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my 2 teenage "two year olds"

sterlingsilver's picture

I guess maybe I should blog more often so that it doesn't have to be so much in one blog. But here is what is going on in a short version.
So SS18 moves back in after we kicked him out a couple months ago. I can not believe I agreed to having him stay here again - for a short while - but here we are.
We had him move out before graduation b/c he was being disrespectful to me and to our home by leaving garbage all over, peeing in bottles and hiding them, hiding his trash and leftover food under and behind things, throwing a lot of my dishes in the garbage and losing them, cooking at night but then not eating nearly half of what he made and letting hundreds of $$s worth of food go to waste, and drinking/smoking spice cigars and being a big fat slob in general. But worst was being a big mouth to me.
So he moves in with a family member but after a month that person kicks him out. BM says she'll pick him and his junk up and drop him off at a shelter. Nice mom she is. My SO could not stand the thought of his kid being homeless so he decided to sleep in the truck with him b/c he respected my wishes for him not to be back in my home. But then the truck breaks down and has to go into the shop...
So here he is in my house, on the rec room floor. He;s not making too much of a mess yet but slowly things are starting to fall back into the same patterns. He is supposed to move out soon into a teen center and get a job. He has an interview tomorrow - supposedly.
So here is what I am getting at - my ss15 decided to pee into a bottle last night just so he could get his big bro in trouble and so I'd freak and make him move out. At first I did suspect ss18 but then it wasn't his usual pattern of hiding it but was sitting in an obvious place sorta hidden, also the pee color was different ( I know, call me weird but I can tell these things being a nurse). When SO confronted ss15 he denied doing it but we both knew. So what is up with that? Could he actually be so angry that ss18 moved back in? In the past when ss18 lived with us this happened too but only with one bro stealing and blaming it on the other, etc. These boys are 15 and 18, why are they doing such childish things to get at the other???? I mean, my two boys NEVER have done any of this immature behavior. It's almost too like they try so hard to get their dad's attention.
Ok, I'll leave it at that. As you can see, I have two 2 yr old teens on my hands :/


Most Evil's picture

Are they taking drug tests, and need to have clean samples possibly? but yes, completely disgusting-!!!!! :sick:

CrazieCoconut86's picture

That is one of the most disgusting things ever! Are they seriously too lazy to get up and use the toilet. GROSS! I wouldn't tolerate that behavior, that is for sure. SS would be gone if he ever tried that.

sterlingsilver's picture

I'm not sure where the peeing in bottles came from - I'd never heard of that before either and I have two sons and 5 brothers. My ss15 tried it when I first moved in with SO. He would hide the bottles of pee under his bed. No, this is not for drug tests, it's b/c they are big fat lazy kids who have never been trained by a mother in their lives. She was "absent" from their lives long before my SO even divorced her. She never parented and when I first moved in with SO the only way I could discribe ss15 (at the time he was 12) was that he was a ferral child. (had never been taught things like brushing teeth, wiping butt, washing hands, and general hygiene.) When I moved in I just started training him and also training SO how to train his son!! But now that ss18 has moved back into the house, ss15 is peeing in bottles again - and denying it so that ss18 will get into trouble and we will kick him out again. Or at least that is my guess. SS18 was mostly kicked out a couple months ago b/c of his peeing in bottles, peeing all over the yard, over all slobbiness and so can it be that ss15 thinks if he can get ss18 in trouble again he'll get kicked out again. They hate each other and this all makes sense.

While on the topic, if your ssons were peeing in bottles and stashing, what would you do to have it stop? I have tried everything just short of moving out myself. My threats are like water off a duck's back to them. They respect their dad to a certain degree, but what gets me every time is how they can LIE straight faced to him and HE EFFIN BELIEVES THEM. My boys know never to lie to me but I have taught them from infanthood on up that I will NOT tolerate lying - period. If one of them lies to get the other in trouble, both of them got in trouble.

I am just at my wit's end with my ssons. Here they are 15 & 18 and still act like toddlers. UHG