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BM is going on Judge Judy...

LRP75's picture

Apparently a friend a suing her for some damage to a car and the $500 deductible.


LRP75's picture

I KNOW!!! OMG!!! You know damn well I'm going to DVR every single episode of Judge Judy until that episode airs.

I don't know the whole story yet because my H couldn't tell me with SD hanging around. But what I do know already is that one of the kids damaged the car and BM refused to accept responsibility for it (surprise, surprise :sick: ) and the friend just wanted BM to pay her $500 deductible to get the damage repaired. It figures that BM would screw a friend over that way - she's such slime.

If my kid damaged someone's vehicle, you bet your ass I would pay the deductible - then I would make my kid pay me back. There is no way on Gods green earth that I would not repair damage done to someone else's property - stranger or friend.

And I am hoping, hoping, hoping, hoping that Judge Judy sees BM for the low-life she is and really chews her out. OMG - I would even send Judge Judy a Thank You card and a bouquet of flowers. I'll buy the season DVD set and watch it over and over and over again.

LRP75's picture

In a no-fault state is there a legal requirement to pay someone else's deductible in the event of an accident? I mean, I know that there is the "right" thing to do, but "right" and "legal" don't always collide.

Anon2009's picture

I will be checking my tv guide and Judge Judy's website often to find out when this episode airs! Omg, to see Judge Judy tell off a psycho bm will be AWESOME!!!

LRP75's picture

MUAHAHAHAA!!! }:) }:)

Oh hell yeah! I will keep everyone posted for sure!!! Biggrin Biggrin

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

There was just a case on this past week where 4 girls vandalized another friend's family car. Two parents paid up, and two mother's refused to pay. They girls were like 16 or so...does that sound familiar?