I know this is off topic, I am not looking for a debate but thoughts on this situation.;
Me and a few friends got in a heated debate on abortion and I have a question because i am curious.
There is a woman that had 9 kids all with some form of retardation her husband just left her never to be seen again. She is preggo with her 10th child and there is a chance this child has some form of retardation. She doesn't have the money for any tests to find out. So should she abort or not? There is no right or wrong answer just would like to know others thoughts.
Thanks as i said I am not looking for a debate only your opinions on this situation either why or not why. Please leave just your opinion and let others leave theirs without commenting on them. B/c i am not looking for a debate only your opinion and leave it at that please and thank you.
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Personally, I don't have an
Personally, I don't have an opinion on her situtation because I strongly believe that it is her body, her life, her choice.
Good Topic. I am not pro
Good Topic. I am not pro abortion and IMHO...if she already had 9 children with retardation, why would she abort this one?
If you realize you have
If you realize you have genetic faults after 3 kids, stop reproducing, JMO.
Her body, her choice. She should have stopped having kids a long time ago, JMO
Adding a 10th child, with no husband, I personally would not have the child.
OH and btw lol-you can't open
OH and btw lol-you can't open a topic of abortion and say 'no debate'...it's an oxymoron lol. HOPEFULLY we luck out on this one
overit2 I know but i was
overit2 I know but i was hoping.
I am pro choice. The way I
I am pro choice.
The way I look at this a baby is a lot of work when nothing is wrong and she already has 9 kids. The bioFather took off so it is going to take a lot of work and time, it isn’t fair for her other children who also need attention and time. When you over load yourself with children especially children of special needs you aren’t being fair to the children and you are hurting them in the long run. Personally if I were her I would abort. It is too much on her and her current children that are alive and need her. But I honestly could say that after one kid with a disability I would have either stopped or made sure that I had ever test possible done. Children with special needs are a lot of work.
After having my munchkin I
After having my munchkin I (personally) would never make that choice for myself. But I won't take that choice away from someone else. I guess if I were her I would've gotten sterilized. There are already 9 kids sharing ONE person's attention, and like Ommy said, special needs children need A LOT of attention.
I am pro-choice BUT - why not
I am pro-choice BUT - why not adoption rather than abortion?
I don't think that the mother has enough time/money/attention for another child who may or may not have medical problems. But I also don't think that automatically equates into a need to kill the fetus.
Totally her choice. But if
Totally her choice. But if she can't afford the tests, I would assume she can't afford the abortion. I have no personal experience, but aren't they just as expensive? Also, a kid will cost more than the tests, won't it??
Very pro-choice. Her body
Very pro-choice. Her body her decision. But, honestly she should have stopped after 2. Not fair to these kids...Sterilization really needed here.
I am pro-life. Being the 7th
I am pro-life. Being the 7th child of 9, were there limits placed on how many children a couple "should" have, it's pretty much guaranteed I wouldn't be here. If she's able to provide the child with what it needs, I would take no issue with her keeping it. If not, I would recommend adoption over abortion.
I used to do personal care for a 3-year old deaf child with Cerebral Palsey. Having had the opportunity to watch her grow & to be able to see just how much her presence brings to their home has been incredible.
She is one of 5 children that this couple adopted, all of whom had special needs. There are people out there who want to provide loving homes for these children.
I'm pro choice. Her body,
I'm pro choice. Her body, ultimately her decision.
I agree. This scenario is
I agree. This scenario is pretty far fetched. I had a brief friendship with a woman with a retarded child some years back. One out of four. It ruined her marriage. I happened to run into a mutual friend several years later; dealing with her son's issues on top of just normal parenting completely overwhelmed her to the point that her husband came home to her bags packed one day. She left and moved to another country altogether - abandoned all her kids.
If this is what these type stresses and issues from just one child can do, I have an intensely difficult time imagining any woman who would willingly continue to conceive children after . . . hmmmm, I'll give it 3.
I'm am PRO LIFE... BUT, do
I'm am PRO LIFE... BUT, do not judge others that make that choice for themselves UNLESS they are using it as birth control, that disgusts me. In this situation, WT EFF are they thinking??? They should have had her tubes tied years ago. How selfish and unfair to those kids.
My first suggestion will always be adoption.
Agree completely^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Me too!!!
Me too!!!
Ok it is time I state my
Ok it is time I state my opinion. This situation i am describing is actually Beethoven's mother. He was her 10th child. So if she had have aborted him we would be not ejoying his work nor would his family get to benefit from it either.
So my opinion is this you never know what that child will grow up to be. So am pro life and pro choice. See my opinion is this that woman should not use abortion as birth control and that should be illegal however I do also think that in extreme cases such as if the the mother or the child will die or incest or something to that effect. But to be used as birth control NO. IF that is the only reason you are aborting then give the child up and walk away.
Hey me too that is exactly
Hey me too
that is exactly how i feel about it.
Echo i got this story from a
Echo i got this story from a professor when i was in college. I never checked it I guess i should have. i think the point is the same.
I don't see where the point
I don't see where the point is really the same. A married couple raising 2 children together is very different from a mother trying to raise 9 children with retardation issues & being pregnant with a 10th on her own.
He was also the second child
He was also the second child to be born, not the last....
I don't really see the point as the same - it was a very different time - birth control wasn't available, abortion was illegal and not knowing who a kid will turn out to be when they grow up might sound great, but it doesn't seem like a reasonable argument for pro-life. Hitler was the 4th of 6 kids, Mussolini was the eldest, Stalin was a third child. The argument of that can go either way.
Why? Ugh.
Why? Ugh.
I know that now sorry. i
I know that now sorry. i should have never thought just b/c he was a professor that he was right Crap!
Except...not so much...
Except...not so much...
I guess I'd want to know who
I guess I'd want to know who is supporting them? Probably the government if the truth were known. As Michael Jackson would sing "If you can't feed the baby--then don't have a baby"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... ordering
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... ordering now....
didn't MJ also sing:
"the kid is not my son"
i am in tears of laughter over here!!!
Where can we vote?
Where can we vote?
Absolutey Hall of Shame! Why
Absolutey Hall of Shame!
Why oh dear me why.
IMHO the question is not
IMHO the question is not about abortion and all about criminally negligent idiocy with the BM and the deadbeat spermdonor.
As for 9 retarded children and #10 on the way..... since she has no chance of supporting any of her children they all should become wards of the state and BM should have to pay CS to the state.
It is people like this that should have to have a license to breed.