Days gone by...
What happened to the days when BM would pull some crap to withhold the skids from their father? It used to be that she was always coming up with some crap to interfere with his parenting time. That hasn't happened in a while.
Man, I miss the good ol' days.
SS will be here in a few hours and I have been unable to find somewhere else to be.
And the anxiety builds...
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Go to Starbucks.
Go to Starbucks.
If it's in your budget get a
If it's in your budget get a hotel room and order room service or hell order a pizza and watch tv.
Not even close to being in
Not even close to being in the budget, but I totally would if I could.
Yes!!! LMAO - when I first
LMAO - when I first joined the site. My name was 'blender' because i was in this fantasy world to blend our two families into step\bio bliss. BM was pulling crap like that. Threatening court so I couldn't be alone with her kids. I supported DH because he said he wanted us to be blended and be a good parent and the skids needed work but it was all BMs fault.
Then I collapsed. Closed my account. Took a year off from the site. Learned i had no control, DH didn't want to parent, i had no rights, regained my kids and family back intact, came back with a different mindset and a new user name.
BM went from all that to dumping her kids on to the point that I was spending more time than either parent. WTH right?
I was new and stupid in the step world - I now miss those old days too. Funny how that works.
I started keeping my mouth
I started keeping my mouth SHUT to my H when BM would pull crap to keep the skids from coming over. It started being just fine by me that I wouldn't have to deal with them. In fact, I'll be honest, I was starting to get very, very happy when she would not "let" them come over to spend time with their father. Their behavior was HORRIBLE. My thought? Fine, keep the heathens at your house. Perfect.
But she hasn't done that in a while. I find myself PRAYING that whenever my H's phone rings that it's going to be BM calling to say that the skids can't come for whatever reason.
She hasn't pulled that in a while and I am missing it. Now whenever they are scheduled to be here it's pretty much a guarantee. I hate it.
SS will be invading my home in about 2 hours. F*ck.
The first thing he will do is going into the bathroom and take a sh*t. I am not kidding. The second thing he will do is invade the kitchen, slamming all of the cupboards and drawers, looking for snacks.
Which reminds me, it's time to hide the snacks.
I buried the ice cream in the
I buried the ice cream in the freezer, even though I know SS doesn't like chocolate ice cream (and I bought chocolate ice cream on purpose BECAUSE he doesn't like it) and I took out all but 4 cookies from the cookie jar. I also hid the popcorn and my ham. Yes, ham.
We don't have much, but I am NOT willing to share what I do have ONLY BECAUSE SS is such a little shit to me and my H let's him get away with it.
Hid the ham! I <3 you LRP!
Hid the ham! I <3 you LRP!
HAHAHAA!!! Yeah, my ham is a
Yeah, my ham is a little important to me now-a-days.

I wouldn't even have left 4
I wouldn't even have left 4 cookies!
You're right of course. Look
You're right of course. Look at me... always being generous even when I shouldn't be. }:)
Sometimes I suddenly think of
Sometimes I suddenly think of one very! important! thing that I absolutely MUST run to the store for. And wouldn't you know it-- traffic is really bad, the lines were really long, I had to go to 2 or 3 stores to find it...that's why I'm gone for a couple of hours!!
Same here. And I go to the
Same here. And I go to the gym for atleast 2 and a half hours!
Going to the gym is a GREAT
Going to the gym is a GREAT idea!!! WOOHOO!!!!
I've found somewhere to go. I think I will also ride my bike up there too. Just 'cause it will take more time.
I am doing the same thing
I am doing the same thing tonight!!! Glad I could help! Enjoy
OMg - I am embarassed to
OMg - I am embarassed to admit, I have sat in the store parking lot and read my kindle for a bit just not to go home.
I've slept in my car at the
I've slept in my car at the end of the street waiting to go home until I knew SS/SD were in bed.
How old are skids? My BM
How old are skids? My BM used to do the same thing. I remember thinking that DH would NEVER have a good relationship with SS because BM kept him away so much for a few years. But when SS hit about 12 he almost NEVER missed a visit. yay. Then he moved in at 15-16.
SS wanting to move in is my
SS wanting to move in is my WORST nightmare! I honestly don't think my marriage would survive that.
I will NOT be encouraging that in the least.
Oh, they are twins: 10.5yrs
Oh, they are twins: 10.5yrs
It was mine too!! It took a
It was mine too!! It took a long time for me to live/marry DH because of that fear. Then SS and BM moved away, so I went ahead and got married. I thought I was safe. BM loved CS, BM loved SS more than life, SS loved BM more than life. I just knew he would never move in then since he was almost 15 and far away.
Boy was I wrong! Less than a year after we were married...SS moves in. It was rough few years. Now all a get sick over are the twice a year visits.
Ugg. I have a hard time
Ugg. I have a hard time seeing BM letting either of the skids move in with their father (us), for the same reason you said: child support. BM doesn't work and survives off of child support, welfare and sponging off of whoever will pay her way. I will shit bricks if this subject ever comes up for real.
SS19 moved in with us 4 years
SS19 moved in with us 4 years ago. He hasn't been too bad. He's a good egg. However, SD is the demon seed. I was VERY close to supporting my DH if he decided that he wanted SD to move in. However, after our recent vacation with that little twit, there is no way in hell I will EVER let her live in my house. BM also wouldn't be able to survive without CS so I am sure she'd fight that tooth and nail anyway. Until she can't control the little girl anymore of course. That's how it happened with SS, when she couldn't control him anymore she dumped him on us.
Many years ago BM pulled the
Many years ago BM pulled the "you're not gonna see your kids ever again" card. She took them to Florida and spent the entire summer over there. That very summer my son was visiting with his dad, my older bio was in basic training and it was just US. That was by far, the bEST summer ever. No SKIDS, no BIOS. Just DH and I. I WISH she would pull that stunt again. I WISH I WISH I WISH!!!!
Yeah, dealing with BM isn't
Yeah, dealing with BM isn't much fun either.