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Holy shit.

lawyergirl06's picture

Today was the day Warthog was to get her stuff out of the house. She had called her dad three days ago and asked to borrow his moving van (they own a motel in a small town so they bought one years ago for moving things in and out I guess) and he told her no. So she hung up on him, threw a fit, typical stuff. Apparently today dear old dad had a change of heart and agreed to help her move. If you read the comment from my prior blog, he also, being the charmer that he is, loaned her his phone as she is blocked from SO's phone, and she called spouting off profanity to the SO.

So, BIL, who works with me, took the afternoon off to go help his dad (he made sure I knew he wasn't helping her) and 20 minutes ago called and said BM drank an entire bottle of 15 year old........wait for it, wait for it, wait for it......NIGHT TRAIN! The premier bottle of bums everywhere.

SO has a collection of "bum wines" he got years ago because it was funny. There's Night Train, Cisco, and a bunch of other crap. When we moved him out I told him that it wasn't coming with us. We left it there. I figured she would never show up to move the stuff so I didn't really care. She drank one bottle and slipped two others into her purse. 17.5% Alcohol, a whole bottle, and she didn't quite get enough I suppose. There's a ton of other alcohol there so I am sure by tonight she will make it back out there to finish raiding the house.

Seriously, who the fuck does that? I guess we can assume she will be "sick" for her visit tomorrow. But hey, the bright light, according to her folks, she is doing so much better since getting kicked out of treatment. Oh, and her new gay bff, he just got picked up for being a mental case himself so they can go through the commitment process together. Yay!!!!


lawyergirl06's picture

I keep thinking, maybe this is it. Maybe this is the time she will die. But she's a fucking cockroach. A nuclear war couldn't kill her.

RedWingsFan's picture

I just feel for you. That's such a fucked up situation and I honestly don't know how you cope with it. I'd turn into a drunk myself if I had to deal with that!

lawyergirl06's picture

Sometimes I wonder if people think I am just making shit up. Honestly, if you had asked me six months ago what a friend of yours in a similar situation would do, I would say, holy shit are you kidding me? Run like hell.

I don't have to cope with her at all personally. SO is a great buffer zone and I have a feeling that if she really knew who I was she wouldn't come anywhere near me, but I could be wrong about that too. I would honestly let her beat the crap out of me, press charges and then raise holy hell if they tried to give her a plea bargain.

But damn it's a lot to deal with. I wouldn't care so much if she just crawled off into a hole somewhere and drank herself silly. I would probably even feel really badly for her and advocate for her as a person. Alcoholism is an ugly disease and I spent years working with kids in the system who had horrible homes so it's kind of easy to love the skids. I too came from a broken home and had some issues there with addiction when I was young (my mom is a rockstar now) so maybe I recognize a little brokenness in them that I can still see in myself.

But what she does, what is so fucked up, is that she doesn't have the common sense to be embarassed about her actions. She was a therapist for a long time and apparently believes that because she has a master's degree she can't be an addict. Or that she is smarter than everyone. Or better than everyone. It's unbelievable. SO said last night, that I only know a small part of it, I don't even know what it was like when she was living in the home. I know what the skids tell me from time to time (mom hit me when I would flinch) those kinds of things. But I couldn't believe half of what he told me when he first met. Now, I can't believe there is actually more than what I already know.

I guess my only option is to continue to love the hell out of the kids, guard against allowing them to backslide into entitlement or bad behaviors (because they have been abused) and try not to let it consume too much of my day. The worst is that I initially laugh when I hear it then feel bad later for the Schaudenfraude. But you know what. Fuck it, I am the one who cares for them, provides for them, and is a mother to them. I think that earns me some karma points when I laugh at her expense right? Please tell me it does......

RedWingsFan's picture

I think it does! You're stepping up when she's failing and the skids may never appreciate what you do for them, but you can hold your head high knowing you're the better person for it all.

I sure wish things would get better for you. It saddens me and at the same time, makes me so super grateful that the issues I have with SD14 and BM are NOTHING compared to what others (like you) have to deal with. I really have no right to bitch about every other weekend when people have it as bad as you do.

Hang in there and know that hopefully, one day, things will improve and your skids lives are better with you around!

lawyergirl06's picture

Lol. I am a public defender so I have down time from time to time. Plus I type really fast. Put myself through school as a secretary so it only takes a couple minutes

lawyergirl06's picture

Ahhh thanks dog person! Truth be told, if I have another client ask to talk yo their public pretender or ask me to refer them to a real lawyer I may need representation myself. I just breathe and say...well at least I have great stories for cocktail parties!