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shipped of the skids christmas ENVELOPE!

AliceP's picture

Every year guilty daddy and I have gone all out for his skids plus the cost of shipping their hearts desire only to hear that their toys were in storage cause they don't have the room, left behind cause they had to move quickly, not recieved cause they moved and no one saw to it that they got it, never one "thank you", never one "merry christmas to you too daddy", never "can you get our little sisters something from us", never anything, just "I want..". At first I brushed it off cause they are young but if my 3 year old can ask me on her own to send her sisters something, ask to call them, get excited to pick something out for daddy and other family members then so can they and they don't. So they are getting a card with a small gift card each and a necklace each from their little sisters that they picked out. And then I posted on facebook all the things I got my girls and DH got mad cause he knows his ex will see and realize we gave the skids the shaft. I do not feel guilty one bit, we spent exactly half of what we spent on our BDs it's up to their family to make up the rest in my book. arghgghgh


AliceP's picture

ooh and I had DH write a nice note in the card including our phone number incase they wanted to say thank you or let us know they got it.

Anon2009's picture

That sounds like classic PAS on BM's part. Google Dr. Richard Warshak. His website has some good reading, resources and information for both kids and parents dealing with PAS.


I just read one of your previous blogs about BM's BF, Hillbilly, and how he's in jail for molesting a little girl? These girls shouldn't be around Hillbilly! I hope your DH files for custody and gets them into counseling. You might not want this, but there are good chances Hillbilly will hurt these girls if they're not removed from BM. He might have already. Google "signs of sexual abuse in children."

I firmly believe that it is up to parents to teach their kids to thank others for gifts and how to be generous. You obviously have done a very good job of this with your kids. BM obviously hasn't with the SDs. She's got them buying her PAS lies hook, line and sinker.

sonja's picture

Im proud! Theres no reason to go the extra mile when the toys go untouched and you are unappreciated. Well done. No reason to waste the time/energy/money!

AliceP's picture

Thanx for the link, Hillbilly is in jail and we will be notified when he is released by the prison. Trust me there was a big blow up. DH and BM are working together, he filed for joint legal in september things are better both BM and DH are the crappiest communicators in the world leaving me in the middle. BM has made massive improvments and we agreed not to uproot the girls once again but she can't move them either.

AliceP's picture

in the kids defense when they were with us this summer, they made DH a cake that said "We love you DH and AliceP" and said it was because they missed our birthdays, (I cried) but when they get home and we call they won't give us the time of day SD10 last time said "Make this quick i have a friend outside." argghghh