Crap its raining...
...this means that H will be bringing SS home from swimming a whole lot sooner than he would have planned.
Good thing dinner is done.
Tuna Noodle Casserole with extra onion and peas -- just the way SS likes it. }:) }:) }:)
Oh wait, he doesn't like Tuna Noodle, or onions, or peas.
My bad.
Sorry about blog hogging, but this kid drives me NUTS! You ladies are my sanity!!!
The other good news is that SS is TERRIFIED of tornados. With the thunder and lightening combined with his phobia... I just might have some fun tonight after all. }:) }:) }:)
Oh yeah... I've had ENOUGH of this kid and the way my H acts when this kid is around.
- LRP75's blog
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You're in MI right? I am too
You're in MI right? I am too and I'm waiting desperately for the rain to hit here lol we NEED it
Yes I am! In the Metro
Yes I am! In the Metro Detroit suburbs. It's DUMPING here!!!! We need it too! Our grass, I mean, straw is so dry that it looks like it's going to burst into flames just being there.
lucky! I'm on the other side
lucky! I'm on the other side about half hour closer to the lake then Grand Rapids lol, it's just dark and muggy, raining all around us but not a drop to be seen in our bubble. lame.
i'm in southern MI, close to
i'm in southern MI, close to the indiana and ohio borders. we should get together sometime and have a real life vent fest and drinks!

You are hilarious!!! Please
You are hilarious!!! Please let us know what your SS had to say about dinner...
Oh I will, you know I will.
Oh I will, you know I will.
I feel so conflicted. On one
I feel so conflicted. On one hand it sucks that enough things happen to where you are continually blogging about it. On the other hand, I can't wait to read the updates and I look forward to them.
It's sick. I'm sorry.
I know, my life is so lame.
I know, my life is so lame.
Your life may feel lame, but
Your life may feel lame, but it makes for totally addictive reading! I would miss your posts soooo much if your DH & SS ever got their shit together!
HAHAHHAAA!!! I know what you
I know what you mean. I never get to complain about SD anymore. She totally pulled together and acts normal now. Sometimes I even enjoy being around her. I never saw that one coming... :O
He's eating peanut butter and
He's eating peanut butter and jelly. He just looked at the Tuna Noodle and snarled. I think H may have already told him that I had made it.
Shit. I didn't get to see the melt down.
I agree with you, but I am
I agree with you, but I am also not my H who will cater to this child and give him everything/anything he wants. I swear H thinks this kid shits gold.
Earlier H blamed ME for leaving my coffee on the table. Because if I hadn't left my coffee there, than SS wouldn't have been able to spill it when he was being careless and obnoxious in the living room. So yeah right I could expect H to make this kid go to bed hungry just because SS doesn't want to eat what I made for dinner.