My stepchildren's mother, the vampire.
Hahahahaha. I cannot stop laughing every time I think about this now.
We went to meet with DH's atty today just to kind of finalize everything before court bright and early Monday morning. He walked in, we exchange greetings (he's kind of like a friend to us now, even came to our wedding! haha) and he sits down and hands up "our" proposed parenting plan for Monday to look over and make notes to. We're going through everything and we start talking about income. He then mentions that he went to XBar a couple of weekends ago with his wife, and that he saw BM there working. I explained that yes, that's where she works, and that's where I got the twitter "tweets" about her offering sexual favors for tips!! He laughs, and then says, well yeah my wife kept trying to take her picture with her phone, but she couldn't get one of her because well, she's like a vampire and wouldn't show up on the screen!!! Hahahahahahahaha. Yes, yes atty. She's a vampire. He said it was because she knew who he was and kept angling herself so that he couldn't look at her. Hahahahaha.
In other news, atty seems to think we have a pretty solid case, which I'm happy about. We have the teachers on "our" side, the GAL on "our" side (who still has not been paid BMs 50%, our atty checked) and we have a pretty strong case and a lot to discredit her with.
I did find out though, which I'm dumb and should've realize before. Bc I'm considered a "witness", I am not allowed in the court room during BM and DHs testimony...ugh. I asked our atty if I had to testify, he said yes. Yes you do. You're the only one that can testify to the children's routine while they're at home. Well phuck me. I really hate this. Because our atty is of the same thought that I am. BMs defense is going to be to try to tear me apart. She has nothing against DH that's "real" other than he works a lot and leaves them in my care. So...that leads us to believe that she's going to try and say that I'm terrible, she's called so many bogus DCS claims on us that the social workers dont even do anything anymore but call DH and let him know they've had to go speak to the kids. So I'm sure she's going to say she believes I'm a child abuser, I'm stupid, and our lawyer even said (bc obviously he knows her lawyer and that he's apparently a bottom feeder of the worst variety) he said he wouldn't even put it past her lawyer to try to get to me and say something like "well you probably can't have your own children, right? that's why you want to take over as mother to these" which I will simply reply that no, I do not want to replace these children's mother, but I do love them, and I will take care of them while they are at home with me. In my head however, I will be telling him that he can fuck himself, and that state of my uterus is none of his fucking business. Also, that I would love for these children that have been PASed out of control, I would love for them to go live with their piece of shit mother and for me to live my OWN life, but ya see, unfortunately I do love them and wont let her psycho ass ruin them any more than she already has because well, I love their father as well, and he loves them so they will always be a part of my life in some regard or another.
Ugh. Anyway, pardon my language and running on. I'm going to go have a glass (or 5) of wine to calm myself down after that meeting.
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Thank you!! I never like to
Thank you!! I never like to be too cocky about things of this matter but fortunately for us this is the same judge that she went before for perjury as well as filing a false report. Her credibility is already thrown out the window and the very first thing our lawyer is going to bring up is that she lied at a continuance hearing (with same judge) and that was why the judge granted the continuance then and we also have very strong evidence. So fingers crossed, I'm hoping she acts the same way she always has and makes an ass out of herself.![Smile](
Have your attorney let you
Have your attorney let you testify FIRST, then you can stay in the court room for the other testimony. THat is what dh's attorney did. It pissed BM off royally!
I will be the first to
I will be the first to testify of the "witnesses", but I guess there's protocol that says she has to testify first bc she's the one that filed, then DH because he's the respondent in this matter and both parties always go first, at least according to our atty and in our county/