Why is everyones advice on this site always to run!??!?!
I've been with SO for 2 and a half years. I love him dearly. He and I are best friends and have everything in common. The one thing we disagree on is parenting. He has 2 boys, I have no kids.
I come on to this site to vent and share stories. In anger and frustration I mention how easy it would be to leave or how I entertain the thought often... but it's just thoughts! Yes, it sure would be easier to leave, but that doesn't mean I'm looking for the easy way out.
I just notice that in most of my blog replies, there is almost always a reply that suggests I leave. I just like comparing my stories to other people in the same situation to make me feel like less of a monster for how I feel towards these 2 young boys. Call it validation of sorts. Just like knowing I'm not a "Cold-hearted monster" and there are other normal people out there that feel the exact same way!
Thanks for your patience, understanding and advice so far!! (With the exception of the "run" advice. That doesn't really help.)
- baseballgirly's blog
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I agree with above response.
I agree with above response. Most of us feel like this and we also feel like you do that they are just vents. I feel like maybe I should run sometimes but love DH and know I won't. Don't take it hard because on this site we only get little tid bits of the whole puzzle and try to advise the best we can. In some cases running probably is the best road to go, but since we're all on this site I'd have to say we clearly didn't or we wouldn't be stepmoms lol. Good luck and my advice...Just keep swimming
I understand where you're
I understand where you're coming from, and understand the need to vent. But in a lot of these cases, maybe not necessarily yours, the best suggestion from others may be to run. Especially if you look at the "Adult Stepkids" forum. Lots to learn there from people that have been doing this stepdance for decades.
I agree with SOM, that there is value in hearing others' perspectives and thinking about it. You are two years in - what will the long-term future hold? You don't really know at this point nor does your SO. What you can do is educate yourself to the potential problems and possible solutions - including the price you may have to pay to stay and what you might lose if you go. It's a question that ANYONE in a relationship needs to ask themselves, stepkids or not.
I agree, I hate the "run"
I agree, I hate the "run" advice. I am not a big believer in divorce-sometimes it is necessary I understand-but I'd rather fix something that's broken vs throw it away. JMO. I have thought about leaving my dh many times-but thoughts is as far as it gets. I truly love the man, as trying as he can be at times
I've tried to be a good wife and I feel like that HAS paid off in some ways. My ss14 recently left the home. Just the other day my dh thanked me for the opportunity for him to at least TRY with ss and said it was more than either of them deserved.
"I will never understand
"I will never understand being on this site if not a stepparent."
I don't get that either. I mean, why would you WANT to be here, if you didn't have to be?
I compare it to me going on a recovering addict's support or vent site, and telling them all the ways they could be doing things better or different-when I am not an addict and have no idea what they are dealing with. The same applies for here. I guess a parent can give parenting advice, but a non-stepparent giving step-parenting advice is just ludicrous to me.
Guilty - I've said "RUN", but
Guilty - I've said "RUN", but to qualify, it was when the OP wasn't married yet. Not saying they weren't committed to the relationship, but still - knowing what you know now, would you have jumped in?
I've had "RUN" thrown at me as well and frankly, that's not my way. My DW, just like me, is gloriously flawed but she is at her center, one of the most caring, passionate people that I have ever met. And she's damn sexy....so I ain't goin' no where.
I'm with DangerKitty on this
I'm with DangerKitty on this one
I'm married... If I had a crystal ball (or if I'd have opened my eyes a little more earlier in the relationship) I wouldn't have married my husband
sad but true... he had his "rules of the house" ten years ago, they were all fine and well but then not enforced with his son
had I known that the rules only applied to his daughter and my daughters, I'd have never married and walked
if you're not married and there's major red flags, if the "crappy" stuff starts to outweigh the good stuff, then the best thing for you to do for yourself is to go
I think the fact that you
I think the fact that you aren't married and you don't have any bio kids...everyone thinks if your unhappy you have nothing holding you in this relationship. and most everyone else on here is either in a marriage, or has bio kids, and obviously it make it harder to leave.
And I don't mean to be blunt,
And I don't mean to be blunt, but never forget that you really do not "have everything in common" with your SO: He has two kids and will have until his dying day. From what you posted thus far, those two kids have problems.
Keep in mind that the BM will usually be in the picture in some form or another forever, too - up to and including when the skids get married and then grandkids are involved. She will always have influence over those kids until her dying day, too. Know this now!
Those kids who are troubled today may very well likely turn into troubled adults. When they are little they may have little problems but when they get big, they will have bigger problems. Anything from neverending financial needs to legal/criminal issues. And your SO will be drawn into it, as will you - even if by association. Always guard your assets and keep a financial escape route ready should you need it someday.
Of course, some troubled kids wind up just fine and forge good step relationships. I guess there must be another site for those families. You won't find many of them here.
New, you are correct. And
New, you are correct. And you are lucky that your DH is strong, has a backbone and set limits and adheres to them. Lots of others don't, which is when it becomes a problem. We are lucky to not have to deal with BM either, but her "influence" and ignorant behavior can still effect the two adult skids. Luckily, all SO and I have to do now is blink and hold our tongues when SD talks about the stupid stuff her mother does that upsets her. We no longer have to play in that game since SD and SS are adults.
I do think there are
I do think there are situations where, in my heart, I believe the best solution would be to run. However, having been through a marriage already, experience has taught me that "RUN NOW!" is anything but helpful advice.
A person needs to reach a certain point in a relationship where THEY have had "enough". They need to come to that resolve in their own minds & hearts in order to be able to leave & not end up looking back with regrets or "what-if's".
Just because someone has children doesn't mean that a relationship with them is destined to fail or even be miserable or unhappy or unfulfilling.
I do believe there are people who are not cut out for step-life, but I also believe there are people who function really well in step-life.
My life as a stepmother isn't perfect. I've licked many an emotional wound. I've suffered hurt feelings & I've comforted DH's emotional pains. That said, I couldn't ask for a better husband. Being a stepmother to my stepkids has been painful, but my marriage is sound & I'm happy being DH's wife.
This type of question always
This type of question always makes me wonder. There are two issues here:
1. Women come here to vent and many times ask for advice. In "real life" most women just vent and want to be heard...that's it. Usually they vent to their SO who is wired to "fix things" and thus they have issues with them. But come here and ask for advice and then complain when tsicksmokershey don't like the advice. Those who do make me feel sorry for their SO because it shows that they don't want solutions, just to solve things on their own...thus why again seek advice?
2. If you go to these types of sites, this is the general advice you will receive...
highschool dropout complaining about not having money-go back to school
Sick smokers-quit smoking
Abused women-leave the sob
overweight people unhappy with their life-go on a diet
Yet they come to a step-parent site to complain about SO, ex and skids and get ticked off when otherstell them to run.
Esp the guy who has a very
Esp the guy who has a very young child and waited approximately 10 min after the demise of the relationship with BM to fall immediately in love with another woman. Nah, he's not looking for someone to do the real work of caretaking. Not at all.
Well BBGirly, I read through
Well BBGirly, I read through your BIO, and my advice to you is to RUN... just get out of your relationship. Throw in the towel, kick rocks, take a hike, blow that popsicle stand.
Just kidding
I don't pay too much attention to the "run" responses. I know for me, what I share on this site is just bits and pieces of my situation. For a few reasons. #1 it would take too long to tell the whole story, and #2 privacy purposes. So, you have to take the advice that applied to what you KNOW is the whole situation, and leave the rest for the reading pleasure of the rest of us.
Confused...I don't know how
Confused...I don't know how old you are, but nowadays it is really hard to find a guy or girl that hasn't been married, and have kids. and the older you get, it is downright impossible.
I don't ever tell people to
I don't ever tell people to run..I listen and I let them rant, because bottom line is, thats all people come on here for..to vent and get advice. I think if someone wanted to run or leave, they wouldn't be on this board because thats exactly what they would be doing on their own. Everyone has their breaking point eventually in situations that aren't good for them and either they find ways to get around it, work on it or just leave.
I really hate advice from non stepmoms myself. Especially the ones who tell me Im selfish because I refuse to babysit, contribute financially, or spend time with the skids. I hate the "well you chose to be with a man with kids so deal with it. They are a package deal so if you don't want to be a stepmom, then find someone without kids"
Really? How many people are single parents these days? A LOT. And in my situation its kind of a no win because I don't want kids myself so its hard to find someone who doesn't want kids and doesn't have kids. I (like all of us on the board) fell in love with men who have kids. And a lot of us also told our SO's in the beginning where our boundaries were..like me telling SO I do not want to parent, babysit or contribute financially and he was fine with it. But thats not going to stop me from coming on here to vent anyways. Doesn't mean I want to run..or leave him.
EXACTLY! I told my SO
EXACTLY! I told my SO immediately (our second date if I remember correctly) how I felt about kids and how I wanted nothing to do with them. He seriously downplayed how often he had them... he insisted that if anything should happen to his EX he still woudln't have his kids full time (I think he would of course... that was just to make me feel better because I told him there would be no way I'd live with kids.) He was okay with it and we continued a relationship. Our problem came in when he still wanted the "perfect family" and we tried and tried to include me in their family life.... but it didn't/doesn't work! I don't like being around them. There is no way for me to fake that and why should I?!?? Sure I knew he had kids, but I was absolutely honest from the very beginning. There is no reason I have to live a miserable life to keep him happy!! Six in one, half a dozen in the other! One of us will be happy, one won't. He gets his kids every other weekend so HE can visit them. Not so I can visit with them.
Also, SO knows better than to ask me to ever babysit. I won't and he doesn't even ask. Why bring those kids here if he can't even spend time with them???? No way do I want to visit them! Not to mention heaven forbid if one of them had a scraped knee after being in my care!!!!! Those kids are sooo coddled that would be considered abuse in our house!