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Dh knows these things about ss16 but does nothing!

purpledaisies's picture

Ss16 has this habit of taking and using what ever he wants even if it is not his. Example he took the HDMI cable from ss12's tv and used it. then he un hooks all kids of things from other tv's and even my printer! I was so mad! Dh noticed that he took a cable for our tv in the living room! He said and I quote "ss16 just does what ever he wants huh?" I just looked at him and said what you going to do about it? He just shrugged.

I can't believe this I mean really who does he think he is if it doesn't belong to you why do you think you can use it??
So I have decided that the next time that ss16 unplugs my printer and take MY things like the living room tv cables I will just take them back with out a word!

if dh won't do anything I will! i dare him to say anything to me! }:)


maldita's picture

Damn right! Take back what's yours. My #1 pet peeve is when my SD14 thinks that she can just use my stuff without my permission. And to top it off, doesn't return it where she got it from. I told DH if he doesn't do anything about it, I will BAN his daughter from our room. Last weekend he actually said something about it. Your DH needs to be hit in the head to make him realize his child will not listen without proper parenting!

cant win for losin's picture

I would even go one step further and take things out of his room to use. Even if you really dont use it.

sterlingsilver's picture

my ss18 takes anything from everyone in the household that he sees and takes a fancy to and it disappears into the depths of his filthy room for good. I finally figured out what his favorite things are and have put away all the things he loves to take into my room and our room now has a lock on the door. We've also recently put locks on the other boys' rooms. He loves candles, anything scented, he uses and never returns dishes so I have put away all my good dishes and bought all second hand unmatching "junk" from Goodwill and the $$ store for the household to use until he moves out this spring (hopefully or I'll lose my mind too). We had company for c.mas and were using Goodwill plates that were all scratched and mismatched and I proudly set this stuff out and displayed our baked goodies in plates from the $$store! lol Inside I was chuckling at how I would have been horrified to do this a few years ago but how having ss18 has sure given me a new perspective on what's important in life. Not my dishes and candles for sure! lol Often my SO and I will sit and walk about all the things we will do and how our house will be "once the kids are all gone"!!