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Have you ever heard of this happening? Is this really worth it ? I am so conflicted.

chesapeakegurl's picture

My husband is in a custody fight with his make a very long crazy story short..well that is not really possible but I will try...
The last time we were in court they appointed a lawyer that is suppossed to be impartial to talk to everyone and tell the court their opinion about custody. That lawyer talked to the kids and decided that unless she is appointed as a best interest lawyer for the kids that she will not talk to us. We have been waiting 6 weeks for this woman to call us and were told that she would be coming to our home and interviewing everyone. I thought this was a good idea because there would be less pressure. My husband is not a great talker especially under pressure.

Also the BM alleges that my daughter told my SD11 that I abuse my husband and that is a big part of their accusations. No one from the systen has EVER asked to speak to my daughter who says she never said anything of the sort to her stepsister. I have never abused anyone- BM has hated me since she found out about my existence because she can no longer control my husband. My husband is by no means abused...he is happier than ever before and it just pisses BM off.
She has been on a vendetta to break us up but I think she figured out she cannot so she is trying to take his children. BM denied visitation from my husband for four months because she says my husband abandoned his 13 yo daughter when he dropped her off at her Mom's home early one day. She had told my daughter she wasn't loved, wasn't important, and was not really family because she was just "married in". He told her to apologize and she refused so he took her back to her mother.

BM has also tried to put a protective order against my husband for sending emails asking about when and where he could see his kids. The PFA was dropped when she found out she would lose custody if she pursued it and continued to deny visitation. We got visitation back because we filed for emergency custody when she did this.
BM has also screamed at us at public events- I have 215 pictures of her and her hubby acting like loons- she called 911 because I would not stop taking her picture after she screamed at me and drug our my stepson away from me like an animal. Her husband screamed at me and shoved me. All this was because my husband and I had taken him to the playground on the field without getting her "permission". My DH has joint custody and it would have been his weekend for visitation. BM could see us so we felt that we did not need to get her "permission".

The police told BM and her hubby I had not committed any crimes and this was really petty but that did not stop them! They went on their own to the court house the next week and filed criminal charges against me for harrassment and assault. I am now facing criminal charges and I have never been in trouble in my entire life and I am in my 40's and in a profession where if you are convicted of abuse or a felony you can kiss your career goodbys. Why would I be so stupid as to ruin my career for them?
I have my own daughter who is 12 has none of these crazy problems! I feel like they are sucking the life out of me. If I had known what I was in for I never would have married my DH. Before we were married everyone was relatively nice. As soon as we walked down the aisle it was as if someone flipped the crazy switch and all hell broke loose. I love my husband but I really cannot take this.
I am an only child and my daughter is an only child and we have lived a realtively calm, happy, low conflict life until this point. My ex husband and I rarly argue! He even goes to church with us and sits in the same pew on the other side of my daugher. How can I get through this with my sanity? There is so much more that I have not would take hours to write it all. I have wanted to write for months but was trying to deal with it myself. I even went to couseling because I thought it might help..complete waste of time and money. I just want peace! I am afraid that if I stay in this marriage that I will never be at peace and will always be attacked by this crazy woman. What did I do to deserve this? I just do not understand. My husband and I are both successful professionally and moral decent people. BM had multiple affairs and left my husband for her last F buddy that she married before I even met my husand. Is there any hope? Lord help!!!

xandersstepmom's picture

omg i feel for you this lady sound like she is down right crazy... i hope it all works out for you and i hope you dont mind if i pray for you. i feel so bad for you i hope the judge sees through all this and the charges are dropped this is just crazy. sorry

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Do you have an attorney working for you in the criminal case?

And what are the criminal charges pending? Were you arrested? Did the police come and interview you?

Your husband married a loon and unfortunately you are caught up in this drama. His lawyer needs to be in court on your/his behalf immediately. Don't be reactive, be proactive.

chesapeakegurl's picture

We hired a criminal attorney.
I was not arrested. The police on the scene said I had done nothing wrong. In our state it appears anyone can walk into the courthouse and charge another person with things without any proof.
We have a hearing in July and will see what happens there.
The same police officer that was on the scene delivered the charges to me and said this is one of the most childish cases he has ever seen. He will be at the hearing and says he will say that.
The officer says that they have no case and it is not likely anything will happen but they will dismiss the charges but I still have to go through the motions in the system.
The lawyer says the same thing.
Even so there is no guarantee and I am very upset about this. It does not seem like justice that they can do this even though the police did not agree!

chesapeakegurl's picture

I had wanted to charge the husband of BM who shoved me but our attorney said not to. It would make us appear litigous and hurt our custody case. Well they turned around the story and charged me instead.
The charges against me are harrassment from the BM for taking her picture when she did not want me to.
The hubby has charged me with assault- he shoved me but he says that I ran into him on purpose. I was taking pics of his wife acting crazy and he shoved me ndt screamed at me to stop taking pictures of his wife. I simply said "No. I have a right to take pictures in a public place of anyone and he has no right to shove me." They then called 911 and tried to get me and my husband arrested but were told we had not done anything wrong.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Did you taking photos instigate this incident? Taking photos of her is like fueling the fire, I would not engage in any sort of activity like that at least not blatantly. If you need evidence, have a friend do it as ex wife and stepdad will be focused on you and your husband.

chesapeakegurl's picture

We were at a athletic event and when she drug my stepson away after screaming at me I just decided to document her craziness. I had my camera on sports mode and just held down the shutter. I got tons of shots of them acting crazy in front of hundreds of people. This helped us to get visitation back but she is seeking revenge now with these charges. BM puts on a good show so most people if they met her would think she is really normal. She screams at us whenever she does not get her way so I decided to document it. I have never done it before but I carry my camera with me now just in case. Out family law lawyer has suggested that we carry a camcorder to anywhere we may encounter the BM. I feel like I am living a real life episode of Jerry Springer. Never thought this would be possible.