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Having children is a privelege - A email I WONT send to the BB

TheSaneOne's picture

So, we call the girls last night, the called us right back, mom was having a party at the house so they didn't here the phone ring. "Don't worry daddy, there are only two boys here that are spending the night." This was 10 pm....

I have to vent my rage, or go after the stupid bitch that has the kids when their dad is able to care for them......

Dear Fat Crazy Bitch:

Well, at least the girls weren't left with a babysitter for the fifth weekend in a row. I would say thats a good thing, but not when you bring the party to them. I hope their "icee" was alcohol free but I don't put anything past you to try to get them to sleep in your tiny house with a house full of drunks.

How funny that you tell the 7 yo that daddy was mad because she was asleep when he called (I am sure she was, shes up till 10 all week long on school nights) I have that call recorded bitch and guess what, no one was mad, we just asked you to have her call us) Funny how we never say those things about you to the kids. I bite my tongue all the time. They will see you as trying to make their dad look bad. They know how we are here, believe me.

Keep your act up - keep self medicating with getting drunk every single weekend. I have almost all the proof we need for a change in custody - were just trying to get the retainer saved up to file."

---- if you guys only knew what all went on there - the girls saying the last BF tried to kiss her and mommy made him leave - her personal ads on every website there is. My favorite is her ad on BBW personals. I like that almost as much as her full porn site she posts on. Does she not know that if she posts her entire life (va-jay-jay and all) on the net I can copy those and save them???? Guess she doesn't care - her narcissistic personality leads her to think I am not smarter than her.

Sorry guys I had to vent, I wanted to call her so bad last night and give her a what for. I am nice to this woman and my tongue bleeds after I have to deal with her.


goingcrazy's picture

I admire you so much. I continuously fight for ONE child and have my own ONE figured all out with no issues. You have put your heart and soul on the line for so much more and still continue to try and help others. You are a blessing to everyone's life you touch!

As I was reading down your post, I was thinking "I wonder if she has thought to look on some of those adult dating sites" then you said it! I figured she was there. It makes me sick that moms can be like that. As a bio mom myslef, I could NEVER imagine not being the best mom I possibly can. I just don't undertsand these women who carry a child inside of them and then bring them into the world only to be abused, neglected or at the very least not protected. Then there are those of us who were not blessed to carry that child, yet we would go to hell and back to do all of those things. I wish tere was some way that terrible people could not reproduce and bring innocent children into thie rtwisted lives. The time will come when you have te rightful custpdy of those kids. I will pray for you everyday until they are safe with you and DH.

"I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay."

TheSaneOne's picture

you too goin crazy - kep me posted on everything! anything else I can do I am right here. It helps me to try and help others have a release from this with the girls. I just took a nap today and woke up from a nightmare, involving the kids. this is why I shouldn't take naps Smile

Nymh's picture

Slowly, in...out...

In the end, all will be as it should be.


*~So sayeth Nymh~*

TheSaneOne's picture

LOL - my stress and aggravation is dead on no? I finally had to just step back and not know for a while, that my DH's job. I can't take it anymore right now.

smurfy1smile's picture

I could havent written part of that myself. Our BM "internet" dates and did so while still married to BF. BM blames BF for her need to cheat and lie about it all the time. She still does and still blames BF cause she was unhappy. We know BM is still looking for sex on the internet but she is getting more sneaky and we are having trouble locating her again. But we are still trying.

I agree - just breathe.

ColorMeGone2's picture

Freedom of speech, freedom of expression are great things, but I would be afraid of some liberal judge telling you that as long as she's posting on a website that is not for kids, then she's entitled to do whatever she wants with her private life. There have been court cases over teachers doing the same thing, getting fired for it, and then suing and winning their jobs back in court. So I'd be praying hard for a judge that finds all this as distasteful as you, because if you can't prove that her behaviors directly, dramatically and negatively impact the kids, it could be a tough sell. Ugh.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

TheSaneOne's picture

I didn't even think of that Georgia? What about the fact that she also posts her kids pics on this porn site? I also have a pic of her know...lets not go there, and in the background, you see the 2 yo's legs. which means she's in the room with mom, doing unmentionables while taking pics of something I would have rather not seen? Also, with the allegations and report from doc that abuse can't be ruled out and the fact that she's meeting men on this site and taking them around kids? When we picked them up at Christmas, she had a guy with her that she drove to Miss. to pick up before dropping the kids off and told the girls she met him online. She also takes the girls to these guys houses late at night....

I am sorry - going off can you tell? I am so stressed out right now, along with work, the four that live with us, my DH, you name it and Aunt Flo is exaggerating it right now....I need a breather Smile

Thanks everyone for letting me vent, again .....

Hope you all have a productive Monday,.

Sweatheart's picture

If you have a picture of this woman, and the child is in the background, even if it's just the child's legs, this is pornography. You need to call the police NOW. This is illegal, and you need to act NOW!

ColorMeGone2's picture

It's all well and good - sick, but not illegal, I guess - if it's just herself. But if there's a kid in the shot? Even if it's not the child's face, that's definitely grounds for lots of things. I agree with Sweatheart.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

TheSaneOne's picture

I almost missed the fact that she was in the pic out of disgust. But mom is on the edge of the bed, 2 yo is right behind her. I think this is what bothers me about the situation sometimes. I feel like what I have is enough but am scared that it isn't and then I won't have access to this info anymore (she would block it to private) which thank goodness she has actually made her NSFW album private again. (she just became single again so I know it will be made public again soon - she's added stuff to it but I can't see what, partly because I don't want to.
If you are going to put everything out there for the world to see, bleach it first.
(I am just really disgusted about the situation this weekend with the girls there, so excited that mom wasn't going out this weekend but to hear them all in the background laughing because she didn't want to talk to H (of course not, mom is finally paying her attention) they were saying what, you dont like your daddy, is that it????
This following the call of her breakdown two nights before where you can hear the skids in the back crying "i want my daddy, mommy I want daddy, please"
This is putting a strain on us all the way around, why can't she just take her to the psych doctor along with herself? Why is she putting me in a position to have to take the kids away from this madness? I want her to do right by those girls. They need her so bad. I am tired of the calls saying Daddy, it's not good in _____. I can't talk, mommy says I cant. She even had her call last week and tell us that she cannot talk to us again unless we promise her we won't take her to court for custody. THis from a 7 yo.

ColorMeGone2's picture

Some people just deserve to be throttled to within an inch of their lives.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)