Need advice from people that know...
I am 25 years old and engaged to marry my boyfriend (35) of 4 years who is divorced and has two children (ages 10 and 5). Once we got engaged I began having panic attacks about being a stepmother. I have my own step parents whom I don't have good relationships with because they have been unhealthy partners for each of my parents (obviously I am not treating my partner or his kids badly, but it has created a sour image in my head about the image of stepparents to children). When my boyfriend and I started dating his kids weren't really in the picture. I didn't spend time with him when he had his kids at his house, and we would spend time alone on his "off" days. It was only when we moved in together (2 years into our relationship) that I became involved with his kids. In the beginning we slept separately so he could continue sleeping with his kids like he did when they went to his house. We didn't hold hands, say "I love you", etc. At first I was supportive of this because I wanted to ease into my relationship with them as well, but it was difficult too because when we were alone we had such fun and romance and interaction, and when the kids came it centered around protecting their feelings and being in hiding. Also, when he moved in with me his ex-wife began to "renew" her feelings for him and began sending messages and writing love letters, etc. She decided to hate me and she let her feelings be known to her 10 year old daughter. This was a difficult time because my boyfriend didn't return any feelings but he didn't stop her from expressing hers either out of concern that he would see his kids less. Initially, I thought it would be great for them to be friends for his kids (being a child of divorced parents myself) but wound up hurt when I was excluded for them to spend time togethr and found that this propelled his kids' image of mom and dad getting back together. As time progressed, my relationship with the 10 year old got more complicated when she denied me being her dad's girlfriend, introduced her friends to me as her dad's "friend", didn't even come inside the house while she waited for her mom to pick her up if it was just she and I alone, etc. In November of last year things started to turn around when my boyfriend started to take more action to express his commitment to me. He talked with his kids, told his ex wife he wanted to marry me and start a family with me, etc. The 10 year old changed her attitude somewhat but mostly stuck to small talk (hi, bye, how are you, forced hugs, etc.). Then in January, the ex-wife got a boyfriend and I really noticed a change in her behavior (less texts for small talk, more distance between them, etc.). She even emailed me and told me that she had told her 10 year old that "she doesn't have to hate me". In our home, I have really assumed the role of the mother, and I am kind of resentful that I am always doing their cooking, getting their uniforms put together, but they could care less if I am there or not there, and CONSTANTLY talk about their mom, and their mom and dad being together. My boyfriend really doesn't pick up on why that would be annoying, and it frustrates me even more. I feel very underappreciated by all of them. His family has a very close relationship still with his ex-wife and this is also hard for me. I feel like I am always competing with someone who should be in the past. For the most part, I have a great relationship with his kids, especially the 5 year old. They don't yell at me, or cause tantrums or anything like that. They know that we are engaged and didn't put up a fight. They are genuinely good kids. But without kids of my own, its hard for me to not take some things personally, especially with the 10 year old. I can tell she is still grappling with our relationship, and I want to be understanding, but it also drives me crazy wondering for how long this will continue, especially since she will be a teenager in a few years! I spend more than half the week with them, and their dad is usually working, but she still prefers an aunt that she sees once a year, or a friend than me. She obviously sees me as a threat or something, but its hard to not be hurt when I do everything for them and they don't really genuinely love me or would be more than happy to have mom and dad back together in a hearbeat. Lately she also just blatantly ignores me, or excludes me. I also have a lot of issues about things in the future... That my kids will not be his firt kids, that my finances will go to support his kids, that the ex-wife will always be in the picture, if they will ever stop talking about their mom and dad being together, if my kids will be subjected to hearing about their mom constantly, if my kids will get less attention, if I will ever be as close to his family when they still constantly communicate with his ex, how we will be able to support 4-5 children, etc.
To be honest, I am scared about being a stepmom and its not what I envisioned for my life. Unfortunately, many, if not all, of my issues with my boyfriend revolve around his kids, his relationship with his ex because of his kids, his family's relationship with his ex because of his kids, our unability to travel or move because of his kids, finances because of his kids, etc. And its difficult to talk to him about any of it objectively because of course he loves them very much and he doesn't understand. I don't know how to handle a teenager in a few short years when I will just be beginning to think about my own family.
Am I being too over-analytical? Is there a way that I can work through these issues since most of them stem from my own doubts, and hypothetical insecurities? Is there a better way to communicate with my partner about these things?
I would really appreciate some advice (pros/cons) from people in a similar situation or who went through a similar situation. Thank you.
- sgab25's blog
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Heck yeah, you can work
Heck yeah, you can work through these issues and probably stick it out, but why would you want to? You are 25 years old and presumably not a hidious ogre. You probably have something going for yourself. He is 35, has 2 kids that aren't yours, an ex wife that has feelings for him (translation: an ex wife that would like to see you evaporate into dust and will likely do everything in her power to take anything that gives you joy as long as you have what she wants). He has financial obligations to his children that precede his ability to build a life with you as a full partner.
Why on earth would you not find a nice man your age who doesn't have all this going on in his life? It's just as easy to fall in love with a man that doesn't have a millstone tied around his neck as it is to fall in love with a man that does.
The way you describe your interaction with him in front of his kids is not healthy. If you are in a loving relationship, the only reason to hide that from your children is that you don't want their other parent to find out. Not cool. Move on. Find someone that can devote themselves to you. You deserve it!
Thanks for the advice! Those
Thanks for the advice! Those are exactly the things I am grappling with, whether to stick it out and whether its worth it. Coming from divorced family and having step parents, I don't see him as damaged goods or anything, and of course I love him. But it is difficult wondering if I am putting myself through a lot of things just to be with this one person. I totally agree that we handled things the wrong way in the beginning in front of his kids, and you're right that it was more than likely his way of not causing waves with his ex-wife even though she knew we were dating and living together. I mean, I also went along with it to try and not push too much responsibility on myself with his kids, and also because I didn't like the way my own stepparents took over when I was growing up. Now everything is completely out in the open, and has been for some time. We absolutely sleep in the same bed, hold hands, kiss, say I love you, etc. and his kids know we are together and have accepted it, and I really think his ex-wife has accepted it too, but its hard to say that she will ever be an encouraging figure of our relationship in front of her kids, or that her feelings won't pop up again down the road if her current relationship doesn't work out. His family is still close to her, but when they came to visit this year they didn't go to see her, so I see a lot of progression, and definitely on the part of my boyfriend making everything crystal clear to everybody. However, things from the past, like how it was when he first moved in, has caused resentment on my part over time against him, the kids even, and his ex. It was new for all of us, and its easier to look back and say what we would have done differently, but there definitely have been some painful times. I suppose for everybody...
Thanks for posting, I really appreciate it.
I have to say, I have all of
I have to say, I have all of these thoughts about my DH and my relationship and they are so draining. I hate to think like this and as hard as I try not to, I just can´t help myself. It always comes back to all of this. I want to plan a trip. I have to consider BMs reaction when he tells her we will not be getting SS (because we have him EVERY weekend). I have to think, can we afford it right now because we need to pay X things for SS? Then I have to convince DH to give up a weekend w SS (which he hates doing), then I have to convince him not to try and bring SS because we need a little alone time, but then then DH spends the entire weekend worried about whether SS will feel bad, if he understands why he couldn´t come, if he will be mad he didn´t get to spend the weekend w us, if he will feel excluded, and then there is the hourly phone calls made to SS which I am sure will occur the entire weekend. So I would rather not plan a trip. It sucks, and I wish I had thought about all of these things BEFORE marrying DH. If I had had all of these thoughts before I married him, like you are having, I wouldn´t be married right now (at least not to someone with kids). Unfortunately, I got married so quickly that my rose colored glasses still hadn´t worn out and now that they are coming off it is a little too late for me.
Thanks for the advice! I
Thanks for the advice! I definitely have experienced some of the things you are saying already. We get through it, but I guess its safe to say that it will never change. I really appreciate your input.
Thanks for the advice, very
Thanks for the advice, very helpful! And I will post in paragraphs
Sorry about that, at work and on a rant!
It's definitely not easy.
It's definitely not easy. Thanks for your advice!
No its not worth it. You
No its not worth it. You aren't over analyzing it all. I remember the early days with SO. He was the same way. No sleeping in the same bed at first. Sleeping with his kids. Weird. Its not right, its weird.
I was naive and didn't know it was wrong. I thought it was him being a good father. No, it was weird.
If your SD is difficult now, just WAIT until she becomes a teenager. She will only get worse. I promise you. I have an SD16. She started out trying to be nice, then became difficult, now she just manipulates both her parents and I stay out of all of it. I barely interact with her.
Do you want to live your life like this at 25?? No. You don't.
"Unfortunately, many, if not all, of my issues with my boyfriend revolve around his kids, his relationship with his ex because of his kids, his family's relationship with his ex because of his kids, our unability to travel or move because of his kids, finances because of his kids, etc."
And this won't change. When YOU want to have your own kids, there will be problems there too. Oh, will his kids be ok with it? Will they act negatively? THAT is what HE will be worried about, NOT starting a family with you. Everything is how it affects his current children.
At 25, I'd never gotten in to a relationship like this.
I wish I had known about this site at the beginning. I would have never proceeded.
Thanks for commenting. He is
Thanks for commenting. He is definitely a great dad, and we have talked lots of times with/in front of his kids about he and I having our own family. But I can see how new issues would be raised when the baby actually comes along, when SD becomes a teenager, then the other one a few years after the first one is out the door etc. I can definitely see how issues will continuously arise around his first set of kids.
I appreciate your advice!
In my situation, my stepdad
In my situation, my stepdad is an alcoholic and has abused my mother, and my stepmother is extremely suffers from severe manic depression and has repeatedly cheated on my dad, is extremely manipulative, and has treated myself and my younger half-sister (her biological daughter) with verbal/physical abuse.
That's obviously not the situation in my own relationship, so I'm hopeful they wouldn't see our relationship as unhealthy. And I'm sure it's not the situation in your case either.
Thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it.
My SD is now in college. I
My SD is now in college. I raised her since she was 3. I came into her like when I was 25.
If I could do it all over again...I would not.
My DH is a fabulous person. BM is a troll. There were TOO many things I took a backburner on. I did not deserve it.
Think about this. They will ALWAYS be there...and so will the BM.
Thanks for the advice.
Thanks for the advice.