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Kay Jewelers Open Heart Commercial *GAG*

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Has anyone seen this commercial?? I just saw it for the first time and think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

This guy is on a swing set with a little girl, asks her if she knows how happy he is to be marrying her mom, tells her how he knows it hasn't always been easy for her, but that he's happy she's in his life, too.

Then, he hands her a Kay Jewelers box with an open heart necklace in it and "It's just like your's mom!"


Maybe it's just me, but, I've always found the "make the wedding about the skids, too!" notion to be annoying. The whole contrived notion of "Oh, you'll assuage the little boogers fears that they're losing their parent to you by including them in your vows" just never sat right with me. Perhaps it comes from my position as someone who has never been married, and, knowing that if I ever did get married, I'd want it treated as a special day focusing on the marriage between husband and wife, not husband, wife, and skids. Because I'll say this much. If I ever marry SO, I am sure as hell not going to consider myself to be marrying SD, too.

And, I'm sure this next part is a direct result of my life in Skidville, but, I can't help but think of the poor BD and SM that might exist in this mythical scenario that Kay Jewelers has created. Fictitious-FSF's gift is going to get rubbed/thrown in someone's face...


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I had no idea that this commercial existed until I was watching television tonight. I was just sitting there, happily working on my thesis when *blammo* that crap came on my TV.

Frustr8d1's picture

Disgusting doesn't even begin to describe this situation! Even the Bible says marriage is between Man & Wife. NOT Man, wife, kids, and/or skids.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Seriously. And, if the skids are anything like my SD, life has already been made to be all about them enough. They sure as hell don't need anymore fodder for their "I'm the best and most important person, ever. Period." complexes.

the wicked witch's picture

I have tried to be "that person" for teh last 10 years with my 4 skids and I my heart has been torn to shreds and ripped out..yet, I always tend to want to keep trying becasue their mom is not their for him at all..

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Since I only have the experiences with skid life that I have, I can't speak to what my opinions about something like that would be if my SD weren't the way she has been these past three years. As honestly, my opinions are definitely shaped by my experiences. So, I can't say if I'd be more into the notion if I were lucky enough to have a normal skid that could handle the remarriage. I have a skid who can't even handle it when SO holds my hand, cuddles with me, or spends five bucks on me. I can only say that from where I stand now, I'd include a normal skid in the ceremony and festivities, but, not in the buy a special gift/piece of jewelry, "I, atmc, take thee skid as a new member of my family and promise to love you with all of my heart" kind of way. But trust me when I say that, if I had a normal skid, they'd know damn sure that I would love them with all of my heart anyway. Even my obnoxious SD knows that I love and care about her.

This isn't to knock your SF in any way as, clearly, the relationship you had with him was special, so, that's fairly awesome. And, I am sincerely glad that you had a great relationship with your SF.

MJL2010's picture

My Poppy gave my mom and aunt rings when he married my Nonnie. They were eight and nine. Their dad was in the picture but had "moved on" to his new life, so he wasn't concerned, nor did he try to make their lives miserable. My mom and aunt love my Poppy as their father, as does the whole family- it's a non-issue. He is the only grandfather I've ever known (wouldn't recognize my biological grandfather if I tripped over him). Of course that was in 1958 but I guess psycho people have been around since the dawn of time!

That said, all I can think when I hear about this commercial is "Poor suckers- gotta be someone in their familial mix who will try to f*&% this up, necklace or no necklace!" I am so jaded by being a SM.

I told DH that they should have a commercial where the guy gives the woman a ring, asks her to marry him, and as they're glowing, one of them says "Maybe they'll be happy for us.". We actually said those words, and thought it likely that our exes would be happy that their former partners had found love. How funny is that? We were SO naive!!! We laugh til our sides hurt about that now....gotta laugh or else all is lost.

Have a great weekend everyone! Mine will be spent with skids, DS, and DH...hopefully I will duck out at some point for a little quiet time!

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

>>>" I am so jaded by being a SM."

Exactly! If I had a skid who wasn't hateful, whose parents didn't spoil her rotten before and after the split, and whose parents actually took time out of their lives to sit down and have developmentally appropriate conversations with her about what's going on, I don't think I'd be so jaded about the whole thing haha.

forsakingallothers's picture

We did the whole "family" wedding and I am glad we did. The girls are too. They were young and I think when they are being told that Daddy has moved on and doesn't care about them anymore,(way PAS'D) that can be helpful in making them feel like a part of the relationship. Mind you, they also know that our marriage comes first - hence my name on this site. We will probably be the only example of a healthy relationship these girls will ever see! Had the girls been horrible, this would not have happened. In fact, we just celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary and it fell on our Wednesday. We all went to dinner and celebrated together. The girls were proud. Now, can they mention any of this to their mother? Nope. But who cares? We cannot blend the families so the girls have two. Now the commercial is trying to sell a new type of fantasy that just isn't the norm...but how is that different than a normal jewelry commercial with how high the divorce rates are? That's why I love breaking the rules... we can do what is right for our situation and don't fall victim to clever marketing. (And I am in marketing!)

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Easier said than done when you have a PASd out SD who thinks the world revolves around her, lol. As you said, if your SDs had been horrible, it wouldn't have happened that way.

And I find all jewelry commercials sickening. But this one especially made my stomach turn.

RedWingsFan's picture

^^^Yup - Stepdevil14 has always been gag-worthy but once her mother sunk her claws in deeper, she's now pretty much an abomination to be avoided at all costs. I seriously cannot stand the sight of her any longer after all she's done to me and my DH.

Jewelry commercials can be over-the-top gushy and mushy, but add a skid to them and they're downright disgusting.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

My sentiments exactly. If I marry SO, I want the day to be about THAT. Not SD. Every day already is about SD. While I won't be nasty and tell SO SD can't be part of HIS wedding party, I'm sure not going to deal with the nonsense of having her in my side.

And while I get that weddings are about the merging of two families, nobody I know has ever stood up there and made special vows to each others parents, or, included the parents in the wedding cake topper. There are other ways to include the rest of the family NOT getting married throughout the rest of the day. But the service? I think that should be all about man and wife (or man and man or wife and wife as the case may be).

Unfreakingreal's picture

I've seen that commercial I laugh everytime I see it. My DH tries to do things like buying me & SD matching jackets. I just say "No thanks." When we got married, we had my 3 boys in the wedding party and my SS. SD was supposed to be my flower girl but BM bought a ticket to the caribbean precisely the day before our wedding. Coincidence? Nah....
I don't regret having all the boys in our wedding, it really made the day special. Now SD looks at the wedding albums and she gets upset that she's not in it. I just say "Oh well, you were more than happy to be sitting on a beach drinking fruity drinks with umbrellas remember?"
She said those exact words to me! When I said "you're gonna miss our wedding!" She said "Yes, but I'll be on the beach, drinking fruity drinks with umbrellas." :jawdrop:

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

If SO wants SD in the wedding, were this hypothetical wedding to take place, I'd be OK with her being in his party. But not mine. She's been pretty rotten to me and has shown as much over time. But beyond that? No thanks lol.

And lord help SO if he ever tried to buy matching anything for me and SD. It's weird enough when I buy something independently of SO and SD and then later find out that SD has the exact same thing. Hoodies, sneakers, beauty products, what have you.

RedWingsFan's picture
