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what is dh thinking

purpledaisies's picture

As. some know my ss's have choosen to not come here anyore claiming that dh works so whar isthe point. Dh says fine then i wont come get you or beg til you call and apologize for the disney thing and ask to come see me that way he will know they really want to see him. However yuck thinks they shouldnt have a choice and come here when dh is supposed to have them.

Yuck called dh yesterday and asked dh if he was going to get them this weekend as labor day is his time. Dh told her only if the boys call him and apologize and say they really want to see him. Yuck then told him again she didnt think they should get that choice and that he shouldnt have let them come home early from summer visit either. Dh is sticking tohis guns on this though.

I have told him the samething yuck did too that the boys shouldnt get a choice but dh seems to think it will teach them something.


Willow2010's picture

Dh told her only if the boys call him and apologize and say they really want to see him.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ old is your DH?

I just really think he does not want to see his kids.

purpledaisies's picture

He is just to the point that his boys are very ungrateful and wants them to not have the entitled attitude. Assure you he loves his kids and wants to see them. He just wants to them to be grateful for all that he has given them and to not think of him as a wallet.

He may not be going about it the best way but at least he is trying.

Willow2010's picture

You have a least he is trying.
But he really needs to do it another way. In my opinion. may surprise us all and straighten out the little turds. You never know. lol

purpledaisies's picture

I dont know if it will but me nd yuck both have tried to talk to him about to no avail. However i just wonder if there is another way to help him see thismay not be the best way.