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yours versus mine

sterlingsilver's picture

I don't know, maybe I am just a whiner, but this always BUGS the crap outta me. Every time something happens with one of the kids my DH is always quick to point out it was one of my kids that did it, or if it was obvious it was his kid he's always defensive. Not in a big bad way but rather in the small nit picky things, ie. I heard doors slamming at 3 am and I got up and both of my boys were sound asleep but ss15 was still up. I told him to go to bed and quit slamming doors b/c dh and I have to work early in the morning. This morning DH mentions he heard doors during the night, I explained things to him and he said he heard my son on the phone so it must have been my son, not his. All the bowls were missing the other day when we wanted to scoop icecream, he mentioned he'd noticed my son eating cereal, but then when I go upstairs to "toss ss15's bedroom" I find several bowls tucked under his desk, but dh says he found at least one in bs's room. He is always defensive over the little things. I understand ss15 is his youngest and he has a special place in his heart for him, but please admit when your kid does something that's not allowed and don't always point out my boys' faults to cover up your own kids' faults. UHG I hate te constant nit picking and defensiveness.


Not_what_I_wanted's picture

Same thing happens with us. I have a complaint about SD, and then DH has to throw something in about my son also. I can't just make a point, he has to match me every.time. Very frustrating.

imjustthemaid's picture

I have the same problem. Sometimes I feel like there are battle lines drawn-DH and SD15 on one side and me and DD10 on the other. It gets ugly sometimes. I hate it. If I say something about SD, then he has to say something about DD and make it all about her. I don't think DD is perfect in any way but SD does alot more crap and does not get in trouble for it. He gets so defensive that I just keep my mouth shut. It is so not worth the fight. When he starts to complain about DD I just yes him to death or tell him to go deal with her but he won't. Eventually he goes away!!!

sterlingsilver's picture

I just told dh today well why don't you take over since it seems that everything ds17 does bugs you. He said, well lets start with you taking away his computer. He always throws the ball back into my court and it irks me. I am a softy but so is dh when it comes to his kids.