Hypochondriac Harry strikes again.
So, maybe I've never mentioned it before, but SS13 is a total hypochondriac. Something always has to be wrong with him, it's super annoying, but I figured out that it could possibly be fun sometimes. This weekend's illnesses include possible scoliosis and possible lactose intolerance. He WAS lactose intolerant as a baby, very severely so, but then he outgrew it. As far as the scoliosis goes, I have no idea where that came from. I don't know if they still do scoliosis checks at school anymore like they did when I was a kid, but I guess it's possible, which is the only thing I can think of that might have led to this. Friday morning was when he informed us that "We think I might be lactose intolerant." DH said, "Who is 'we?'" SS13 said, "Me, mom, and grandma." SS11 made sure to chime in with, "Mom doesn't think you're lactose intolerant." The reason SS13 said it was because he had a bunch of milk in his cereal bowl that he didn't want to drink. So I said, "Well, if you are, I guess that means no more yogurt, cheese, ice cream or frozen yogurt, I wouldn't want you to be sick from it." His response was, "Ice cream hurts my teeth anyway." I said fine, he wouldn't miss it, then. Last night for dinner...grilled cheese and tomato soup. I WISH I would've remembered that he's supposedly lactose intolerant at the time (damn missed opportunities!) because I would've made sure he didn't get a grilled cheese so he wouldn't get sick. However, the amount of dairy consumed in this house (I'm ashamed to admit...but I love it too) is staggering, so I guess opportunity will present itself again soon. Would it be mean if I went to the grocery store and bought those little individual ice creams they sell in single serving cups for everyone but SS13? I'd really like to see what happens. Though he's a total cheese addict, so if I went to get some chips and queso, it might be more effective. I'm pretty sure DH would back me up on this one since he's so tired of his kid acting like my crazy grandmother.
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I've got a sd-17 who every
I wish it were only when he
I wish it were only when he was in trouble...he does it for attention, so it's constant. CONSTANT.
I am lucky I do not live with
I am lucky I do not live with my DH's daughter-it is also constant with her, too. 23 years old and I see no end in sight. It is amazing to me, she can make a "full recovery" when she has plans to do something.
oh yours does that, too?
oh yours does that, too? yeah, it's weird that sd20 was only sick during the school week. never on the weekends, never on spring or Christmas break, never during the summer. only during school. (eye roll). she also got miraculously better at 2:30 every day when she knew her bf would be getting out of school.
My DH's daughter (23) is
My DH's daughter (23) is always sick or hurt. This week she claimed she cut off her thumb-all she had was a small cut on the tip of her finger. Last week it was her back. Then before that, her toe. CONSTANT complaints. The problem is, she refuses to work full-time, so she has no health insurance. That does not bother her-she just goes to the hospital and gets "Charity Care." She knows they have to treat her, so the bills keep climbing and she is not paying. Makes me sick.
sd20 is hypochondriac, too.
sd20 is hypochondriac, too. always has some injury or ailment. she can turn a cough into bronchitis in 2 seconds flat. a mosquito bite is a potential amputation of a limb. it's so beyond ridiculous. i remember one time she decided to get a head start on her illnesses for the school week. (she skipped a minimum of one day a week EVERY WEEK and fdh allowed it). she got home from spending the whole weekend with her bf, wrapped herself up in a thick robe and sat on the couch with my son's thermometer in her mouth looking at bd, me, and fdh all pathetically, not saying a word. we all ignored her. when she got up and went to bed, fdh lysoled the spot she was sitting in.
she whined to him the next day that she had been sick the night before and none of us asked her how she was. (cue violins and a huge eye roll).
another time, she was walking around just fine, but she had a "dislocated hip". oh, and the "infected tastebud". can't forget that! i think i ruined her night when i laughed and asked her if she wanted me to take her to the ER for her "infected tastebud". anything for attention. i can just imagine what she will be like in a couple of months when she has this kid. i'm sure whether she has a c section or natural birth, it will take at least a year for her to recover. and her kid will be in the ER non stop, mark my words.
She'd better watch it taking
She'd better watch it taking the kid to the ER all the time...it'll backfire and they'll call Child Protective Services after a while.
Oh, yeah, it's funny how he's
Oh, yeah, it's funny how he's lactose intolerant, but when DH mentioned a possible trip to Pinkberry today, he was suddenly all for it. DH said, "But wait, I thought you were lactose intolerant...I don't want you to get sick." SS13 said, "Dairy just makes me gassy." Uh huh. And that grilled cheese didn't make him sick, either. I swear, if he really did have all the crap he's been purporting to have over the last few years, he'd probably have a back brace, special shoes for his club foot, an inhaler, super thick glasses, hearing aids, his jaw would be wired shut, and all of his joints would have been replaced multiple times. He's only 13, and I know it's never going to get any better. BM is the same way and never shows signs of changing. She had her thyroid removed, even though simple medication would've fixed the problem just fine supposedly, but she wanted the attention of having the surgey and recovery, so that's what she did. Turns out the grandma who thinks he's lactose intolerant isn't BM's mom like I thought it was...it's DH's mom. I should've known because DH's parents LOVE to play into every injury or illness as though it were life-threatening with these kids. So annoying.
DH is allergic to chicken and
DH is allergic to chicken and turkey. SD15 loves chicken. Every once in a while she pretends to be allergic to it. She asked what happens to daddy when he eats chicken. I lied and said he throws up (his tongue gets tingly and he gets chest pains) so she eats my chicken cutlets then pretends to throw up in the bathroom.
She was magically better the next day when she wanted chicken nuggets from McDonalds!