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Stepparent to a toddler

Lizb304's picture

Hi, I have been a part of my stepsons life since he was an infant and he is now 20 months old. I love and care about him but am experiencing some issues lately and was wondering if anyone had experience in this arena. For the past few months my stepson is not as excited to see me when he first comes to the house, but is fine after a short period of time. In addition he is very well behaved when I am alone with him, but when my fiancé (his bio dad) is around, he throws tantrums and gives off a vibe of rejection towards me. Does he think I’m taking his dads attention away? Does he just know that my fiancé is more easily manipulated? Is this just plain normal? AND what do I do in any of these situations!?

Areyou's picture

It sounds like my SS. I picked him up from his one week overnight camp since his dad was at work and couldn’t pick him during the scheduled time. SS was super excited and talked nonstop about camp. As soon as DH got home SS started acting grumpy and tired and didn’t want to tell his dad about camp because he was too tired and crabby. I think it’s because that’s the only way they can get their dads attention.

still learning's picture

With my own bios at this age they preferred one parent over another. My daughter went through a stage aroud this age of just wanting daddy, I was chopped liver.  My two sons 18 mos and 3 years often fought for my attention.  I wouldn't read to much into it but let dad do all the heavy lifting during this time.  

elkclan's picture

this happened to me, too with my bio son. I really wouldn't worry too much about this. It's a phase.