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stepmom1183's Blog

Custody Jurisdiction question

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My husband currently has primary sole physical custody of my ss. We live in Tx and the bm lives in nm. My ss has lived with us for over 3years, two of those in tx. Tx is considered my ss home state. The current custody papers are out of nm. We will be going to court next month to transfer jurisdiction from nm to tx. Myquestion is once the nm judge transfers jurisdiction to tx, does that make the nm custody papers null and void at that point ?

My ss wants to move back with his bm

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My ss has been acting horribly for the entire school year. You can look at previous entries to get the whole story with my situation. Both at school and at home. I have been thru hell with this kid. And he tells me that the reason he's been making my life miserable, is because he wants to go back to his mom. Geez.Part of me wants to say fuck it, let him. The other part of me says no, he's not gonna act however the hell he wants to and get his way. My husband agrees. Don't know how to handle this.

Joint Custody Question HELP!

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Does anyone know if a restraining order or anything like that could be filed against the bm if her and my husband have joint custody? I'm asking because my ss lives with myself and my husband for almost 2 years. He has sole physical custody and the bm has visitation. She has called and harassed two different doctor's that have seen my ss to the point where both doctor's have refused to see my ss any further. There has to be something legally we can do right??

Having a really hard time...

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I am having a really tough time being a Stepmom. My husband is gone for 2 weeks at a time. I am a single parent to a child that isn't mine. The Bio Mom lives out of state and see's my ss very little, and maybe calls once per week, if that. Bio Mom history... my ss has been taken away from her twice for abuse, so that is why my husband has sole physical custody. My ss has been misbehaving so much at school. He has hit people, spit on people, kicked people, throws fits, disrupts class, etc. We have gone back and forth with counseling for my ss b/c of the trauma he went thru with bio mom.

He's not ready!

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Ok, so I don't have any children of my own. I am approaching an age where I want my own child and it's getting almost to now or never. I told my husband, bio dad, that I wanted a baby. He told me he's not ready. I have been with him and my step son for almost 4 years. When we first got together he had told me he had been considering "the snip", but reconsidered when we got together. So, I assumed we would have a child together naturally. So, anyways, I have been practically raising his son.

I feel like a single parent!

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Ok, my situation... My husband, the bio dad got custody of his son over a year and a half ago. I took on all of the responsibilities. And I mean ALL where my step son is concerned. I have so much so that I feel taken advantage of big time by both bio parents. But, that's another topic. We have since moved to another state, step son with us as well. My husband recently took a new job that requires him to be gone 2 weeks at a time. I am here with my step son alone. I do have a family support system here, which helps. But I feel like a single parent to a child that isn't mine! It's so hard.

Should a Step Parent take the reins at all?

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Hello all. New to this site. Never posted a blog before so bare with me. In a situation where the bio dad and bio mom cannot discuss anything without arguing or acting ridiculous and the Step Mom, me, has always been able to make arrangements and discuss issues with the bio mom like rational human beings... is it ok that i usually am the one making arrangements for dates, travel, etc with my step son and his bio mom? I usually have all of the resposibility where my step son is concerned. Even more so than either of his bio parents.