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Feeling a little stressed

LemonGrassLove's picture

So, Moby is still in jail and was charged with failing to comply with the court's orders, she was 3 days late for reporting to jail. So, now she has two felony charges that she was charged 60 days for and then this fail to comply added on. The part that's stressing me out is we have no idea when she will be getting out and we're not sure if anyone will tell us when she does. Our parenting plan only extends to when she is in jail.

I'm worried that she's just going to show up on our doorstep and demand him back. The crappy part is that there'd be no way for us to stop her. Our lawyer hasn't communicated about what will happen after she gets out except that that's when we can FINALLY go back to court. Apparently, we can't do anything until she gets out of jail.

I just want to know how long she has... She won't be getting out early but we aren't sure if they can run the two charges together as in 30 days total but each day counting towards her two charges so it'd be counted as 60 days or if she's in there for two months and some change or if she's in there for three months because of her failure to comply charge. We just don't know...

If anyone knows about Washington State criminal legal section that'd be awesome for some info...


stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Emergency custody hearing pronto!! I thought you could do that now while shes incarcerated? But I dont know your states laws.

LemonGrassLove's picture

She doesn't have custody while she's in jail. It's when she gets out of jail that's the question...

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

I def agree with the emergency custody order. You can fill it all out at the courthouse and have bm served by the sherriffs (sp?) Office while she is in jail. We started doing this last time the witch got locked up but SO didn't follow all the way thru so it backfired. You can get custody and there is nothing she can do to take your step from you. Just make sure you follow through with it!!!