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Do I need to request venue change in the same state?

Z's picture

I am working on changing my custody status and parenting time with the courts but I'm wondering if I first need to request a change from Pima County to Maricopa County (both in AZ). I lived in Pima County when I filed for divorce and now live in Maricopa County. My first thought was that I did but I read something about if it is filed with the Superior Court you don't have to change. My original custody papers say "In the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of Pima". Do I need to start by changing the county? Ex is still in Pima but I don't want to have to send things down there or travel down there every time I want to file something. Thanks for your help!

stormabruin's picture

In our situation when skids went back to live with BM (she had moved to a different county in our state) the venue changed. Here, it goes wherever the kid(s) primary home is.