I KNOW!!! OMG!!! You know damn well I'm going to DVR every single episode of Judge Judy until that episode airs.
I don't know the whole story yet because my H couldn't tell me with SD hanging around. But what I do know already is that one of the kids damaged the car and BM refused to accept responsibility for it (surprise, surprise :sick: ) and the friend just wanted BM to pay her $500 deductible to get the damage repaired. It figures that BM would screw a friend over that way - she's such slime.
If my kid damaged someone's vehicle, you bet your ass I would pay the deductible - then I would make my kid pay me back. There is no way on Gods green earth that I would not repair damage done to someone else's property - stranger or friend.
And I am hoping, hoping, hoping, hoping that Judge Judy sees BM for the low-life she is and really chews her out. OMG - I would even send Judge Judy a Thank You card and a bouquet of flowers. I'll buy the season DVD set and watch it over and over and over again.
In a no-fault state is there a legal requirement to pay someone else's deductible in the event of an accident? I mean, I know that there is the "right" thing to do, but "right" and "legal" don't always collide.
I will be checking my tv guide and Judge Judy's website often to find out when this episode airs! Omg, to see Judge Judy tell off a psycho bm will be AWESOME!!!
There was just a case on this past week where 4 girls vandalized another friend's family car. Two parents paid up, and two mother's refused to pay. They girls were like 16 or so...does that sound familiar?
I KNOW!!! OMG!!! You know
I KNOW!!! OMG!!! You know damn well I'm going to DVR every single episode of Judge Judy until that episode airs.
I don't know the whole story yet because my H couldn't tell me with SD hanging around. But what I do know already is that one of the kids damaged the car and BM refused to accept responsibility for it (surprise, surprise :sick: ) and the friend just wanted BM to pay her $500 deductible to get the damage repaired. It figures that BM would screw a friend over that way - she's such slime.
If my kid damaged someone's vehicle, you bet your ass I would pay the deductible - then I would make my kid pay me back. There is no way on Gods green earth that I would not repair damage done to someone else's property - stranger or friend.
And I am hoping, hoping, hoping, hoping that Judge Judy sees BM for the low-life she is and really chews her out. OMG - I would even send Judge Judy a Thank You card and a bouquet of flowers. I'll buy the season DVD set and watch it over and over and over again.
In a no-fault state is there
In a no-fault state is there a legal requirement to pay someone else's deductible in the event of an accident? I mean, I know that there is the "right" thing to do, but "right" and "legal" don't always collide.
I will be checking my tv
I will be checking my tv guide and Judge Judy's website often to find out when this episode airs! Omg, to see Judge Judy tell off a psycho bm will be AWESOME!!!
MUAHAHAHAA!!! }:) }:)
Oh hell yeah! I will keep everyone posted for sure!!!

There was just a case on this
There was just a case on this past week where 4 girls vandalized another friend's family car. Two parents paid up, and two mother's refused to pay. They girls were like 16 or so...does that sound familiar?
I'll keep everyone posted and
I'll keep everyone posted and put up a link to the episode if I can.