A little O/T....Is this too much to ask?!?
I wrote out a list of "Rules for this house" Just wondering if I'm asking too much from BS17 and DD16....
live here means (sleep,eat, shower,watch tv, do laundry more than 2 days a week)
1. If you live here you will clean the bathroom from top to bottom at least 1 time each week.(WE ONLY HAVE 1 BATHROOM)
2. If you live here you will do dishes,including wiping down counters at 3 times each week.(WE ONLY EAT USUALLY 2 MEALS HERE A DAY)
3. If you live here you will sweep the kitchen, dining and living room floors at least 2 times each week.(WE HAVE 3 CATS AND 1 DOG,SO WE GET ALOT OF HAIR)
4. If you live here you will clean out the litter box at least 2 times each week.
5. If you live here and owe any money for bills, you will pay a certain amount out of each check.(EACH KID OWES US $$)
6. If you live here you will eat what is made for the meal or you will purchase your own food.
7. If you live here you will keep your items picked up, or they will dissappear, on a daily basis.
8. If you live here you will eat only at meals, no snacking in between, unless you purchase the snack youself.
9. If you live here you will NOT touch anyone else's items without prior consent. This includes food.
10. If you live here showers will be no longer than 8 minutes. You will pick up bathroom when you are done with shower.
11. If you live here you will be considerate of everyone else living in this house.
12. If you live here you will keep your room clean.
13. If you live in this house you will follow all the above rules or, if of age, you will be removed from this house. If you are NOT of age you will have to deal with the consequences of your actions.
Now I added the stuff in all caps for you guys to understand a little bit more. I still do all the cooking, laundry, running to and from work, and the cleaning on the other days.(Dh helps me too)
I figure if they are living here and messing the place up and eating the food,using the utilities then they should help out.
What all do you think about it?!
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I like everything except the
I like everything except the owing money part. They are 16 and 17 so aren’t they still in high school? If they are still in high school then it is their rights as kids to have the roof and electricity, heat, water ect. paid for as well as food bought for the home. Now if you mean car, and insurance then yes I agree with them paying towards it. However when they graduate high school, I am a full supporter of rent being enforced, it is a welcome to the world time to grow up message.
^^ Third this. That and the
ditto, agree with all except
ditto, agree with all except the owing money and not being allowed to eat. If they live there and are minors surely it is your responsibility to feed them! And teenages have big appetites, so have healthy snacks that they know they are allowed to eat on hand, and incorporate that into the rules, not "buy your own"
At 16 & 17, what bills are
At 16 & 17, what bills are your kids responsible for? I'm also curious about the snacking rule. Aren't your kids still in school? If so, I don't think it is unreasonable for you, as a parent to provide at least SOME snacks.
I do think an 8 minute shower is a bit harsh...girls need to shave their legs.
Other than that, I think it makes sense & is not too much.
when in the military you
when in the military you learn to shower (including shave) in 5 minutes.
Bills are cell phone(that
Bills are cell phone(that they got on their own). My son was order to pay court cost and fine (by the courts). My DD borrowed $$ off me and told me she would pay it back. Other than that they dont pay real bills.
If I dont cut them off on their showers they will take 30+ min showers EVERY DAY!
^^^^^ totally agree with
^^^^^ totally agree with this!
I have tried a set
I have tried a set schedule...BS you will do _____ on such and such day. DD you will do _____on such and such day. They will put them off and put them off. "Oh I forgot" then they will leave it to the nxt day when the other one will have to do it. I do take privleges away...but it doesn't seem to phase them.
just a little fyi.. you did
just a little fyi.. you did ask.
When I was dealing with my family at this age, the counselor told us to put the house rules on a while board in the hallway.
She also told us to make sure to keep it to a minimum of 5. No more.
Honestly, they aren't going to read past that. And I couldn't even focus to read your entire list bc I lost my focus, too.
That being said....if you wish to write out a family contract, then this is exactly what you would include in it. To be used at a later date to get your kids to move out if they are being deadbeats. But really none of this matters if you are the only person standing behind it.
Your spouse has to back you up. And you have to all work together.
I would do both if I were you, write out 5 most important house rules and then make them sign a contract for ALL the rules. That way you covered your bases.
You also have to be consistent.
And I'm a bit confused
And I'm a bit confused too.......
For one thing, most of this stuff is common courtesy that children learn when they are in their preteen and teen years. Why don't they know this stuff? Have they never done chores before?
Also, these are YOUR kids? Like you raised them?? They are still learning how to be people at this age.
It's our job to teach them how to do this stuff and to organize a household and live with other people. You know...life skills.
So that eventually they can move into the world and be independent and successful people.
When I was 15 & 16, 17 and 18, I had a job...I worked. I paid for some expenses. But my parents still provided for me on some level.
I don't know your story.
I personally don't consider my kids to be mooching off of me until they are old enough & have the means to support themselves completely.
Even most college kids require some financial help from time to time.
Yes, they are MY kids. They
Yes, they are MY kids. They have been told to do chores in the past. They will do them for maybe a month or so then quit, until I really get on their cases. They will cry to granny and she gangs up on me, telling me that the only things those children need to do is go to school and keep their rooms clean. I have told her on more than one occasion, that they live here they need to help clean up. It will teach them responsibility, something they will need to know when they get out there in the real world.
I agree - give them chore
I agree - give them chore days that they have to sign off on so that its all in one or two days for the week. The shower thing is kinda of militant - I take showers for a good 20 minutes to wash/condition hair, shave legs, and just to wash away the dirt/stress of the day. Hot water can't last past 30 minutes, right? If its a hot water sharing issue, maybe ask them to be careful in the morning (10 minutes?) so that everyone can shower, but do what they need to at night. I would take the whole snack think out entirely. Most kids need to snack throughout the day. My mom tried this because there were alot of kids in our family and she didn't have alot of money, but there were days that I was REALLY hungry. My back up was to hide a box of brown sugar in my room and eat by the spoonful. If the kids are overweight, only bring in healthy snacks and hide the chips, cookies, etc in a pantry in the garage that they need to ask permission to get into. I think these rules could be rewritten to be more friendly in tone and you'll get much more participation.
I am stealing some of these
I am stealing some of these because SD15 and DD10 do NO chores and its about time they get off their lazy butts and do something around this house. I don't agree with them paying for bills unless it car insurance, gas, stuff like that.
The 8 minute shower is a bit harsh but I understand where you are coming from. SD15 will shower for 45 minutes if I don't tell her to get out!! And they both leave the bathroom a disaster.
The snacking I also understand where you are coming from. The day I go food shopping SD will eat every single snack and hoard some in her room. I think they need to be told they can't just eat all day long!! I hide the things I need for dinner.
Also, my kids will walk thru the house leaving every light on in their path. I take lightbulbs away!! The electric bill is crazy so your utilities are probably high too.
I told DH that SD needs to get a job this summer. All we do is hand her money. She needs to learn responsibility!
My bills ARE sky high, really
My bills ARE sky high, really high since they got out for summer break. I have hidden stuff , but they will actually go looking for it. I have had stuff locked in my room and my BS actually went so far as to break the lock to get in and get into stuff. (yes he got in major trouble for that)
Bwahaha! I'm gonna print this
Bwahaha! I'm gonna print this and show it to my kids next time they think I am being strict.
You're talking about 2 teens, right?
No snacking allowed??? Only an 8 minute shower??? They have to pay bills???
I think you need to narrow this list down to no more than 4 or 5 reasonable rules. Most importantly, you need to be prepared to follow through when, not if, they break them.
They only bills they owe are,
They only bills they owe are, their cells phones (they got on their own). And my son owes $$ from court cost and fines, that the courts ordered him to pay. M youngest DD owes $$ I lent to her to open her banking account for her new job since it is Direct Deposit. I am NOT asking them to pay for water, electric or anything like that.
The purpose behind the 8 minute shower is because they will take 20-30 minutes in the shower...even if my DD isnt shaving. They will run out ALL the hot water.
I'm surprised how many ppl
I'm surprised how many ppl don't have their kids handling chores!! They live in the house, too.. they should be responsible for helping maintain things.
And no wonder you're exhausted!!! You can't work full time and do everything else. I tried it. Can't do it!
I should clarify: my kids
I should clarify: my kids have chores. They dust, do dishes, laundry, vacuum, clean the litter boxes, etc.
They don't even get paid to do them.
Yep - even my youngest (DD6
Yep - even my youngest (DD6 has chores) I find though (I have DD22, DD19, DD9 and DD6 as well as SD11 and SS8) that it is easy to get them to participate in the running of the house when they are between 4 and about 13, then as teenagers it is HARDER to make them do their chores, but at about 18 they get easier again LOL
It is easier though to keep them going if they have been established as having responsibilities from very young, my skids have never had jobs and at BM's do nothing, so some days they find the chores a novelty and other days they get pissy about doing them. Whatever, don't whine to me just do your jobs!
The snacking part, is only
The snacking part, is only because they dont snack on snacks like HO HOs or chips or even fruit. They "snack" on leftovers from the night befores dinner, that we would be eating for leftovers. Or food that I have set for a certain meal. They also "snack" on food that my DH has bought for him to take to work. So when my DH gets ready to go to work his food is gone.
If they would snack on fruits or veges I wouldn't mind them snacking.
My BK talked to my Dh and
My BK talked to my Dh and told him that they "arent going to do those chores...cuz they arent our animals. Besides we use paper plates so we shouldnt have to wash dishes"
My DH told them "well, if you always eat with paper plates, then how do all the cereal bowls get dirty and all the milk and cereal dissapear?" LOL
they had no answer, so they walked away.