I live in Nj and the BM constantly harasses DH and I. She followed me for two hours in her car once and that culminated in me going to the local police department to file a report, and BM barged in with the six year old SS6 in tow and berated me like a wild animal in front of the skid!!! She threatened to follow us on Easter. She writes horrible awful emails that have NOTHING to do with the skid. I want to have her held accountable but in NJ the law is very vague. Anything can be harassment if you say it is... as long as you put the other party on notice... so say she says xyz in an email, you can send her a letter, certified, return receipt and say: "I consider xyz to be harassment and I am instructing you to stop if you don't I will file a harassment complaint against you... "
ONLY if you name the act as harassment can it be used against the other party.
Please, if anyone has a tidbit of information I'd love to hear it... if there is anything that a judge got particularly hot about that a BM did, please share it. BM has done a LOT so if I knew what ticked off a judge, even in another state, that would help me focus my request.
I can tell you what I did to
I can tell you what I did to BM to gt a little revenge on her. But before I tell you, let me give you some background on BM. I have been married to my husband for almost 12 years. he has 3 girls with BM. They were 4, 6,and 8 when we were married. I also have 2 children by my 1st marriage. From the day that we were married she started. Literally the day, I kid you not. Right after we were married I had to file charges against her and take her to court for phone harassment. My husband works a lot out of town and so I was not to keep the sks on his time, If his weekend happened to be a weekend that he was out of town, he could not just see them the following weekend when he was in, no he had to wait until his orginal weekend would roll back around. So sometimes we went months without see them. We had to take her back to court 3 times just to get visitation because she would gt mad about something and hold visitation over our heads. The 3rd time, the judge told her that if she withheld visitation again that he would change custody. So she quit denying visitation. But would put the girls up to saying that they didn’t want to come over or had other plans. She put my pic and name up on a lesbian sex site as if I were looking for other women to date, then sent profile link out to my friends and family. She wrote awful stuff about me on facebook ad myspace. The list goes on and on for 12 years. Now She has been married 3 times all ready. Never leaves one man until she can find another to take her sorry ass in. She meets guys off the internet and suckers them into sending her money so she can take trips out of town to see them etc….
Now I know this was very childish of me and was sorta High schoolish but I could not resist. She had a facbook page ( this happened when she was married to her 3rd husband) and on this facebook page was all her then hubby’s family. Well she also had another page set up on myspace that I found on accident, where she had set up for meeting her internet guys. So I made up a fake name of a guy and found some pics of this really sexy guy. ( I called him Wade) I even added all his pics of him with his small child to make it look good. Made sure Wade had tons of friends to make it look like he was very active on the site. I started emailing her. Told her that I was recently separated from my wife and was living in a new place, blah blah….. This dumb bitch fell for it. Within a week she was sending nude pictures to the email addy I gave her. We talked for hours on the Im messages. She talked all kind of krap about her then husband. Said she was planning on leaving her husband and that she wanted a start with wade. I made up excuses like he didn’t want to end a marriage..That she shouldn’t leave her husband for her to do it for herself. The reg stuff someone would say. She Told Wade her life stories. So after about a week of this, the girls we due over that weekend. And since she shares her sex stories with her daughters, I was afraid that they may gt on our computer and see something. I didn’t want them to know. So I copied everything. And put it up. Well that Friday evening. When we went to pick up the girls she told my husband that she had left her husband and was staying at her moms. We later found out that she has actually left her husband for this new guy she met on the internet. I could not believe it. So emails started really coming in from her. Wanting to meet Wade etc… Soo…I copied everything and sent it to her husband. Then I also made extra copies and sent them to her work, noting the times so her boss would know that this mostly occurred while she was suppose to be working and on the clock. Needless to say, She was fired from her job and was also left without a man. Cause her husband wouldn’t take her back.. They eventually gt back together after a few months. But I made sure to let her know that it was me that she actually left her husband for. That was the icing on the cake. That there was never really a wade to begin with. This happened several years ago and she dosen’t mess with me as much as she use to But when we do get into I always bring Wade up She will stay quiet for awhile. LMAO
Holy crap. I think I love
Holy crap. :O
I think I love you LMAO.