyCoping's picture

Well, I have a few things to vent aout this morning. So, he got her the damn key. It was almost like she was taunting me with it. They had gotten home hours before I did yesterday and but she chose to come out with her key after I was home.  She said, "Oh Daddy, I meed to test my key".  My heart sunk because my DH hadn't even told me he really did get hurt for her. So I didn't say anything as he was going over there lock the door routine with her. So, when we went to bed, I asked him if he had the conversation with her to lay the grpund rules as to who was allowed in the house. He said he did so I just left it at that. 

So many of you may wonder why I am so concerned about this girl having his key. Not only is her mother a conniving bitch, the girl has no common sense. Example: I had given both my dogs a bath on Saturday morning. She knew that. Yesterday, she wanted to take the dogs out in the backyard, which was fine. They were out there playing and the bigger dog starred getting too rough with the little dog.  She just let it happen, didn't come in and get us, didn't try to stop him. So when I went out there the little dog had mud and dirt all over him. I had to give him another bath. My lovely DH just thought it was funny. Yah, because you are not the one bathing him. Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Ok, last thing for the day, I promise. So the middle child that went away out of town with the mom this weekend she was going attending some kind of comic book like convention thing. So months ago DH bought her this costume that she was going to wear to this convention, she begged and begged and begged for this damn thing. It was tailor made and it cost almost $200. So, the daughter called last night to tell him she's halfway home and he finds out that she didn't even wear the fucking costume. It is just stuff like this that irritates me about these kids. They take everything for granted and they don't take into consideration how hard DH works to give them shit like thst.  Entitled little brats!



fakemommy's picture

Get a keypad lock for the dead bolt. The kids can have their own code and you can de-code or lock the knob lock when they aren't supposed to be home. I'd never let my skid take a house key to BM's house. There is no stopping her from making a copy to use herself even if the kids don't let her in.

SilentlyCoping's picture

I am not sure if you are being sarcastic or supportive in your question.  HOWEVER, let me say.   It is not the fact that she was given a key.  It is that she has shown NO ABILITY to be responsible, she is the most immature 17 year-old I have ever met and to be quite frank, she is a twit!!!!!  That is why I think she does not need a key.  That and he mother is a manipulative bitch!  And, if I ever find out that she has been over the threshhold of my front door, there is going to be a big blow out in my house....that could spell the end!!!!

tankh21's picture

I wasn't being sarcastic. I am just dumbfounded that he be ok with some HCBM having access to his house.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Nanny cams.

The minute something goes missing, BM enters the house, or skids walk in to participate in "extracurricular activities", the key is gone and the house gets rekeyed at your DH's expense.

TrueNorth77's picture

I would be LIVID about that costume thing! That is crazy that he even spent that kind of money on it, and then to not even wear it?? UGH.

We took skids shopping last wknd and my SO bought basically new wardrobes for them- more so than any other time. Then when skids went to BM's house, I drove 30 minutes out of my way after work one day to a name-brand athletic store, and had my friend meet me there also, since she gets a discount and was willing to extend the discount to me. Spent another $200 on skids on shoes, and really nice athletic clothes. SO sent a picture of all the new clothes to SS12 and said "Another $200 of clothes". SS responds "Good". Because he is turning into an entitled little BRAT! SD will thank us I know, but really, Good?? He is going to learn he needs to say thank you, because I am starting to get realllllly irritated at his lack of appreciation for anything we do.

thinkthrice's picture

to have SEPARATE finances.

thinkthrice's picture

stuff starts affecting DH, it won't be a problem (TM).

You will now need to get creative on how to make karma visit DH a little faster.  Skid blows off fancy costume that DH bought? Shrug your shoulders and remain non chalant.  Skid allows dogs to get filthy?  Make sure Fido puts muddy pawprints all over DH's clothing/belongings then have a chuckle yourself..

Definitely security cams and keyless entry here on out

Cover1W's picture

I have no problem with SD12 having a key, she's super responsible. Has never lost her bus pass and never lost her key in 3 years.  I fought giving SD14 a key three years ago.  I predicted she would loose it, leave the door unlocked, invite people over, etc., etc.  All but the last one happened.  DH stopped replacing her bus pass this year (the time and effort in our city to get a minor bus pass is ridiculous) and after her last key went missing he refused to replace that too.  She can use the extra house key if needed.  The only way our front door was locked when SDs left the house was when SD12 left too - she always locked it.  I was going to convert door locks to key pad this year, but now that SD13 is no longer at our home, we don't need to worry about it.

I don't have the BM problem thank goodness - I'd put up cams in a split second if I suspected people I didn't know were coming in the house. I'd have to do it w/out DH's knowledge though as he wouldn't like the idea of being watched, even if we didn't agree with people coming in. 

decofru's picture

Why does the kid need the keys anyway? People spoil children nowadays. You only get keys to your own damn house!! That stops you from coming into my home when am not there, bringing whoever you like and doing whatever you like without my knowledge and permission, so hell no!! Unless she lives with you guys then she will need to have the keys to let herself in if she gets home before you do. If she doesnt stay with you then no keys, she doesnt need to come when you are not there. Whenever she wants to visit, she will call first to find out when you will be home. She doesnt to access your house while you are not there, she can even bring her mother to steal your diamonds and you won't know or she will bring her friends over and they throw a sex party!!! Point is if she doesnt live with you then she doesnt need the keys. Your DH was very wrong to make that decision alone without talking to you about it. Isnt it your home as well? Are you not supposed to have a say on who gets keys to your home? Change the locks without telling him and say oooh i thought we now do things without consulting the other...then for Skid to have the keys to the new lock you will have a say