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Going on a guilt trip trying not to get hit by the

Kmommyof388's picture


I get a call early this morning (still grogy didnt look to see who it was just answered)

I say hello and no response i say hello again and i hear heavy breathing then skid sobbing  (kmommy! Please please come home i miss you i miss my brothers daddy is sorry we love you!  Then more sobbing )

I try to calm him down get hun to stop sobbing cuz in my experience with him if he cries that hard for that long he will throw up then cry about that as well..after what seems like an eternity *maybe a half hour* hes calm i tell him i cant come home yet cuz daddy and i have to have a long talk first. End phone call he hangs up and i guess im expected to believe that a six year old grabbed hia fathers phone went through the contacts found me and called?...

I guess thats the load im supposed to believe cuz h hasnt said a word about it 


hereiam's picture

Oh, really nice, using the kid to try to manipulate you. What a Class A jerk.

Yes, Daddy's sorry, now that he's all alone and doesn't have anybody to abuse or to babysit his kid.

Kmommyof388's picture

Exactly...thats low even for him to do

ESMOD's picture

It's typical of an abusive person.. make all nice.. lure you back in and then BAM.  It's psycho for him to use his kid.

lieutenant_dad's picture

I'm really hoping that your STBXH didn't tell the kid it was HIS fault and now SS is calling you to try and make Dadddeeeee happy.

Jesus, that is depressing.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

With a kid in that bad of hysterics, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he had.

Kmommyof388's picture

On his own but at the same time it makes me wonder what exactly he told him the reason for us leaving was. Dismey dad wouldn't blame him but im almost certain he would have said well bud she wont talk to me maybe if you talk to her she will come back

Kmommyof388's picture

Hes throwing it in my face that i care

justmakingthebest's picture

Stay strong. This is a common tactic used by absuers. Try really hard to not let it pull at your heart strings!

Kmommyof388's picture

I didnt expect much out of him when i left (considering how upset i left) but for me i feel like this was a new low...he knows i care about that kid  (admittedly not as much as i probably should but i still do) and this made me feel so bad..and angry that he felt it necessary to do. After finally answering the phone about an hour ago, i was told (i didnt put him up to it he really wanted to talk to you and saw your contact picture in my phone) hold on just a minute, you mean to tell me that the one electronic that is positively off limits to skid was in his possession long enough to go through it and hit the call button without you blowing your top?..other than oh i said it was ok was the only answer i got...i didnt feel it necessary to continue the conversation, so i just asked if he would like to see our children this weekend since he has to drop off the first born anyway...looks like theyre getting a visit from daddy. [It breaks my heart how much they have been looking around for him and asking for him lately] i know they probably miss him terribly,but i feel like i had to leave to protect i wrong?:(