I really don't like my SD12 - What to do?
Hi everyone. Thank you to those of you who gave me some tips for maneuvering through StepTalk as I am new here. Still not sure how to post correctly so forgive me I've done it wrong. I am so happy to have found this site. So,I'm your everyday, nice, normal 41 y/o who married the wrong guy, wish I could change it but here we are, divorced him eventually but have 2 pretty great kids, and have since found a super guy who is a wonderful man/dad. I really couldn't have asked for better, he is a true gem. We dated for about 5 years, moved in after 2, and just celebrated 1 year of marriage. I feel horrible, it sounds like I have it great and I realize things could be much worse. I am happy with him, but, BUT...his daughter drives me absolutely NUTS!!! She is 12. Yes, I've known her awhile, but lately I find myself growing even more and more intolerant of her annoying, attention-getting behaviors, and it's coming to a head I think. I'm worried, because I am finding it harder and harder to hide my annoyance with it all and I can feel the tension building ever so slightly between my DH and myself because of it. I am literally annoyed almost every second of the day. My SD does things that, I feel if I were to complain to my DH about, he'd think I was just picking on her...only because there have been and are sooo many things to complain about. And I know they're not things that are necessarily dangerous or really bad, just things that drive me absolutely crazy! I've read other people's entries on here about similar complaints such as hanging around the adults, always interrupting the flow of conversation to try to be in it.. like it's cute....go and sit with the kids for God's sake! My own kids do...they don't come hanging around us constantly...but she does like she's special or something and it's not fair to mine who listen. I know, some would say well she just wants to be included or needs attention, but I cannot explain how annoying she is or how inappropriate these things are, when they happen. Another thing,if she sees her dad sit down, (and believe me when I say she watches him and everything like a hawk) she'll scope out the room with those beady little eyes to see where I am, and race over to sit practically right on top of him. Every time. Ugh! Or the kicker, she will ask him an endless list of questions about things you just know she has no interest in, but he does, so she wants his attention and will therefore drown him in stupid, pointless questions. And he thinks she's just so smart and great for being inquisitive. He doesn't seem to see that it's just for attention, probably because it would mean admitting that whatever the topic (his video game or the weather pattern), it's not really all that interesting after all. I don't mean that in a mean way really, but seriously is a 12 y/o girly girl really needing to ask questions about the intricacies of some weapon in an adult's combat video game he plays once a week?) She comes to our room every night asking him to cut a toenail or fingernail....every night its something. I know even this may sound crazy, but I find that if I let my guard down to smile, be nice, get into that type of mindset and engage her in conversation to give her some attention, she still wants more, so she still continues with those other stupid tactics but even more so, pummeling me with "what's for supper as soon as I enter the kitchen,(mind you it can't have onions, tomatoes, green peppers, and a myriad list of other things in it) picking at the food I'm preparing, can I have a noodle, carrot, piece of cheese" UGH! so then I just shut down, try not to make any eye contact that might encourage further conversation and avoid her. She is beginning to notice it too, and I feel awful sometimes for it (deep down I do realize it's not very nice or motherly) but what can I do, I can't take it! And how does someone correct behavior which like I said earlier, isn't necesarily bad or wrong, just ANNOYING and done with the intent to annoy, I'm sure. DH and I used to smoke, quite some time ago, and we would go outside, away from the kids and out of the house..every time she would open the door, every single time, to ask "can I have a snack, or what should we do with the leftovers", when the kids were helping to clean up. Like really, there are 4 noodles left in the damn pot, throw them out, Cheez whiz!!!...Sorry...rant. I get on a roll when I even think about all the things but this week, that 12 y/o has me so wound up with her behavior I'm at my wits end. Please understand that there are 2 other kids in the house and if they all acted like that, it'd be mayhem. My 2 just seem to know and have enough sense to make a decision or wait until we came back in. she's just so darn bothersome, all the time. Butlike I said, It's not evil behavior, just attention-getting stuff but driving me batty nonetheless, and I desperately need to figure out how to deal here before I blow. It's getting to the point where I'm finding it more and more difficult to hide my dislike for her. My DH knows I have some issues with her, but I think he isn't sure what to make of it right now and I have managed to not blow as of yet. I really need some help. Sad
Bwahahaha...just like that
Bwahahaha...just like that episode of South Park where the Dog Whisperer came to deal with Cartman! Roflmao
The next few years are gonna
The next few years are gonna be rough. It's a tough time. Tweenagers are hard to like, especially in a step-family. It makes it harder because she can see you like your kids better and don't want her around. It's just reality. You can't change it. Your feelings are your feelings. It's a power struggle. You want your husband to empathize and agree with you and he doesn't. That feels even worse. Even talking to your friends probably makes you sound witchy. I feel your pain. Being honest to yourself about your feelings, and allowing SD to be honest with hers is probably best.
Thanks Lisbeth. I don't talk
Thanks Lisbeth. I don't talk to my friends. We moved and I found it hard to stay in touch with the friends I had made. It's not easy making friends once you're older, and I went back to work, so didn't spend much time meeting the children's friend's parents around the school. So it's all building up. But see my comment below...there's good reason why she gets to me..it's not just that I like mine better. And she is very conniving...or tries to be. I see her wheels turning with every single thing she's looking at. We do have her set up to see a counselor next month. Funny thing is, dad thinks it'll be good because he thinks she has self-esteem issues. I'm going to tell them I think she is having difficulty realizing she is now one of three children, not the only little princess and that we don't have enough time and energy for everything, all the time. I'm just hoping I don't walk into some office where I get made out to be the one they think is causing all the trouble. I'm really not, it's just that the stuff I've complained to my husband about so far, he thinks it's not really important stuff. He's right too, it's not. It's just that when you add up all the things, it's enough to drive me off the deep end. And as I said below, not fair to the other children who know enough to not drive me insane.
Heres the deal-your kids
Heres the deal-your kids don't act that way because you correct them. If at some point they are doing something annoying my guess is you just tell them to cut it out because its' annoying. At least that's what I do with my bios-if they have habits that are annoying to me I don't hesitate to tell them. I want them to be successful in life and figure if I, their own mother, am annoyed by them probably others are as well.
You've been around long enough, IMO, to be real with sd. If she comes into the kitchen and asks you endless questions-don't ignore her-tell her to cut it out. Let her know it distracts you, annoys you, bothers you whatever. You don't have to scream at her or be nasty to get your point across, just be matter of fact about it.
Starting pointing things out to your dh-but come from a position in which he will not become defensive. If she is hanging out with adults instead of her peers, maybe suggest that you are worried that maybe she feels awkward socially since she is always with adults and maybe somebody should talk to her and see if she needs some help with that.
See, this is great!!! And
See, this is great!!! And thanks hismineandours...those are definitely some great suggestions. My problem is and always will be I'm not awfully quick with the comebacks, so saying something as 'Ingenious' as that (she might be socially awkward) wouldn't come to me on my own. I LOVE it! And I figure myself to be of average-above average intelligence...just not when it comes to my own business I guess.
It's not that I like mine more...they just don't act like pain in the asses. Of course there is a lot of other stuff here, but I will say that all of those kids have had stuff to deal with, more than the average, but they don't all have issues. But because of what they've all dealt with in their lives, I try to ensure that they are all treated the same. Problem is, of course I'm protective of my own two, and although I can't say that I want or expect that they should be placed above her, I sure as heck don't think it's fair that her crazy behavior always gets her more attention than it does the quiet, well-behaved ones. For example,if my DH's mom invites the kids over one day and says she'll make them breakfast too, my two would just be like "yay", great, fantastic, a big breakfast. Her on the other hand, will actually email or secretly phone her to ask if she'll make eggs benedict, for crying out loud. UGH. She analyzes every single situation to work out how she can have it play out best for her. I know it's not a huge deal, but that's what I'm talking about. She has no problem asking for the world. There's just not enough of me to go around, because what I do for her, my two would want too. Meanwhile, I end up hiding throughout my house so she doesn't come and ask me for something, (do her nails, rearrange her room, whatever) and my kids end up missing out too, because I am conditioned to now walk around stone-faced so she doesn't get the idea that I'm ok to chit chat with her about what else I can do for her. It's no fun for anyone now really. And to think, I used to be this happy go lucky mom who's love for her kids could be seen for miles away. But I'm gonna try to just be more direct with her, and see if this starts to help, because you're right, I don't tell her to knock it off like I would my two, I just roll my eyes, but evidently she's not getting the message. Having said that, for example, what would I say to her when we're having a huge family meal, and all the kids are at the kids table just in the kitchen where we can see and hear them, but she constantly comes in to our room hovering around her dad, listening in, interrupting or asking questions? What do I say, that doesn't make me look like a total Monster? I think I'm the only one who's annoyed by it, because she thinks it's ok for her to come in, but my two know that it would be interrupting and more importantly, they don't even want to...until she gets a parade going because the others start thinking it's ok to come tromping in. Thanks.
I'd simply say, "Please don't
I'd simply say, "Please don't interrupt-its not polite and you shouldn't get up during your meal. Please go finish" If you want to be super nice-put on a big smile and add, "honey" or "sweetheart". When she calls or emails grandma, pull her aside and let her know its not polite to put in a menu request when someone has offered to make you a meal. When she asks you to do her nails, rearrange her room, simply say, "no". Again, you can be as sweet as pie when you say all of this.
A lot of what you are talking about are social graces and manners. That tends not to be a man's area of expertise so your dh may have not thought to teach her these sorts of things. I think it is ok if you let her know what is appropriate or not and I don't see how your dh could complain if you do it in a kind and caring manner.
Again thank you for taking
Again thank you for taking the time to reply. But, it just doesn't ever seem to be that easy. Like when she gets up and comes into the dining room for example, she may come over and will think of something to ask her dad, like I don't want anymore of my ___, do you want it?" for example, and he doesn't get annoyed by this...this is what I mean. Nor does anyone else at the huge dining room table. Just me, because I know she is just doing it and will do it 4 more times, just to get attention or to be 'in the know' of whatever we are discussing, and that my kids are sitting there wondering why she gets away with it. So if I were to say anything out loud, it would appear rude of me..not her. But she always comes up with some different reason or excuse. Ugh. As for the emailing thing, I couldn't pull her aside as I didn't find out until I picked them up from Grandma's and as per the usual, I'm the only one who seems to mind. Grandma's smiling about it. But deep down, I know my kids are thinking, huh, she called and got what she wanted. Spoiled little brat. I really want to try, but when I think about it, it seems like it's just not going to be a simple as making comments. Somehow I will always be the one who looks mean, rude, unreasonable, wrong etc.
So if you find out after the
So if you find out after the fact about her meal request to grandma, pull her aside then and let her know. And if no one at the dinner table is concerned about her lack of manners than that really shows that no one is teaching her those things and she will continue to grow worse. I honestly have never had a problem with my kids getting up wandering around during dinner. They sit and eat and then are done. But I don't think it is unreasonable to let her know that she sits at the table and eats and then when she is done she can ask to be excused. Or even skip the asking to be excused, but you still don't get up and walk around during a meal and ask people questions.
I might have a frank talk with your dh about how you would like to assist your sd with being more of a "lady". And ask him if he is willing to support and back you up on that. At 12 she is on the cusp of the teenage years in which she will be invited for dates, go to dances, social events, sports banquents. Imagine how bizarre she will look if she gets up in the middle of a formal event like that to ask her daddy at the next table if he wants her leftovers. You can talk about what an exciting time in her life she is at and that you want to give her all the tools she needs to successfully navigate through it.
Of course what you really want is her to just not be so annoying, but he doesn't need to know that.
My bioD gets on my nerves
My bioD gets on my nerves with the constant questions. What I started to do was I'd answer a couple of questions and then if she kept on I would just say "Okay, you're not allowed to ask any more questions" or "I'm not answering any more questions right now". Sort of a 'I need a break' notice if you will.
The interrupting is annoying. Each time one of my bios does this I interrupt them and say "You just interrupted your sister, Sister, please continue." They still do it, but not as much.
If she's hovering around when you're trying to have a conversation with DH, tell her "SD, I'm having an adult conversation with your DH right now. Please go in the other room while I talk to your father."
This only works though if your DH backs you up.
Good ideas. I'll give them a
Good ideas. I'll give them a try. DH has my back..what I should say is he loves me very much and desperately wants me to be happy. But he defends her behavior saying that it's normal for kids to be inquisitive, she's just interested, she wants to help....well so do the other 2 kids in the house, yet she's the only one who never lets up. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Have you ever considered
Have you ever considered keeping a water bottle at the table to squirt her in the face everytime she is being a ass ache?
It works on my cats
If your DH is defending her
If your DH is defending her behavior, sorry, but while he may love you to bits, he really doesn't have your back. Especially if he's saying these things in front of SD.
Probably time to call him out. You need to sit down with him and say, "Why are you justifying her behavior? Okay, maybe she's just being curious, but the constant questions are annoying me."
Or say "Why are you justifying her behavior? Interrupting is just rude and you know it."
When he says "it's normal for kids to be inquisitive," say "Gee, that's funny, my kids don't ask half as many questions as she does."
Another thought I had - if
Another thought I had - if you and your DH are going outside to smoke say "DH and I are going outside to smoke. DO NOT bother us unless someone is bleeding or the house is on fire."
If there are times you just want some alone time with DH, tell all the kids, so you're not just singling SD out and tell them all not to bother the two of you unless it's an emergency. If they bother you and come to find out it's really not important, they'll lose desert for the night, or some other punishment.
I have my kids trained not to interrupt me when I'm having a conversation on the phone unless it's an emergency. You better believe they know what an emergency means, LOL.
ROFL! That's so funny,
ROFL! That's so funny, because that's what it came to, near the end.... the bleeding or house on fire. But that's not an issue anymore as we quit some time ago. I'm going to start small, work with these suggestions and see how it works. It's just so hard because like I said, all her behaviors although so annoying, are harmless so when I bring them up, I end up looking like I'm picking on her or being mean. She's annoyed me with so many small things, that I've grown to dislike her immensely and worry that the damage has already been done. Since I got home from work, she's probably asked me 30 questions to my other kids 2. Ugh, so exhausting.
ROFL! That's so funny,
ROFL! That's so funny, because that's what it came to, near the end.... the bleeding or house on fire. But that's not an issue anymore as we quit some time ago. I'm going to start small, work with these suggestions and see how it works. It's just so hard because like I said, all her behaviors although so annoying, are harmless so when I bring them up, I end up looking like I'm picking on her or being mean. She's annoyed me with so many small things, that I've grown to dislike her immensely and worry that the damage has already been done. Since I got home from work, she's probably asked me 30 questions to my other kids 2. Ugh, so exhausting.
I can relate! Here's my
I can relate! Here's my situation right now...I'm almost in tears watching the clock ready for her to leave!
Hoping I can find some help on how to cope because I have been through hell with relationships and this is the first time I've ever been close with a man. We are perfect together in our relationship but am scared I may have to walk away soon if things don't change. His ex is a real piece of crap and isn't around so I've tried understanding as best as I can. When I met him he lived with his mom and stepdad with his kid. We moved in together and fought every day for months until I made him move out. It was so bad that adult protective services was going to steep in because I'm disabled and was causing major issues for me. It killed me not having him with me every night and I fought so hard to keep it from happening but had no choice. He moved back in with his mom and is still there a year later with out looking like a long term thing. On top if everything his mom is a control freak and acts like his kid is hers. She spoils herbadly and doesn't like me atty all. She wad the ultimate reason I had him leave because she told me I was damaging his daughter because she has so many emotional issues and her dad won't get get help unless I force him to. I fought with myself for months on the decision not wanting to lose him and thinking I could work harder to fix things until she said those things to me. I would NEVER want to hurt a child no matter how miserable they make me. So when she said I was actually hurting this child by moving her in with us and taking her away from their house where she was stable I had to let go. My fiances parents have been a huge issue in our relationship but I just have to suck it top cuz that's his family and I would never come between that. His mother has lied numerous times and he never takes my word only hers. Asking me why his mom would ever lie to him..why would I?! Now over three last year out had been non stop issues. Screwing up in school bad, lying, stealing you name it. She has stolen from me numerous times but her dad says I'm over reacting. Then the last time she stole my old cell phone and activated it! I called the police who gave her a talk but know that's a joke. He grounds her but changes it because he's grounded too so to speak. He spends a few nights a week with me but feels torn which I understand but dunno what to do. Last weekend he wanted to do a family day and I tried I really did but then she got in trouble once again and he had to leave to deal with her. I raised an out of control teenage boy with my ex husband and it was hard but I did it and lovehim so much but this bond that I tried for with his daughter is gone and no matter what I do I can't force myself to feel anything. It kills me to say I don't like a child but I don't! She is at my house right now for a few hours and I'm miserable. Between his parents and kid I don't think I can do it anymore. His ex is a psycho and causes shit with me all the time when I want nothing to do with it. I've said from the start its not my place or my problem. Do I tell him I don't like his kid and don't want her at my home? I know it will probably end our relationship and that's sad because we really are an amazing couple. He says he doesn't know what to do and all he can do is raiser her tool she's an adult and hope for the best. She takes over my house and makes me wanna leave. I promise I have tried a million times in every way to care and work it out but I'm done. She's mean to me and knows she runs the show and I'm tired of being angry especially when I'm so sick with health issues. My daughter wants nothing to do with her and fakes it too which isn't fair to her. Do I tell him I love him but too much damage is done and we may have to put our relationship on hold for the next 5 years? His parents are A.D. huge part too and can't take much more. His mom sent a letter to his ex which then his ex started shit with me again and ours too much. What do you think?! Please help!
My sister had a similar
My sister had a similar problem with her ysd. The child would always have to be around the adults even when osd and my nephew/sister son's were off doing kid things and letting the adults be. My sister finally found a way to resolve it and we both chuckled about it actually. She would start giving her ysd something to do - always something the child wouldn't really want to do of course
For example, my sister and her husband would be relaxing with a couple friends on the patio and out would come her ysd and sit with the adults and start her attention-getting tactics, my sister would ask "sd could you make your bed sweetie" the kid would go do it or pretend to and come back 5 minutes later. My sister would say "can you go let the dog out", next round "please go pick your clothes up off the floor honey" all said sweetly to her and ysd would march off not happy but eventually she got to realize that any time she started interrupting the adults and trying to be the centre of attention it resulted in her having to go and to some chore she didn't want to do
Eventually she caught on and starting hanging out with the other kids during adult get togethers
I do much of the same thing
I do much of the same thing with my SD10 who loves to be the center of attention and has no regard for one's private time. Every time she comes into where I am ( not invited or welcomed by the way) I always say the same thing..." Oh I am so glad you are here...I need help with "xyz". That makes her leave the room because she is such a lazy thing. I agree that if you do something like that every time, likes Pavlov's dogs, they will learn.
I havehad the same problems
I havehad the same problems with my Sd11(plus a whole helluvalot more).
#1) Be sure that whatever you say, and it is good to rehearse since you can pretty well predict her next move, Be SURE that when she runs back to tell daddy that there is nothing mean about what you said...ex. You can't say, "you're constant chatter is making it hard for me to concentrate". But you can say, "That's an interesting question, but right now I'm cooking and I need to concentrate on this, HONEY, or SWEETIE". Also, I had to get on Xanax for a while to cope with my SD and it's good to have an ipod, ear buds IN while you are cooking. My sd used to bother me while I was cooking cause it's not like you can just walk away from the stove with food cooking! I have run my SD off by saying, "as long as you are in the kitchen, you can unload the diswasher, set the table, wash those pans, etc."
#2) If your SD knows it bothers you that she plops down next to your Dh, PURPOSELY get a throw and a pillow and put it on "your spot" on the couch. NOT NEXT TO HIM, but away from him. If she thinks you dont care where she sits, then maybe she will give it up. We got a dog now, and our dog wont let that stinky kid sit anywhere near DH, so in my house, the dog solved that problem.
#3) I don't know how to shut a kid up at the dinner table. I often keep my ear buds in.
#4) When she interrupts you or invades your conversation, I know you want to go, "nobody asked you, so shut the hell up." But you can try looking at her like she is crazy, look at her like, "who the hell asked you'? also, NEVER acknowledge anything she says, like pretend you didn't hear her when she butts in."
It would be nice if YOU didn't have to be the one to correct her. Why do you have to be the bad guy? I guess youe dh is like mine, either he doesn't see or hear because he is so good at tuning her out or what he does see and hear, he lets you handle because that way HE doesn't have to hurt her precious little feelings.
I almost went insane over these 'small' things and after putting up with it for 4 years or so, I just unleashed on the kid while her dad was still at work. She balled and squalled, but at the end of the day, she keeps her f'ing mouth shut, doesn't correct or insult me anymore, doesn't slam doors in my BD's face anymore, and she has redirected her smart-a$$ remarks toward her dad!
I hope this helps.