SD had a “breakthrough” in therapy today apparently....she might return after all
Drama with BM this week (I emailed to suggest a meeting between the two of us with the therapist - BM declined - apparently even though she’s never met me, she’s concluded it would be “risky” to meet me - many insults followed).
Today we got an email from the therapist saying SD had a miraculous breakthrough. She mentioned two major issues she has:
1) She doesn’t want to hear her parents discussing anything about court or lawyers (this isn’t us - we have seen her for a total of 7 hours under “supervision” in the last 4 months, so obviously BM is filling her in).
2) The room situation. She wants her own room at our house so she can have privacy and a place to “cool off” (not sure what that means) which is fine. I explained to the therapist AGAIN that SD made the choice to sleep in the toy room. I spent a bunch of money on wall decals of her choosing, new bedding and stuffed animals to add some personalization to it and she never told us she wasn’t happy there anymore. We’ve always told her she can have the other bedroom if she wants it. It’s got a full bedroom set all ready to go. We already had her keeping some items in there that she didn’t want the other kids to have access to.
I asked the therapist to encourage SD to communicate with us directly about things like this in the future. Involving lawyers and court in such a simple matter wasn’t necessary.
Anyway, the therapist went on to say we’ve got a plan to move forward. SD has a “transition” stuffy to bring with her from home. She said now it’s up to BM and DH to arrange access and they need to pursue other arenas if necessary to work it out.
So BM’s whole thing about SD being “abused” and “frightened” wasn’t even mentioned. There was no mention of supervised visits either.
This is our guess: BM realized she looked bad for declining the meeting with me (the therapist had suggested it). So to save face she coached SD to talk about what’s bothering her because it’s time for her to go back to our house now. Then she’ll take credit for getting SD back to our home.
I also wonder if my communication with the therapist helped. I’m certain BM painted a horrible picture of me over the last few months, but it was pushed aside when the therapist actually talked to me and saw I’m not the monster she heard about. I was the only one of the parents trying to push forward and come up with a solution.
I don’t even know how to feel. Now we’re going to be expected to meet every demand of SD’s to make her “comfortable”, and if she doesn’t like something she’s now been taught she just has to tell BM or the therapist and they’ll make us fix it. I’m sure even moving her into the bedroom won’t be good enough anyway. Something else will just become the issue.
I’ll be glad for my DD to see her sister again, but she could also get hurt again if SD comes once and then not return.
- Binky103's blog
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Well, if BM's mission is to
Well, if BM's mission is to toy with your husband and make him miserable, this makes perfect sense, since the SD is the only weapon she has to use against him. If he writes off his relationship with SD, she's lost any control she might have over your household. Also, her August vacation is fast approaching.
That’s exactly it. How long
That’s exactly it. How long until she pulls this stunt again? The more I think about the possibility of SD returning, the less I like it. I got involved for my DD.....but now I’m thinking “be careful what you wish for”.
I’m not comfortable with SD coming back if BM doesn’t rescind her accusations against us. I’d also like to ask the therapist if she helps SD to realize that she can voice her concerns, but we are still the parents who make the decisions and she needs to listen to us. That’s how life works.
Demand in writing before August...
....and if you actually receive written declaration from lying heifer BM, advise you & DH will reinstate visitation not a minute sooner than September. No WAY should this psycho slanderous BMitch get "rewarded" with a vacation from the problems she whipped up. And SD needs to "get" that BM's style of lying will be punishing, not rewarding (even if just BM gets the rewards at this point).
Damn, I am angry at how the BMs get so much power to run OVER their ex's, leaving a path if destruction strewn with their own kids, skids SM's feelings, and DH's LIFE (lies in court resulting in lost custody/visitation, lies about domestic violence & assault that put the kids thru hell not to mention the accused father, and lies that cause their victems to lose their 2nd amendment rights... with ZERO consequences for those lies). It's disguesting and my DH has experienced some of this same b.s., especially hefore I came along (bringing six years of litigation support experience, and four years specifically working on child support case law summary publications for child support attorneys... so I was able to help DH prep for court for both custody and child support hearings, and WIN) and even though he's a tall, strong, all-American good MAN, and that demonic BM cheated on him, abused their child, lied, split & moved to another county so she could withhold SS frim DH.... total frickin nightmare yet she skated in court on most consequences (beyond finally losing custody & having to pay $600+ monthly CS... guess who is currently $7k+ in arrears!). And your BM; different style but same devastating use of LIES to eff-up those she should instead treat with the most respect & love. Infuriating!
Thanks for the support! It is
Thanks for the support! It is SO infuriating that they get away with this.
Grateful that if I had to go through this painful SM experience, at least I can come out of it strong enough to encourage others walking this "interesting" path. I have received so much encouragement & wisdom from this site and cannot (okay, CAN) imagine the wreck I would literally be right now if not for ya'll.
In the long-game, my prayer is that you, DH, and skid come through this with healing & sanity ultimately prevailing. I am sorry you're going through this, but glad we have StepTalk.
Why else wouldnt a mother
Why else wouldnt a mother want to live with her daughter and have her live with her dad and step mom!! BM just wants to use her child as a foot in your household. So now SD is the royal queen, whatever she wants she must get, whatever she is unhappy with must be changed otherwise they will be an earthquake! You have to work to please her!! A child must be taught that in life things wont always go her way and she cannot always get what she wants!!!!
I don't understand BM at all.
I don't understand BM at all. If I truly thought my child was being abused, I would be thrilled if the abuser had offered to just walk away and leave us alone. This woman is a lunatic.
Golden Uterus Syndrome
This is wonderful news!
This is wonderful news!
It's just a shame that you guys have plans already for BM's vacation time in August... But September is going to be great, getting back to spending time together unsupervised!
And I wouldn’t be surprised
And I wouldn’t be surprised if SD remembers that we DID have big plans to go on a trip and that’s also factored in to her sudden recovery. We cancelled the plans after this shit show happened but she doesn’t know it.
Unfortunately, my husband is very weak and if SD asks about the trip, I bet he’ll rebook and take more days off and expect me to do the same.
Nope. That’s not fair to us.
He11 No
You are exactly right to NOT reactivate the trip. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Not sure the counselor fully realizes the extent of the situ... in my mind a mandated reporter should report BM's lies, not try to smooth everything over by giving the troubled skid the power.
Be careful
She might be playing you again ? Nobody makes a miraculous breakthrough in one day. They are just playing games. Can’t see why therapist does not see this Maybe they do !! Go slowly, make sure SD does not take over control of your home and life. You canceled your vacation. Make sure it stayed canceled. You don’t want SD to have the time of her life and after it’s over, start the same old , same old.
Actually your point about the
Actually your point about the vacation is spot on. I remember the toxic SD here, she waited until after she had enjoyed her overseas vacation with us before she then, two weeks later told us she was going to live with BM because DH was emotionally abusive and she hated me. The main issue that had triggered this off had ocurred two weeks before the holiday so It figures she wanted to have her cake eat it and go.
This is what I’m thinking
This is what I’m thinking would happen in our case. I’m sure BM would even bring it to her lawyer again that we “abused” SD by cancelling the trip. She probably thinks we should bring out the welcoming committee and all the fanfare to celebrate the return of SD.
I remember several years ago we had a trip to Disneyland booked. We live in Canada so it was going to be quite far. DD was a toddler and came down with croup the day before, so we had to postpone the trip for a year later.
We heard from BM’s lawyer about it before that though. Apparently SD was “broken” because of the trip being cancelled. We had explained to her exactly why it was cancelled and that we would still do the trip next year. Yet we were still painted as the bad guys.
Sounds positive but is it?
At first I thought this looked like it was moving in a positive way. But on further reflection, I'm not so sure. I feel like a real Debbie Downer but I see others are feeling doubtful about this too. You wrote:
'Now we’re going to be expected to meet every demand of SD’s to make her “comfortable”, and if she doesn’t like something she’s now been taught she just has to tell BM or the therapist and they’ll make us fix it. I’m sure even moving her into the bedroom won’t be good enough anyway. Something else will just become the issue'
Exactly. Now she has the power. All hail princess SD and her feefees. it's just all too convenient that suddenly when the game was all but over she had a 'breakthrough'. How does your DH feel? I suppose he is feeling good about it and can't wait for her to be back? I would most definately want to see the accusations rescinded if I were him.
If you do decide to go ahead with it then maybe you should ask for time to consider how you will do this and to get the bedroom ready. Suggest a date AFTER BM's vacation? *biggrin* A fresh start from 1st september etc? This might be one where you have to say to your DH, enough! Me and my DD have been on a rollercoaster emotionally with this girl and we would like a say in this now. The whole world doesn't have to turn around ONE bratty child who is being puppeteered by a toxic BM. Perhaps you should let it slip that the vacation was cancelled. You might see a change in her attitude.
As a note here it makes me recall how SD stinky after deciding to go and live with BM thinking that her father would back down on his quest for her to keep clean (didn't work) then thought that during her eowe (she decided she would live at BM's and spend eowe at ours) she would be queen as she expected us to be cowed and guilt tripped. We weren't, the eowe only lasted for two visits as we still expected her to clean up and she was still politely asked to take a shower. Status quo, so she stomped off back to BM and started her 'I was emotionally and psychologically abused' campaign against us backed by BM and her flying monkeys. Sorry to digress but I feel the situation we experienced has some similarities to yours. It all has the stench of a BM backed child being hell bent on having total control in your home and you will have hell to pay if you don't comply.
Other posters have made some very good points and it's easy for others with distance to have suspicions over her motives but your DH wants this to be over but I wonder if he is at the moment seeing the situation through rose tinted glasses?
I think you're exactly right.
I think you're exactly right. My husband isn't sure what to think and he had his typical stance of "wait and see what happens from here" - as he's had pretty much the whole time which is why he's been kicked in the balls so often. But if BM just suddenly offers for SD to come for a regular EOWE visit next weekend, I know he'll immediately jump at it. I'm phoning some couples counsellors today because he won't sit down to discuss this with me. I'm certain having SD return will trump my concerns about it.
Who's to say BM won't...
Who's to say BM won't keep on being herself & escalate the crazy to new lows? She could "BM" out some even worse lies (sexual abuse, beatings, etc.) so is your DH even thinking of that? I am extremely concerned about your DH being blind to these very real (and even scarier), very probable Next Steps by BM. She's not gonna change her stripes - we know that much.
He's not thinking this
He's not thinking this through at all. That's why I need someone else to help me talk some sense into him, or at least get him to voice my legit concerns. looks so good looks so good when they do the thing you predicted they would do.
Here would be my guidelines for reunification, mostly to see how far BM will go for her August vacation:
1.) Find a familt therapist and demand SD attend family therapy with you all so that there is a third-party mediator to help DH and SD work through their "issues". This person should be separate from SD's therapist, and any good therapist will tell you that having a network is important. BM saying "no" to DH's request would be seen as obstructive.
2.) Demand zero overnights for the first month. With SD having been gone for so long, and her transitioning, it would be too much for her to start school AND stay overnight. DH will take one day (or two, no idea if BM lives close enough to get SD on Saturday and Sunday with an evening drop off) during his COed visitation time to bring SD over. This gives SD a way to "escape" back to BM where she is "more comfortable". After a month of this, it'll be another month of one-night visits. By October, regular visitation should resume PROVIDED both DH and SD are comfortable and their family therapist agrees.
3.) Tell BM that you and DH and SD and your daughter will all eventually have to go to therapy *together* to learn how to be a family. Until this happens, and it's cleared by the therapist, SD won't spend more than 2 consecutive nights at your house.
4.) No trips until cleared by all therapists. Right now, you must ALL work together to learn how to function as a family in your home. Plus, SD shouldn't be away from BM for that long anyway in case SD feels "insecure". Maybe you all will be at a point where you can take a short trip (less than a week) next summer.
5.) If any of these demands, which are reasonable for a traumatized and "broken" family to take to fix itself, are not met, your DH will discontinue all contact with SD and BM outside his COed financial contributions as he realizes he cannot provide the type of life his daughter demands to feel safe and secure.
I say all of this tongue in cheek, but it would be SO TEMPTING to do. If BM and SD want to play games, play them right back. BM only has one pawn in her game; you have four. No one would Tell you that this experience wasn't traumatizing for your whole family, so wanting to go slow and use external mediation would be reasonable to make YOU ALL feel comfortable, too.
BM would lose her SH!T over this stuff, but if she wants her free babysitter back, she needs to tow the line and pay the fine. She way overstepped, and now it's time she pay up. She either does what YOU want or your DH walks away. My guess is that BM doesn't want you to take your ball and go home, and she'll begrudgingly do as you demand, which may lead to her digging herself into a hole.
My overall suggestion: make life he'll for BM, or tell her to keep stepping with SD. Either DH is a threat or he isn't, and if BM won't help him facilitate a good relationship with SD, then her only option as a "good mother" (gag me) is to remove SD from the situation entirely.
If you rollover now and
If you rollover now and accept this on these terms, you will lose all power in your home. When I saw you post last night, I thought this is nothing but trouble in the making.
These two have not change one bit, their game has changed and my bet is that you will experience more bullshit, on a level never expected from these two. Do seriously think about putting major limits on reintroduction to the family. To let this incompetent therapist to set the rules in your house is ridiculous IMO.
Thanks lieutenent. Your
Thanks lieutenent. Your advice is fantastic. I almost want to copy and paste what you wrote and send it to the counsellor.
Nice it up and do it. Be
Nice it up and do it. Be sugary-sweet and make it all about DH being the best dad possible and making sure SD feels safe and secure. BM will LOSE HER MIND, which should only make her look crazy as a loon.
You all have nothing to lose that you weren't already planning on losing, so don't play nice. Go all in.
Unfortunately I'll have to
Unfortunately I'll have to get my husband to agree to send it and I can't see him doing it.
He really just seems to want to jump right back in and keep getting jerked around. He just wants everything to go back to "normal" and he can't see the things we all see. I'm going to talk to him about it though.
"Normal" = Not OK
Dude, DH not thinking this through. Normal is broken, needs fixing.
Oh exactly. "Normal" means SD
Oh exactly. "Normal" means SD runs the show and we walk on eggshells worrying what she's going to tell BM. I'm not interested in "normal".
While I like LD's ideas, I
While I like LD's ideas, I think "playing along" with SD as "victim" is too much of an admission of guilt. SD was sent to therapy to investigate PHYSICAL CHILD ABUSE. Did it happen or didn't it? That question should be specifically answered, in writing, before any other considerations. No child, stepchild, grandchild, niece, nephew, etc, would be allowed in my house without retracting a false statement of abuse. SD needs to be put firmly in her place.
When DH got custody of SD, she went to her counsellor to make the following very important demands:
1) Cable television in her room. You know, because welfare queen BM had cable in every room of her house.
2) A whole new wardrobe. Because she's a princess and she said so. She couldn't wear anything at all we provided, because reasons.
3) To be allowed to watch WHATEVER SHE WANTS on television, unlimited. After being told she couldn't watch certain trashy shows, she decided to go "over our heads" to get what she wanted. And to be allowed to decide the programming every time, when the whole family was watching tv.
Epic fail. We told her she should have come to us directly, and because she didn't, she wasn't getting any of these things. And because we had already told her "No" to watching trashy shows, she would not even be given a turn anymore to decide what the family watches.
Not only did she NOT get a whole new wardrobe, she was told she would get NO new outfits now.
This to an SD that threw screaming toddler fits anytime she didn't get her way. You should have seen her shocked face, she was like, "Wait...what???...."
If she wants to pull the abuse card, let her. She can go be with BM. Let her be left to BM's tender mercies. I hope BM gives her a great life, and BM enjoys being a single parent with no time off.
My mouth dropped open when I
My mouth dropped open when I read this. How the hell can a counselor suggest these things? Un-f*cking-believable. My husband is enough of a pussy that he would totally comply, even if it meant our kids got treated differently.
Thanks all. There’s some
Thanks all. There’s some great advice here. I had the same thoughts as all of you the more I thought about it overnight. This is going to be a disaster.
I’m certain my husband is going to just want to jump right back in because he wants to see SD. I’m going to have him read all of this because I don’t want to keep being jerked around by BM and SD. We definitely need to limit her visits initially, especially since this miraculously all came together right before summer visitation.
The recommendations for family therapy are a great idea as well. We can’t have this kid come back thinking she rules she roost, but as long as this shitty therapist is involved we can’t avoid that. We need another party to help her understand how our household needs to run.
Be careful with this
Be careful with this "transition" stuffy. There are stuffed animals available with tracking devices and the ability to record. I'd check it out when she brought it over.
Agree that you should not
Agree that you should not resume normal visitation with overnights for awhile or until BM retracts her accusations. SD must feel like crap for making a mountain out of a molehill and I'm sure she's scared to be in your home because of fear that you will set her straight.
I know your younger kids are affected but what about you?? I also second watching out for the stuffed animal with possible recording devices.
I'm not great, actually. I've
I'm not great, actually. I've been losing so much more hair in the shower than normal.These last four months have been so stressful and now the stress of knowing my husband and I are going to completely disagree on what to do going froward is wearing on me. I've been trying to work out more, remind myself that things could be worse, etc. At least I've got my two kids and we do have a very good life - we're all healthy and happy in general.
I understand that your
I understand that your husband is hurting, I really do, but far too often these fathers just ignore (ultimately approving of, if you ask me) BM's bad behavior just to "keep the peace" and it doesn't change anything and gives her more control. Does he not see these changes in you? It sounds just like my DH and, while our BM is definitely not the craziest, she gets away with murder and is very sly and SDstb12 is learning the same. She plays emotional games with everyone and cliques with the side that currently benefits her the most.
I never know when she's lying or being sincere and it's emotionally taxing to me. I actually have my first therapy appointment this afternoon for this reason. I plan on stepping way back when the baby comes next year and I don't care if DH thinks I don't like his precious snowflake. I don't dislike her but I'm not her parent and am going to do my best to worry about me and my baby's well-being above all.
So now you're done with this therapist? BM and DH are just supposed to fall back in line or go to court? I think that is the worst idea ever.
Edit to add: Even if BM wants credit for getting SD back into dad's home, doesn't that still look bad on her since SD was "abused" there?
The therapist is going to
The therapist is going to continue seeing SD. I don't know for how long. DH and BM still have to work out access between themselves or else go back to court if they can't agree.
Been there done that with the counselor
BM cried abuse. CPS told BM to keep SD away from DH during the 6 week "investigation". BM didn't want to do that. She called DH and asked if he would pick up SD. DH did not know at the time that CPS was even doing an investigation. Imagine the surprise when CPS interviewed DH and told him that she had asked BM to keep SD away. Of course, it was just a game to BM to put DH in his place. DH was jumping to her every demand. We were married for about 6 weeks when the so called "abuse" was documented. DH was to her every demand before we were married. BM didn't like the fact that we were married even though they had been divorced for years before DH and I met.
She sent SD in counseling. The counselor reached out to DH with a list of demands of what SD needed. The counselor was basically telling us that SD needed full control of our home. She needed her own room. Having her own room wasn't a possiblity at the time. We were planning to move after we were married but DH lost his job. I wasn't going to give her a room for a few days a month and my BSs give up their room. DH moved in with me so my kids already had their room. DH was in a panic because we couldn't meet the demands. I called a lawyer friend. He told me not to fall for the crazy stuff. If we gave in, BM would continue to do it again.
After a long talk with DH, he agreed. He would see SD outside of the home one day a week. He was getting SD every other weekend so he wasn't cutting any of his time short, she just wasn't staying overnight with us. BM didn't like that at all. She was planning to go on a cruise a few months after the abuse claims. DH was going to keep SD during the week of the cruise before the so called abuse. The lawyer told us NOT to keep SD during her cruise. She had to make other arrangements for SD. I was surprised but DH did stand his ground.
BM was constantly playing games. She would let DH have SD one weekend and the next weekend refuse to let SD come over. If DH told her he was working and couldn't keep SD, she would DEMAND that I do it for him . I refused so she started playing all the abuse games. DH had to jump every time or she would deny visits. Of course, it is all MY fault because DH doesn't jump anymore.
After a few months of DH seeing SD outside of the house, she was begging DH to watch SD. BM no longer plays her games
Your DH really needs to stop these games unless he plans to play them until SD is at least 18 years old.
Kids should not have that much power in the home to make their own rules and make demands on visitation.
I agree with this so much.
I agree with this so much. The games will never stop, will probably get worse, and BM and SD just learned that they can perpetuate lies and are believed 100% because they are female victims.
Holy shit, your situation
Holy shit, your situation sounds just like mine. Ours is totally going to continue like this as long as we let it. How can these therapists be so delusional about how a households runs? Unbelievable.
I'm definitely not interested in having SD decide if or when she comes. We can't make plans and have our kids looking forward to seeing her just to have her change her mind at the last minute.
how with lightning speed there's a "breakthrough" with August's holiday looming. NOPE. I agree with other posters:
1. Allegations must be formally rescinded in writing
2. August holiday does NOT include SD (tell DH that if he goes back on this he's teaching SD to abuse him and make a mini-BM)
3. Everything on a "wait and see" basis. Insist BM get psychological help wth a counselor of YOUR choosing