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NO CONTACT with the PEW is the only way to keep your marriage and sanity

out_of_our_control's picture

Ok, here's my story. It's very similar to a lot of others on here. And first let me say I am sorry for everyone having to deal with a Bitter, Vindictive, Mentally unstable PEW. I use to think I had the worst situation in the world, because my Husbands PEW is bi-polar (dr diagnosed) , a serious substance abuser, a pathological liar, and she is unemployed and when she is not passed out on downer drugs she is awake and revved up on amphetamines and stays up for days on her computer starting websites some of her own, but they are all about me and what a horrible, evil whore I am.

She recently made me my own personal website. She of course impersonating me, so to looks like I am writing all these crazy things. Like she us trying to make me look crazy as her, and pathetic. Saying things like " why does my husband choose his daughter, my step daughter and his happiness over me?" "I think I have borderline personality disorder please help me, " and my favorite on "my website " she created is "I am tired of being 2nd runner up to my husbands children, I should be his first and only priority, his kids are bad and don't deserve anything from us, so he shouldn't give them anything he should give it all to me" . Since impersonating another person and making them a domain is illegal, it's called cyber stalking. My husband told me he thought he had gone to far and to file a police report. So I did. An officer came to house and took the report. So it's a waiting game now. But she has been doing this for 3 years. She gets on a 3 or 4 day binder and doesnt sleep, she stays on her computer writing lies about me. She signs me up for adult dating sites that are xxx and puts my cell phone number on them. She uses pictures of me that she finds on her daughters computer that we have taken on family vacations, or just at the house. And crops my head and starts a site. And says things on the adult sites like " I'm married but looking for a one night stand or looking to get laid cause my husbands puts his children before me and I want a real man that will put me first". I mean seriously it's kinda funny until I started getting calls from weirdo men, looking for me and ready to hook up. That's where the police say its a slam dunk case on her. Because she is impersonating me then giving out my private information. My husband said to change my number, but the kids have gotten older, we got them cell phones so they can call us anytime they need to and I would give my number, and the PEW would go thru their phones and find it so I figured what's the point.
She actually even started me a profile on this site. Kcarby was my name. I filed a complaint with the person who runs this site and it was removed immediately but it was saying the same stuff, trying to make me look like this jealous, evil, insecure, needy, pathetic person, who doesn't like her step kids, and is unstable, and it even implied i was jealous of the her. She is way older than me, and smokes and drinks and drugs so much she looks 20 years older than she actually is. She is dysfunctional and cannot do normal things like grocery shop, take her kids to school on time. Oh and she just got a 1980's model surburan, her drivers license is suspended from driving with no insurance and wreckless endangerment. So I'm not sure what I'm jealous of but whatever.

She thinks I'm jealous and stupid because she was a lawyer and my husband is a lawyer and Im not a lawyer and "i feel stupid" is what she writes. Well my husband is a lawyer, and she use to be a lawyer, but has been disbarred and is unable to practice law ever again, because she was convicted of stealing from her clients. They paid a retainer to retain her as their attorney and they never heard from her again. She had her housekeeper answer calls and tell the people who retained her and were wondering where she was that she was in a cancer hospital with stage 3 ovarian cancer, and didn't know if she would survive . All lies, she just spent the money on her drug habit and dug herself a hole. She writes the same thing on every site she has started me a profile. That I hate my step kids and I'm jealous of her, and I'm stupid. Which I guess she didn't know that I went to college at Texas A&M in college station and graduated with a degree in ecological science minor in biology. And had a 3.9 GPA. That university was not easy. I never wanted to be a lawyer in my life. I like nature, the world, animals, plants and wanted a science degree so i could work in that field.

Anyways at this point I don't know if she is seriously got a mental disturbance in her brain and is not living in the same reality world most of us are. Or if she is just a sociopath, and I am her target and she is doing everything she can to destroy my reputation, ruin my life, and bring me down. Either way because I have a wonderful supportive husband that already knows how nasty she is, together we are getting thru this. If you want to check out the website she started about me,pretending to be me you can. It's I haven't looked at it in while, I know the detective I talked to Said it would still be online for a little while until his investigation of everything was done. I just don't look at it because it's so ridiculous. We just take things one day at a time. We never know what drama we may have from her ever. We usually hope her 4 day meth bender is over and then we know we will have at least 3 days of peace, cause she will be cold passed out... And those are the days we make the best of.

Right now my husband as decided she is too incompetent to communicate with and with the charges we have filed he has cut off contact with her. That has made her furious . So she finally manipulated enough with saying his daughter had to have form filled out and she made it so hard and complicated he had to speak to her so she would shut up. He came home and said "block her number now" cause we pay extra money on our cell bill to be able to block numbers from calling or texting. He had me block it when we recently went out of town together, and for his golf tournament. It was a drama free wonderful fabulous weekend. The kids have phones so they can reach us, there is no reason we need to have anymore contact with at all.. And she hates that. She knows she has NO control over my husband or our life. We have the money, she has nothing and shes bitter because her kids know they can rely on me to do what I say Im going to do. And I am always awake during normal hours, I am very good to them, I treat them like my own child. But I have never tried to be their mom or replace their mom. I have only done what I do for my own child when they are here.

I wonder if she wants me to treat them bad. Cause I'm good to them but she wants to turn them against me and tell people I am horrible to them. The kids see my actions. They hear their mothers words. They put 2 and 2 together and even tho she causes friction and tension everything always ends up ok. Because they come see us and after all the horrible things they were told when with her about me and their dad. They see that it doesnt add up. Our home is the only place they have for normalcy and consistency and structure. Oh and they bring all their dirty laundry to be washed, cause it doesn't get washed at their moms. To me that's so sad... So of course I am good to these kids. They are my husbands children and I feel sorry for them. They want their mother to be a mother to them so bad... And to love them and give them attention. They don't want me too. But she is to busy online trashing me, obsessing about ruining my reputation, which she should stop wasting her time, because no one believes her. And sober up and give her damn kids a hug, some attention. Take interest In their life. It's really sad. And she so badly wants to hurt me and my husband she can only do It thru her children. And she does. But we are so over her it has no affect on us. So she is only hurting her own kids.

The situation I am in is the most insane I have ever been in. I don't think it will get better. As far as her obsessing with me, writing online about me, telling the children horrible things about me and anyone else who will listen. But my marriage has become stronger than ever in the past year because we are dealing with this together and having someone by your side makes life much easier especially when you are being stalked, harassed and slandered on and offline about by a raging sociopath... Pretty scary to some people. I'm not scared. I'm originally from Texas, I'm tough and I know the law and my rights. She irritates me but she is not a threat. No one listens to a druggie, that's for sure.


LRP75's picture

^ THIS! ^

I got through about 2 sentences and gave up. I was going cross-eyed. Decided to browse the comments to see if I could get the short, sane version. Biggrin

jennaspace's picture

I know I was like "pew as in church, pew as in stink, pew as in one more acronym I'm supposed to know instinctively???"

I want to support her but I'm afraid I'd be a chump supporting somebody w/too much time on their hands.

If you are real... keep the police involved, your situation is awful! Don't be afraid of the paragraph either!

not THAT happy's picture

yeah I thought that first too.... PEW impersonating someone here. But then I went ahead and looked to the blog she mentioned and the writing style it's quite different. At least you can tell whoever wrote here has better grammar than the blog's writer.
But on the web we never know :?

cant win for losin's picture

i did that too, and yeah who ever wrote that blog DEF has different writing style.

lilsadone's picture

At that top of the website, there is a link called "report abuse" and that link will let you report the blog as someone impersonating you, etc. You should use it.

not THAT happy's picture

But reporting a blog won't do much. I had the same issue with a myspace account and I had to report it several times until I had a bunch of friends to report the myspace account as an abuser (I was really upset as I didn't know who was trying "to be me"... to this date I don't know who was responsible)
If this is a serial impersonator she'll just keep looking more ways to screw her up. Glad you reported to the police!

out_of_our_control's picture

Yes I reported abuse on the kcarby site. And I had to send a picture of my drivers license to prove who I was. I reported it for impersonation. She had a profile for me on this site, it was kcarby. But moderater removed it. I promise I'm not the pew, but she is very convincing and you know it's her because when she is impersonating me she portrays me as a pathetic , jealous new wife, that is upset my husband picks his children over me and that my step children are ruining my marriage. And i definatley don't feel that way. The PEW is trying to ruin our marriage but she is not doing a good job, the crazier she gets, the stronger we stand beside each other. And the less control she has over anything. She will pull a few tricks. Like when I go to pick up my stepson today. He won't be at school cause she checked him out earlier.. Same old same old....

out_of_our_control's picture

Ha ha and she definatley a serial impersonator. I have more online profiles than Kim kardashian. She's made me a twitter as kcarby, I got that deleted. Anything that is me I usually use my first name. She impersonates, she has her own blog accusing me of personally stalking her. Said I sit down the street in my car and take pictures of her. I don't know what I would take pictures of, she's to paranoid to leave the house or she's passed out cold in the bed.

not THAT happy's picture

She's projecting herself on you, or what she wants to believe of you.
It is quite common, the difference is how she is doing it (usually they just assume/say "she must be miserable since she's got MY xh because *I* didn't want him anymore and she just picked up the leftovers")

not THAT happy's picture

and @bookishworm ... hehe I think I'll do that for my own post. I needed to say so many things and was writing it as the images were crossing my mind that I forgot to make it readable.


DaizyDuke's picture

does she have money? I'd be suing her for defamation of character! I mean you said she was a lawyer, shouldn't she have 1/2 a brain to know that this shit will be guaranteed to get her in deep doo doo?

out_of_our_control's picture

She has no money. She was a lawyer but license was took away after about 50 people filed complaints on her for taking money and never rendering her services . So the state disbarred her so that she will never be able to be an attorney again. So she sits at home and does crazy stuff all day. I would sue her if she had anything I wanted. But she's a loser. She has had money but she has nothing to show for it. She blows every dime on pills and uppers.

out_of_our_control's picture

The problem is she only does online stuff. And of course tells the kids horrible
Things about me. Which use to work. But they see my actions and me when I am with them and they don't even seem to care what she says. It use to be so awkward and uncomfortable when they came cause of the drama. But now they really don't listen to her, every now and then she can get into their little minds and get to them. But it's gotten better. She doesn't like physically stalk me that I am aware of.... She just does so many crazy online things impersonating me with my own picture. And makes me sound like a evil step mom and pathetic human being. Which if you saw the kcarby site. Obviously if I was that insecure and jealous of her, would I post it for the world to see? That's dumb...