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The best count down has begun!!!

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

After tomorrow at 9:30PM, if not earlier, I won't see SD for a long time! Probably not until Christmas at least because she and GUBM suck at getting info to SO about long school breaks - and SO isn't very proactive about it, so HUZZAH!

I'm super stoked that her visit is FINALLY ending and that she's FINALLY going back to the loser compound in Scumbagland.

No more attitude, no more lies, no more condescension, no more of any of her BS. Ahhh. It will be so nice. It will also be so nice to halt SO's twitching towards guilty parenting. He felt bad yesterday because of his desire for the visit to be over and decided that we had to all go out and do something together on the only night that he legitimately could due to his work schedule. I've been feeling very poorly lately, but, I gave it a shot. Well, we didn't even end up eating dinner out nor going to the movie he wanted to take us to. We got our dinner to go and SO took me to the ED at our local hospital. So, of course, to make SD feel better about chronically ill me having to be rushed to the ED, he gave her permission to play on her laptop, watch TV, or do anything else fun she wanted to do until we got home. *grumble*. Really? The little snot wasn't even concerned about my well being. Any point that she asked how I was feeling or asked if I was feeling better was at the urging of SO. He thinks I can't hear him tell her to ask how I am feeling, he thinks I can't see him give her the "look" that tells her that she should be more polite and ask if I feel better. The kid doesn't care, SO cares. And SO has to stop pushing that onto her because all it does is annoy me because I know it's just coming from him in an SD package.

Before we attempted dinner, when I was still feeling relatively human, we stopped at our local Kawaii store so I could pick up a few blind-box art figures that I've gotten into collecting. I got my collectibles and I found a Jackalope stuffy that had been there since I last went into the store, so, I planned to purchase all three items. SO insisted on making my purchase for me, even though I have my own money, and he bought SD some buttons, too. You could feel the rage coming off of SD that SO was buying me anything as every time we have gone out to shop since she has been here I have made my own purchases with my own money. The rage became even worse when I casually pointed out some cute Hello Kitty sandwich containers. SO told me that next time I have to point it out to him before the total is rung up so he can add it onto the purchase. SD was obviously annoyed because I heard her make a huffy little sound all "harumph". But, whatever.

This kid doesn't even think twice about lying anymore, either. It just comes as second nature to her to let that crap fall out of her mouth. Though, it's still very easy to tell when she is lying.

Out of sheer curiosity today, because I noticed a bowl with cake icing in it in the sink and no other new dishes since last night, I asked her if she seriously had cake for breakfast. Lies spilled forth. "Oh, no, I had some frittata, but, then later, I had some cake." Right. So, you ate the frittata with your hands and decided to be civilized eating the cake. Hm. Whatever.

I slept really late today and didn't get up until 11:30 because of how poorly I've been feeling. I mentioned to SO when he woke up that SD had been on her laptop since I've been up at least. When he asked her how long she had been on it "Oh, only about 30-45 minutes tops." I couldn't contain the laughter. I had to laugh so hard because it was so ludicrous. I said to SO "sure, if 30-45 minutes in SD land means 3 hours in regular person land..." Her claim was that she didn't even notice what time it was. Right.

Ah well, she'll be gone soon enough and then things can get back to normal around here. Our home can go back to being relatively calm, peaceful, and free from BS lying.


bi's picture

SO happy for you! i had wished more than anything that when bm moved out of state, sd would go with her. but no, she came to invade my life 24/7 for a year. Sad so it makes me happy to think of sm's getting rid of their skids! Smile

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I'm terribly glad that she's going to go away very soon. Having her here for a month was absolute torture.

I feel safe in saying that, at this point, SD will not be asking to live with us as we expect "too much" from her. She even wrote SO a letter last week outlining as much for him, telling him that he asks her to do too much and that she's sorry if he can't "except"[sic] her the way she is. Hahahahahaha. Good. She can live in the loser compound in scumbag land forever for all I care.

I also give SD maybe one more visit before she decides that she doesn't want to come visit us anymore.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Her letter is made worse by the fact that she was inspired to write it because SO wanted to go out and do something with her, asked her to come up with an idea, and when she didn't, SO made the choice for her. She caught major attitude over it so SO took her back to the apartment and sent her to her room without anything entertaining. And it was then that she wrote him the letter.

I was furious when he told me about the entire incident and couldn't believe she had the nerve to write him a letter telling him he expected too much of her and that this isn't fair for her. Uhm. Excuse me snot, but, why did we pay for you to come visit? To spend time in your room by yourself? NO. To spend time with us, especially your dad! Frustrating.