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DH Cause of Some Issue W/SD

Mizcece32's picture

It took me a while to figure out that my DH is the cause of a lot of issue with my SD13. He somehow finds a way to pick the my inopportune time to do something really stupid to infuriate me right before she is due to visit for the summer. He has always had a way of trying to make my caring for her while he works a responsibility instead of a choice (which it is), she is his responsibility. The when she gets here I don't want anything to do with her because I am so angry with him. While this year I turned it around, I pointed out to him how he always manages to make me angry when she is coming to visit for the summer and how she really is not the issue. I also was able to tell him exactly how I feel about him doing some of the most irritating things that he does and how I disassociate from her do to his stupidity. Now don't get me wrong, I love my husband dearly and while my SD13 is generally a good kid, she still has her ways like most 13 year olds. But for years I could not fathom why I resented this child so which when she was not a bad kid by far. Now I know and though I love my husband, I had to make him realize that his behaviors were a huge part of my not relating to his daughter. It was an interesting revelation. :jawdrop:

bug's picture

My skid is not a bad kid except that he is a little entitled. DH is a big time spoiler and that spoiling causes resentment and damages my relationship with skid. Thank goodness DH is getting better.

Mizcece32's picture

Yes, you both are correct, if you sit back and examine the dynamics between you, your spouse, and your skid(s), nine times out of ten, the spouse has a lot to do with the negativity. Surprisingly my DH texted me a lil' while ago and apologized and stated he was wrong and wants us to all get along and wants me happy with both he and his daughter. He vowed to work at it and try to be mindful of me at all times when he makes decisions and does things. I say "Kudos!" My DH and I both know that communication is a driving force in a marriage and have promised to always be open and tell the other when one of us is not feeling understood or heard as well as be open-minded and try to view from the other person's prospective. You can't go wrong that way!