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such a good kid

Lalena75's picture

We've had SO's daughter for several days now and she is such a good kid! She's 6 she's polite uses her manners and when I asked my bioD to clean up a mess she asked her if she could help, she helped SO fold the laundry and I sat with her doing my school work while she did hers and she said it was really nice to have someone help her(SO got a bunch of her school work yesterday and its obvious no one works with her) but she's smart so its more she doesn't know what the work calls for not that she can't do it. SO has however been in a funk moody not sleeping he finally came to me before he took her to school and said he figured out what's been eating at him, his son should be here too. He's hurt BM is with holding him because he has a fit when he comes over cause he wants to go to his uncles where he can run wild eat junk and watch wrestling. SO told her she will bring him regardless of his fits he's 5 and doesn't get to decide where he goes. His daughter talked to her brother on the phone and SO said he could hear him whining that he wanted to come over since she's so happy and likes being here and BM told him no that he "isn't allowed over cause he's a brat! SO got on the phone with him and told him that wasn't true and he's always good for US and welcome any time! Guess he spent the rest of the night screaming for his dad per BM texts to blame SO for his screaming he just told her "solution don't lie to him and stop keeping him from me" he misses his son so much.


dreamingofhappiness's picture

CONTROL is the reason BM keep one or more of the children from BD... I deal with it all the time...

She thinks by keeping the son, she is punishing BD and getting even with him for putting them in the situation they are in. In reality, the only only one suffering is the child...

Lalena75's picture

No co and that's on SO he's working with a lawyer on all of that. He has his daughter cause she has lice still when BM brought her (and not his son we think because she didn't even have him and he was with his uncle) SO wants the kids full time or at least joint custody and BM has gotten the judge to continue over and over and hold on mediation cause she can't afford a lawyer or mediator in reality she just doesn't want a co she has to follow when she can use his kids to try and hurt and control him and that just makes him more determined to not let her.