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Joint Custody Question HELP!

stepmom1183's picture

Does anyone know if a restraining order or anything like that could be filed against the bm if her and my husband have joint custody? I'm asking because my ss lives with myself and my husband for almost 2 years. He has sole physical custody and the bm has visitation. She has called and harassed two different doctor's that have seen my ss to the point where both doctor's have refused to see my ss any further. There has to be something legally we can do right??


RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

They dont have joint physical custody, not if she only has visitation. They may have joint legal custody? You should definitely talk to your lawyer about getting sole legal custody, in which case she would not have any legal right to contact ss doctors and any other options you have. I mean, obviously the kid has to have a pediatrician. the woman estranging all his doctors is definitely not in his best interest.

stepmom1183's picture

That's helpful. Long story short, when my ss was 4, he was physically abused by his stepfather. My ss was taken away from bm on an emergency motion. Due to the incompetent lawyer my husband had at the time, the bm showed up 8 weeks later on our porch with papers to get him back. We fought in court, she realized she would lose, and almost 2 years ago, she gave physical custody to my husband. My ss has been removed from her by child protective services twice. She lives out of state. She does little to nothing for my ss. A phone call once maybe twice a week, sometimes they skype. He has had noting but behavioral problems during the entire school year. I have had 3 mental health professionals tell me that most of his behavior issues are directly related to the abuse he suffered while in the "care" of his bm. We first took him to a pediatrician to one, establish a doc for him and two to see if there was something he could do to help while we were waiting months to get him into a psychiatrist. The bm called and harassed the pediatrician, who now refuses to treat my ss any further. After the psych appt, she called the psych threatening their phone conversation was being recorded, challenged the diagnosis of adhd and odd, demanded my ss have an eeg before starting medication, told the psych she was a nurse... And now, the psych refuses to treat my ss probably in fear of a lawsuit! We waited months and many failed attempts to get him the mental care he desperately needs. And it will be months more to find a reputable psych to treat him, if they even would. I'm sure upon notice from the psych to the new one, no one would even touch him!! I would think after two harassing phone calls to his doctor's that we could do something. Joint custody or not, she is absolutely interfering with his medical care!