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I bet our attorney hates us...

LemonGrassLove's picture

So, SO had court with Moby today. I didn't go since it'd be just like last time where we'd sit there forever and not say anything on top of having to miss work for absolutely nothing. SO called me a little while ago and said that Moby has to meet with our lawyer on Monday to work out a parenting plan that works best for everyone. Apparently the judge was super vague and just said 'what works best for everyone'. If they can't come to an agreement, which Moby probably won't agree to anything our lawyer suggests, then it'll go back to court to be decided by a judge. Looks like another court date in the works!

I feel bad for our lawyer, she seems like such a nice person. Unfortunately, she has to deal with SO's mistake like the rest of us now...


961Hannah's picture

Getting vague statements from those in "authority" can be very frustrating. This has happened numberous times for me as well - and I live 2 hours from the court house in which all of my child custody stuff went through. Hang in are paying your lawyer, so don't feel too bad; I'm sure its probably not the worst case she's ever delt with. It just sucks because that is more $$$$ that you have to shell out for this custody battle. Don't comprimise on anything that you aren't willing to do so with this parenting plan. If it is a mediator situation, be sure that they seperate you from the Moby, and get your take on things first.