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Oh my goodness! CO WORKER that thinks just b/c she is the mom!

purpledaisies's picture

co worker came in last night all upset and crying b/c baby daddy got custody of their son. She claimed she didn't she didn't know about court til the night before and she didn't have a lawyer to prove her unfit but he had on that proved she was. HUH? I asked her if the continued it b/c she didn't have a lawyer and she said no. But she was claiming that if she had a lawyer he could prove her fit even though his lawyer proved her to be unfit. that was all she said about it.

then she went on to say that she knows her boy is safe and ok and all she is is missing her BF! :jawdrop:

even another co worker said they don't just take a kid away from the momma for nothing and we live where we live as they are pro momma! Then they started talking about how they couldn;t live with out their kids and stuff so i said if you feel that way think about how the dad feels b/c they would LOVE to have their kid too just like you.


realitycheckmom's picture

WTF? I'm in a really pro BM area too and a classmate (31) told me she lost custody because she couldn't get a ride to court and the baby daddy's new GF had attacked her and that was why she was unfit.

Again a big WTF? How does this happen? These women are delusional. You don't lose custody for nothing like what they are saying.

Anon2009's picture

I live in CA which is VERY pro BM. The situation has to be pretty dire for the kids to be taken from BM. In my case, it was because she knowingly let guys sexually abuse her kids. Have you ever seen your co worker with her child?

rockermom's picture

Actually, I just lost custody of my kids. I have had 3 restraining orders against my XH because of domestic violence. My oldest son (XH's step-son) has been hit by my XH too, but I didn't know about it until after the divorce was final. My XH also molested my son, but again, my son didn't tell anyone until 5 months after the last incident. Also, my XH is a city councilor here in our town. The children's lawyer took his side because of his position, and I had a bad attorney.

My XH never, ever said that I was a bad mother, or that I was unfit. I still have visitation with my children. However, I do not have custody of them because, according to the judge's findings, 1) I have a boyfriend, 2) I'm a Wiccan (I'm not, but I did go to a Pagan Pride rally with my daughter), 3) I want to move away from our gang-stricken city and move to the suburbs, even though I've made no plans for any move.

So yeah, just like dads can lose custody for no reason, so can moms. In fact, because of women lying about abuse like a lot of BMs here, it makes it so that, statistically speaking, the moment a woman identifies herself as the victim of abuse, she actually LOSES her own children to her abuser.

Don't believe me? Google the paper "When Battered Women Lose Custody" by Daniel G. Saunders, Ph.D., at the University of Michigan School of Social Work.

realitycheckmom's picture

My ex was physically abusing my daughter. I caught him and took her to the ER and left. Two weeks later I was trying to get him out of my RV so I could remove it from his possession and he beat me up. I went through Hell with children's services but I never lost custody and still retained my daughter 100%. I didn't even have to go to court. It doesn't always work out that abusers get their children. My daughter was 18 months old and couldn't talk. It was my word against his and the state workers threatened me but I kept pointing out that I walked out with my child the first time I saw him hit her.

rockermom's picture

In my case, the fact that the abuse happened to a step-child doesn't count as him being a bad father, even though he helped me raise my son and raised him as his own child. From my perspective, if you molest a child, you will molest any child. And I live in a supposedly "pro-woman" state. But all the policies to protect abused women and children in the world don't matter if a woman goes up against a career politician.