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AndSoItIs's Blog


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Hey so I've been away for a bit, still reading but have been busy the past week and I logged in today to see how Hout was after baby only to see her blogs back to June have been deleted and no sign of any update. Anyone know or have heard? You can PM me if the detail aren't public knowledge, just want to make sure/know she's okay.

Our town is too tiny.

AndSoItIs's picture

For being an actually pretty decent sized town, with mostly military, all the "natives" know each other and it's too damn small. I just saw BM at the liquor store. My friend and I has 6 bottles of wine between us. She and her friend went over to look at the cheap flavored vodka section. Difference is? She has the kids...or someone does for her. So I didn't feel the need to "hide" like she did haha. I don't care. My mom will be here in a few hours and my cousin (like my big brother) is coming over and were grilling at my grandparents and swimming.

It's 5 o clock somewhere!!

AndSoItIs's picture

Whew. What a week. The skids are going through the growing pains of the new CO which puts us having visitation now Sun-Fri instead of Tues-Fri. Not a big change, but after spending the weekend with BM and her filling their brains with poison, it's been a rough first full week. Next week is our last week of this visitation however, as summer begins a week on week off schedule. Hopefully the summer will bring us some time for them to get used to the idea for next school year.

You'd think I was working

AndSoItIs's picture

Since I'm up this late. But I'm not. Instead I'm enjoying a wonderful day/evening with DH all to ourselves. I got home this morning after working, slept a bit, and we've been vegging out watching Netflix all day. We just found a bunch of Carlin and are watching those and laughing our asses off. We grilled, and I deep cleaned the skids bathroom bc it was gross and it needed it. Since DH was here he actually saw what that entailed. He "got" it I think and even helped. We watched some interesting documentaries, and even the human centipede 2. Don't watch it if you haven't.

Been weary to post ab this...afraid I might jinx it if I throw it out there.

AndSoItIs's picture

This is off topic but from what I've seen the women on this site are so incredibly strong and I'm worried right now I might need some of that strength.

I am 25. I have no bio children. DH is 33, will be 34 next month. We have always discussed having a child as soon as I finish school (done). I am on depo. I never thought the time would even come when this would be an issue, but alas, I've finished school and here we are.

The long awaited part 2. I'm sorry guys!!

AndSoItIs's picture

I'm sorry that have kept you guys waiting. It certainly wasn't my intention. But, it only got slightly juicier as the evening progressed and we picked the skids up from school and what not. So...for that I am thankful that I don't have to write 3 blogs!! Haha.

Okay. so I left off with me listening to the entire hearing at my friends house this morning on my phone.
