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D-Day: The Expulsion of the Freeloader

frustratedstepdad's picture

So the day is here, the day my SD is supposed to be moving out. Yesterday I posted the following comment on facebook: "Grandparents should have the opportunity to just be grandparents and not have to be parents all over again". Well SD22 saw and knows I am talking about her. Actually I wasn't JUST talking about her, I was also talking about SD27 who signed over custody of her kids to the other set of grandparents, and all the other young kids out there having babies and expecting other people to raise them.

SD22 gets mad and leaves the house. Then she calls DW on the phone crying saying that I didn't have to write that on Facebook and I'm talking about her to the whole world like she's a bad mother or something. (Which of course she is.) SD22 then went on to say that if she and GS3 were that big of a burden to us, she could've had her own place a long time ago. I give a lot of credit to DW for standing her ground. She just calmly said "So if you could've moved out a long time ago, why didn't you?" SD22 said that she's tyring so hard everyday and nobody's giving her credit. DW asked her what is she trying so hard to do. SD22 said it's just a challenge to wake up everyday and not want to kill herself, which is complete bullshit because we told her a long time ago that she needs to speak to a therapist if she's REALLY feeling this way. Otherwise we don't want to hear it.

SD22 then said that she can't find anybody to rent to her, because she keeps getting turned down because of a prior conviction. DW even told her a month ago that she needs to only apply with private owners because of this. Mind you SD22's lazy ass has only applied at two different apartment complexes. She's supposed to be moving in with SD27 and renting a room, but made a comment that the other people just moved out of there yesterday, and the carpet needs to be cleaned. As far as I'm concerned it's another excuse and I'm not falling for it. Now SD22 has been gone all day trying to avoid us. Of course here we are at home stuck with GS3. She thinks she's going to continue to come around while we're at work, but screw that. I am getting the locks changed in a few days. I'm not trying to a total asshole here and of course I would allow her to get her stuff, but enough is enough.


Doubletakex3's picture

I'm so glad to hear that DW stood her ground (finally). She's so lucky you haven't changed the locks already.

It's stunning to me how many young adults won't leave the nest. I counted the days down until I could escape at 18.

frustratedstepdad's picture

I'm with you. I couldn't wait to leave my parent's house and be out on my own.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Whoa! If the carpet needs cleaned, she should have been over there first thing this morning cleaning it instead of logged on to facebook. It's not like she's got her kid to deal with. She could have been moving her crap this afternoon. Excuses excuses excuses.

frustratedstepdad's picture

That's exactly what I told DW. SD27 will drag her feet cleaning the carpet because she's lazy, and SD22 will just use it as an excuse to not move out. SD22 could've spent this weekend helping to clean up the place. It's plainly obvious that SD22 had no plans of moving out because NONE of her stuff is packed up.

frustratedstepdad's picture

Supposedly the carpet is getting cleaned this morning. We actually called SD27 and asked so we could get a definitive date.

boogeymom's picture

NICE!!!!! I'm going to take a page out of your book should, God forbid, there ever be a time when my SS's need to be kicked out of the house. And what IS the deal with people turning over their kids to the grandparents to raise? Really, they did their time. My in-laws would love nothing more than having full custody of my skids, but they'd turn into even bigger a-holes than they already are. TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE! YES!!!

doll faced sm's picture

Why clean the carpet when you're moving in a toddler? I know from experience just how messy toddlers and children can be. Instead, she should have the owner (sd 27?) sign a waiver saying she is not responsible for the condition of the carpet. If she has it cleaned and doesn't sign the waiver, she'll be paying out the a$$ when she moves out.

Rags's picture

Congratulations! It is a wonderful day when a spouse finally gains clarity on the true issues in the blended family adventure. Particularly when the spouse starts holding the blended family oppostion and StepSpawn accountable for their own actions and decisions.

Good luck with the eviction and non return efforts.


Since SD-22 is out right now it would be a perfect opportunity to call that lock service and re-key the locks now. That way she knows that she only comes in when you let her in and that for the remainder of her life she will be only a guest in your home.