BM getting a divorce?!?! NOOOoooo!!!!!
Oh man, this is NOT good.
First, assuming that the marriage was "real" in the first place as she rushed to get married 2 weeks before DH and I. Trying to prove something? She had some sort of shindig on her front lawn and flipped out on us about our "big, fancy wedding while she had to get married on her front lawn." I was like, "b*tch please. I WORK. Back off." Anyway, I'm not even all that sure it's a real marriage. She's just a notorious liar and scammer. I realize that I could go to the county to check, but I don't really care to. I don't think it really means all that much.
BM apparently told DH at drop-off that she and her husband are, "trying to work it out." She shared that her husband doesn't even always come home, that he will sleep in his car, or has even slept out in the woods to not have to come home. BM said he, "yells all of the time and is mean."
Ok, now ASSUMING that what she told us is actually the truth:
#1. I feel sorry for her. I'm not usually very excited to hear that someone's marriage is ending. Generally, I feel it's a tragedy.
#2. No sh*t he doesn't want to come home. I wouldn't want to be there with her either. Also, I would REALLY not want to be there with 4 kids and the way they all act. It's like a zoo. Those kids are so bad. And her role in their house? To be their "friend."
#3. If they get a divorce - I'm afraid that will free up more of her time to focus on what's going on over here in our house.
#4. If they get a divorce, she's going to need SOMEONE to support her. Guess who will try to rake us over the coals the next CS modification?
#5. She told her daughter (SD10) that she is going to try to get on disability, and if she can't get on disability, she will have to get a job.
The only thing disabled about that woman is her morals.
I have so much to say about it, but am short on time. I'll be back to vent more later.
On another note, the irony of the situation is freaking hilarious. Her husband has been a total ass to my DH about the kids, etc. We are talking - a total A-S-S. He has wayyyyy over-stepped many, many, many times. If they end up divorced - he is about to be SCHOOLED on what a f*cking lunatic that woman is. If he has even ONE brain cell in that skull of his, he's going to be able to recognize that WE aren't the bad guys at all. Welcome to hell buddy, welcome to hell. I want to say to him, "Good f*cking luck to ya." }:)
- LRP75's blog
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Do you live in Alabama? I
Do you live in Alabama? I swear almost the entire stare is on disability. I don't understand it. Well I do kind of, I found out if you are a drug addict you can get disability. It's weird here to say the least.
Oh wow. Sounds like the REAL
Oh wow. Sounds like the REAL drama is about to begin
From the looks of it, it seems like BM got "married" to try to get your SO's attention. It's funny how she rushed to get married (assumably because she loves this guy sooo much *sarcasm*), yet, she's crying to your SO about how "mean" her husband is??? That just sounds very fishy to me. I think it was all just a ploy to get your SO's attention/sympathy. BM's in general want drama and your BM is looking for some. All I can say is good luck and do NOT, I repeat do NOT, let her drama affect you and your family. Once she and your SO were divorced, she gave up ALL rights to have him involved in her affairs. Good luck
BTW, OUR BM is always trying to get on disability, too :S She's already raked in the dough with her son on disability (for ADHD), and she tried to get her daughter on it too (but she's pretty normal, so it didn't work). Now she's trying to find a way to get herself on disability (is stress a disability???). Pathetic!
Well, my DH and BM were never
Well, my DH and BM were never married. Their relationship was a one night stand gone terribly, terribly wrong. Their entire relationship lasted a whole 5 months - and that included the time trying to make it work BECAUSE she was pregnant.
HOWEVER, I totally see your point and agree. It was such a weird move for her to make. Kind of like a childish, "na na na na na na" moment. Like, "We got married before you!" Um... ok.
She says this guy screams all the time. Um, yeah. No sh*t. She's a useless "mother." All she is, is like a "friend" to those kids. Which is why I was complaining that she dyed SD10's hair fire engine red. The hair dying, in and of itself, is no big deal. It's the fact that she treats SD10 as though she is already 16yrs old and allows her to do LOTS of things that are beyond her years. SD10 thinks she is "soooo" grown. Her older sister (not my DH's child), when I met her - she was 12 years old - but I thought she was 17 or 18 and about to graduate from High School. I, literally, almost fell out of my chair. The girl had so much make-up on, hair dyed and streaked, booty shorts, low-cut top showing off her breasts, etc. I almost died when I realized that she is younger than MY son - whom is still so much a chid in so many ways (especially sexually). So when BM starts doing stuff like dying SD10's hair, or giving her make-up to wear, I freak out.
Can't we, as a society, just let out little girls be little girls anymore? Can't we teach them that they are more than their vagina? That they have REAL power that has nothing to do with their ability to FLIRT or F*CK their way through life? OMG. I'm going to have a stroke...
Anyway, back to the divorce:
I'm really worried that when she is no longer distracted, she's going to focus over here. However, like it's been suggested: we won't let her get to us.
BUT, now that I know this: I now understand why she started going to Bible classes and going to church, or looking at returning to school.
She did the same thing when my DH was trying to get full custody (rightfully so considering her drug abuse and neglect of the kids) of the twins. She all of a sudden turned into a saint. The judge is a gender biased ass and allowed her to keep the kids. But in order to prove how *awesome* she is, she started going to church, got baptized, and had her photo taken for the church newsletter. She's not been back to that church since the judge revoked the FOC's decision to give full custody of the twins to their father. She also started taking classes at a community college and talked about how she wanted to be a "brain surgeon." Yeah, a "brain surgeon." WTF. IN ADDITION, she also married some dude to make herself look like she could provide a stable home for the kids. She divorced him within a month from the closing of the custody case - but not before she had him drain his retirement account to help her pay her legal fees.
Yeah, that's the kind of *prize* our BM is.
She makes me sick.
UPDATE: She's trying to say
UPDATE: She's trying to say that she was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 7.
Uh, do I think she's got a personaility disorder and/or mood disorder? Yes.
Is she f*cked up? Yes.
Is she completely and totally dysfunctional? Yes.
Does she have schizophrenia? NO.
I suppose that's the angle she's working for disability. It's a total scam.
I hope she gets denied. Come on, this person has been sucking off the taxpayers her whole life. She doesn't contribute ANYTHING positive to society at all - from her behavior (criminal record), to her spawn (going to have criminal records), to the fact that she just absolutely, in any way, refuses to accept responsibility for herself and forces EVERYONE around her to take care of her and to clean up her messes. Please, oh please, let her be forced to get a JOB. Please oh please let the state of Michigan draw the line SOMEWHERE.
Also, apparently she is moving into her aunts house, and she will only be charged $300 per month for rent. This is both a good and a bad thing. Good because it will free up some of their money and maybe they will leave US alone. Bad because the last time she tried to get food stamps, the lady at DHS told her that if she couldn't afford to feed her children she needed to move to a cheaper house (she is currently paying $1000 per month to rent a house). So I imagine that this is just one more calculated step to get more state aid = more taxpayer money.
She's such a leech. :sick:
^ AMEN!!!!!!
^ AMEN!!!!!!
"I do love that moment when
"I do love that moment when the BM's SO/DH/BFF(s) have that light bulb moment when they realize that the problem doesn't lie with the ExH/SM, it lies with the BM" - SO TRUE!!!
When DH and I moved in together (16 years ago) BM suddenly announced that she was getting married. This was around the same time that DH received a lawyer's letter referring to me as his "concubine", amongst a whole lot of other stuff. Best bit: DH was on the phone speaking with BM's then-BF (who actually seemed to be quite a decent guy and was kind of acting as "mediator" between DH/BM). DH told BF that he found it inappropriate that BM was saying all sorts of things in front of skids (PAS), BF admitted that sometmes when BM was angry she would "make an exclamation" (English was not his 1st language) within earshot of skids; BF also confirmed that SS always needed to be the centre of attention and best of all BF said that he was "biding his time". Sounds like he was having a great time over at BM's. Then, really, really best of all was that BF changed his mind about marrying BM literally at the altar (in his country of origin where all of BM's family had gathered to celebrate the not-to-be-wedding), then went off and married their housekeeper }:)
Well, DH went out to see
Well, DH went out to see SS10's soccer game tonight. I don't know if BM will be there or not. It will be interesting to see if anything else is shared. I hope not. As HELPMEEEEE said, she needs to take her sob story elsewhere.
Nothing was said to him. BM
Nothing was said to him. BM wasn't there, but BM's husband was. Apparently he sat way on the other end of the field and didn't interact with DH at all. Perfect.
Oh well, I suppose that I'm not going to worry about it until/unless I need to.
On with my own life...