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BM wants to file harassment against me! WTF

truebloodfreak's picture

I text BM yesterday. " you to contribute money consistently for food. I'm going broke paying for foods that your kids before I can. If you can afford fancy hotels and.trips to Miami then you can afford to send $100/week for food for your own kids ". She responds tray with a call telling me that she is filing harassment against me because I text her to help with her kids. --> am I dreaming??? I've taken care.of her kids for 4 years because she is deadbeat who has her priorities fucked up. She literally does nothing for them that's why i can't for money because if she was the father-she be paying. CS like she should. I told when she filing harassment against me to file for abandoning your kids.
I think she's just blowing smoke.but who knows whet she's capable of. This is the woman who was claiming the boys.lived.with her so she could a food stamps/link.card that she let others use for money..... my heart is racing and my ears are red. I'm so mad I'm so tired of her BS. I'm so mad at myself.for.letting a. Creature like her break me down and want to cry. Why on earth would you threaten the woman that been taking care of your kids for years.


Willow2010's picture

Why on earth would you threaten the woman that been taking care of your kids for years.

Because she is an idiot. I have to ask...did DH know you were goign to do this? I know you said he did not want you too...

ThatGirl's picture

Yep, go to court. Texting her and demanding money IS harassment. Also, none of this is your place. Your husband should be dealing with her. You overstepped, sorry!

Anywho78's picture

Here is the link to the IL State CSA

Your DH needs to pull his head out of his butt & get a CS order done. It sounds to me like he won't do it until you stop paying for his children.

My SO did the same thing with Nasty (actually sent her CS back to her because she threatened to take custody of the SKids)...he was convinced that WE were fine & didn't need any "help" from her. It took quite awhile to convince him that it was meant to be he & BM financially supporting the children that THEY chose to bring into the shouldn't fall on YOUR shoulders at all.

It's a hard place to be in, for sure...I hated it when I was there. Hopefully your DH can FINALLY respect you enough to get the CS ordered.

truebloodfreak's picture

No SO didn't know about this but he knows that I think she should CS. Court is all fine but there's the issue with custody. If we file for CS she will.most definitely step up and take the kids because she's not going to want to pay. This is All a huge cluster fuck.if I didn't SO and have a baby with him I would leave I'm so tire of BS drama and taking care.of someone's else's. Responsibility. Especially when they have no appreciation for what I've done.

shielded2009's picture

Well...You are harassing her...

Sure she's a dead beat, but texting her isn't the correct forum...Take her to court...Period...