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happygolucky's picture

I've realized that one of the reasons I despise SD16 so much is because she is the most worthless, lazy, entitled brat on the earth. The entitled I can't do anything about, BM did that one. The worthless part is something she is going to have to fix on her own. The lazy part I am hell bent on fixing. I work full time, go to school full time and do the majority of child care for our BD3. SD16's ONLY chores are make her bed and load/unload the dishwasher and do her own laundry. THAT IS IT!!! It drives me crazy that she is so super lazy. She doesn't work. She comes home and parks her fat ass on the computer every day after school. SD16 thinks she needs to drive, she has her permit, but I won't let her drive until she can show more responsiblity around the house. I've gone so far as to remove the distributor cap from the vehicle she is permitted to learn on, so BD doesn't disregard my feelings towards her driving/responsibility. One of my main gripes is I don't see why I am responsible for the rest of the household chores and cooking. Don't even get me started about BD and his lack of participation when it comes to chores. What I thought to be a good solution is turning out to drive me crazy. I am only picking up after myself and BD3. I only do our laundry, do our dishes etc. The rest of the house is filthy and it is making me nuts. It isn't bothering BD or SD16. Is it wrong that I want both BD and SD16 to just go away forever? What chores should I have SD16 start doing, if I can make her do them? Any suggestions for saving what little sanity I have left?


Disneyfan's picture

Nothing you've done has worked. You can blame dad for that. If he doesn't change, SD won't change.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

lets talk about lazy.....

SD13 wore pullups till she was 11yrs old. dr's never found anything medically wrong with her, therefore, she was just lazy. would she at least throw them out in the morning? nope, she would hide them.

SD13's view on cleaning is this "if i put it under my bed, no one can see it so its good enough".

that's IF she ever cleans anything. nowadays, she will leave messes everywhere she goes, like a slug leaves that slimy shit as it crawls along.

she refuses to clean up after herself, let alone actual chores. her bedroom, its toxic. idk what color her tile is cause clothes and trash ARE her new floor. how i handle it is, i dont do herlaundry unless she bring it to the garage to be washed.

if she makes popcorn and leaves the plastic wrapping on the counter, i throw it in her room. same with any other packaging from the processed foods she eats. i wont throw actual food in her room, and nothing with food on it. just the packaging. i figure, if SHE can bypass the garbage, so can i.