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just complaining a bit today

sterlingsilver's picture

Someone mentioned kids not knocking earlier today and it got me to worrying about our upcoming move. Dh and I are buying a new place and it's a modular on an acrage and I was noticing yesterday while looking at the place that the bedroom situation is going to be different. All the bedroom are at one end (the house we're in now has the masterbedroom on the opposite end from the kids' rooms) and since the bigger of the two kids rooms is further from us where my two boys will share ss15 has to take the bedroom next to ours, which means there will only be a very thin wall btw us now. This means we're going to once again have to practice quiet sex and this is very hard for my dh. UHG. Also ss15 has a very gross smelling body ordor that makes his room stick something awful so now I am going to have to walk past THAT every day again like in our last place. I think it should be standard to build houses with the kids bedrooms on the other end. lol


Cheyenne Arizona's picture

Does ss have laundry hamper in his room? I put one of the refrigerator packs (with the open sides) of baking soda and put it in the bottom of the hamper. It helps, a lot. That and one of the automatic spray fresheners. Teenage boys...... :sick: o

SMwithavengeance's picture

I wouldn't worry. Parents have been dealing with the freaky time situation for years and seem to get on with it just fine.

As for the stench, walk in and open his window (close door and it'll hopefully waft it out) and generally spray around.

Hopefully he can learn to put his dirty laundry in the right place and change his sheets.
I might suggest a 'no food in the bedroom' policy? I find food doesn't help with the smell.

sterlingsilver's picture

We have the no food in rooms policy and my 2 boys eat down here mostly and if they do snack in their rooms they always bring down their things and rince them in the sink. Ss15 leaves his dishes, food scraps, all his garbage in his room and laundry all over the floor. This past weekend I asked DH several times to have ss clean and bring dishes down and it didn't happen. This evening for supper I only had enough bowls for stew for everyone BUT ss. He slammed up to his room and slammed his door when I asked him to bring his bowls down first. Oh well no supper.

This evening on my way home I was dreading coming home to a stinky dog on my couch (on a blanket but still stinks) and ss15 sprawled all over my other couch. I had to make supper and was tired and just wanted some space. DH's dog and spawn always seem the neediest around here for all my energy. :?