Coming back stuipd?
Does anyone else have the problem with skids coming back stupid after visiting the other parent? SD13 came back from spending spring break with BM and couldnt' make toast. She got mad and yelled at her dad because it was burning. I told her to turn off the toaster oven. That upset her and she went to her room crying. Apparently turning off the toaster oven is an event that warrants tears? Is it some new teenage crisis? SD13 has made toast hundreds of times. She knows how to make it. So my question is... Did BM slip SD13 a stupid pill? Why is SD13 now unable TO MAKE TOAST? SD13 only spent a week there. I didn't think you could turn stupid that quick, but maybe BM has some specialized skill for advancing stupidity.
- happygolucky's blog
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Blabb is stupid 24/7
No matter where she is!
That girl is 8 years old, and doesn't even know how to tie her own shoes.
I'm positive that Blabb has the mentality of a 2 year old, but her parents are okay with it.
Oh, and she's also lazy. She gets that from her mother. Blabb thinks that she can sit on her butt all day and have things handed to her at the snap of her fingers.
That made my day a little better I needed a laugh
LOL Thats too funny... Maybe she caught the stupid from BM. You know I think its a disease they carry.
Honestly though I think that SD is in that point of her life where alot is changing for her socially. This can be very traumatic for girls. So yes something as silly as burt toast can cause a meltdown.Give it some time and it will pass but in the mean time find the humor in it so you dont lose your mind. 
But because my parents were divorced, I went through this too!
I used to come back to my mom's thinking I could stay up to watch Johnny Carson! My mom is NOT a night person. She's a morning person- in that regard, we're complete opposites! One time I snuck out of bed and quietly put the TV on. I must have been laughing very loudly because lo and behold, the next thing I see is the hallway lights turn on and I look up to see my mom with a ticked off look on her face! I scurried my little behind right back to bed!
Yes, in a way
SS comes here from BM's house with no sense of hygeine whatsoever. He wouldn't care to go all weekend without a bath or brushing his teeth. By the end of the weekend it becomes routine but then he goes back to his Mom and we have to start the whole re-education process over again the next time he comes. We have actually had people tell us to "please give that child a bath when he visits you because every time I see him he is dirty and he stinks".
But regarding the outburst with tears over toast...sounds more hormonal than stupidity to me. With her being 13 I'd say she's probably pubescent?
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Not my SD, but my BS comes back stupid if it's only
for a hour. Every time he goes to visit his father he comes back acting like he forgot every single rule in the house. He suddenly forgot he has to eat at the table, he has to pee IN the toilet not on it, etc. It never fails. And he always has a stupid look on his face when you say something like, um, okay, this is brand new to me.
I don't know why they all do that.
Two House -Two Step -Stupidity
Yep-we have it too-
Zippy16.5 now has Guilt BM and she lets him do or not do whatever he wants at her house-He takes over her whole townhouse lock stock and barrel-
Comes home and plunks himself down waiting to be adored and worshipped just like at BM's--UGHHH
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
You bet
Mine come back with the stupids and the bad attitude. Oh, and none of their homework done either by the way. Our placement schedule right now is ridiculous with the skids bouncing back and forth between the two homes every other day during the week, and then rotating weekends (we have 50/50). So we have to deal with them "forgetting" their brain and any form of respect or responsibility on an every other day basis. Sheesh!
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get me"
I HATE that
We have SD8 for a week and a weekend then to BMs for a week and a weekend (except random BM days when she stays with us). It takes me the whole freakin' week to make her into a tolerable little girl, then she goes to her mom's and gets ruined. BM always talks about how great she is at her house... that's because of the home training she got at our house! Oh, that and the fact that BM has MUCH lower standards for good behavior.
Your SD sounds like a typical 13 year old emotional mess. Gotta love those hormones!!
RE: toilet paper
I've noticed a LOT of people in my area do that...I think it has something to do with septic tanks and people believing that not flushing toilet paper means less upkeep/clogs/overflows with the septic tank. SS doesn't flush his TP either and with a boy, there's only one reason they use TP - GROSS! I don't want to see that!
I didn't know he even did this until I went to clean under the sink in his bathroom and found a mountain of dirty TP where he had been stashing it in there! There was no trashcan in his bathroom so instead of flushing the paper he hid it. I was so ticked off. We have told him that at our house, we flush TP...but he still forgets.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Put my SD on that list!
My SD6, SnotNose, comes for her EOW and can't remember anything she has learned in school, how to tie her shoes, flush the toilet, wipe her butt, wash her hair, brush her hair, make her bed, clean her room - anything for that matter! But my all-time biggest peeve is that she comes over looking like an orphan. No joke - nasty matted hair (BM is a hairdresser for God's sake), smelling like dirty socks, food all over her face and she usually has a cold or something. SD has probs with her adnoids and therefore catches every bug she comes in contact with, hence the name SnotNose. Not to mention (and I hope I don't get blasted for this) she reeks like an old nasty ash tray! Why would you smoke around a kid who blatantly has respiratory issues.
Basically, when she comes over it's like we have to hold a mini boot camp or remedial training! Yeesh!