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SD22 has her own place (we think)

frustratedstepdad's picture

So SD22 told us on Saturday that she got her own place about 20 miles away. This weekend we were going to assist in getting a truck to move her king sized mattress, but both SD22, DW, and GS3 were all sick. Actually GS3 has been sick all week. I even took 2 days off work to take him to the doctor and to be with him. How many nights has SD22 offered to come over and take care of him? ZERO. But of course she has no problem skipping work to go on a date or go party. I digress...

I was thinking "Great, now she can take GS3 and we can have our lives back." WRONG. She told DW that she would need a few weeks to "get settled" in her new place before bringing GS3. Of course this raises a big red flag in my head that makes me think again that she's never going to take him. DW reminded me that we told her we'd give her until May 1st take GS3 back, so we'll see what happens.


Jsmom's picture

I know you don't want to raise that little boy, but I really think you should reconsider. You may be the best thing for him to give him the life he deserves. His BM never will do right by him. When she does wake up, it will be too late....

frustratedstepdad's picture

My mother-in-law and I both told DW this weekend that she needs to sit SD22 down and have a real long and hard conversation about what it means to be a mom, because SD22 just has no clue. What's common sense to most people doesn't seem to be common sense to us.

I'd have more respect for SD22 if she would just come out and say she doesn't want to be a mom rather than just stringing the process.

FeuilleMorte's picture

Good point. I think she needs to be forced into making a decision -- yes, I want to care for this child and I'll need help, or no, I don't really give a damn, help me give it up for adoption.

so very sorry that you are in the middle.

Ommy's picture

It is just amazing to me that your SD and I are the same age yet she acts like she is 13. "Getting settled" would include getting your son adjusted to his new home/getting into a routine with your own son. She needs a wake up call weather that means she signs her rights away or that means he gets dropped off at her home when she is there followed by a state meant he is your son, if you cant handle the responsibility then sign here. Followed by your wife and you driving off.

frustratedstepdad's picture

I agree with this 100%. And to a degree I won't let him suffer either because he's been through enough with a shitty mom like SD22. May 1st she needs to sign him over or take him.