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Blog Hog Today. . .Interesting Statement on Paperwork

Auteur's picture

found in the Public Defender's office for my county. I work in IT at my county and have to do stuff on the Pub Def's computers.

There in plain daylight was a classic statement:

Johnny is only 18, however he has quite an extensive rap sheet, has been convicted as a youthful offender five times before this and for petit larceny for another five times as well; JOHNNY HAS HAD NO STRUCTURE IN HIS LIFE
and has failed to show for several court appearances.

Free ranging=BAD


Shaman29's picture

You are one hundred percent correct Auteur. That is the biggest problem with the last few generations, no boundaries, permissive parenting and putting the kids in charge has only created lazy, stupid, entitled brats.

Free range kids. I actually used that term during one of my out in public rants a few weeks ago. I laid out about 10 people by referring to someone's children as "free range kids."

Auteur's picture

Yeah my boss' boss likes that term as well. He is pretty young and has a six year old daughter, married to the original BM so he hasn't a clue.

I referred to a group of probation kiddo's hanging out in the public parking lot as "free ranged" and he thought that was a great expression.

Shaman29's picture

DH and I were grocery shopping and there was a clueless BM with her two kids, around 8-9 years old. The daughter was sitting (yes, sitting) on the refrigeration case that was holding the meat. Her butt was actually resting on the packages of chicken.

I didn't need anything from where she was sitting, but I walked up to her anyway and said excuse me, I need to get something from the case. As she got up, I quietly said " I don't think you should be sitting on this case."

Apparently my non-confrontational comment pissed off mommy dearest and she started telling her kids that they shouldn't listen to the mean lady. DH said I had upset the mother, I commented loudly enough to be heard...."She wouldn't have to listen to mean ladies if she'd teach her children some manners and keep their filthy little butts off of other people's food."

I was surprised when mommy dearest didn't make any further comments about me.

oneoffour's picture

My daughter is having the same problems with her ex and their daughter. He has custody this week and allowed his 4 yr old daughter to go to a 'sleepover' with another little preschool friend. He doesn't know the parents at ALL. The last time he let her go anywhere with these people was when GD was invited to a Water Park for a birthday party. He just dropped her off. Reminder... GD is 4

And his latest thing is "Z should be allowed to have her own social life and I will not pull the rug from under her world.". So my GD (reminder 4 yrs old) should be allowed to dress herself in anything she wishes to wear to school whether it is seasonally appropriate or not, choose her own meals (which she by confession likes choosing but not eating)and decide when and if she can go to playdates or sleepovers. SHE IS 4!

This delightful little girl will be a terror in a couple of years. Anything she wants Daddy buys. My wishes for him are NOT conducive to his continued existence. Either that or he needs to get a CLUE!

bestwife's picture

I have no children and was single for many years.

It was fairly common for my friends to send their kids to me for an overnight. Fun for me and the kids plus some free time for the parents. They were welcome to bring a friend if they wanted to.

I was shocked at the dads who sent their child to a total stranger's house without even calling. I'm not sure if the dad even knew my name, address or phone number. Lucky for them I was not some monster.