The Bitch
I found out that SS has me listed as "The Bitch" in his cell phone.
Apparently it's not that big of a deal, except to me. Apparently it's also child abuse to take a kids phone away because he refuses to do something simple that was asked of him.
I feel like I'm in some sort of alternate universe in my own home. Wondering am I really that out of touch? Am I really being that unreasonable?
SS14 and SD17 live with us full time. Mom is out of state and they visit her Xmas and summer. However, although she is half way across the country she runs our household. Every time the kids gets in trouble or are disciplined, they text/talk with her non stop and are pretty much told that I mentally abuse them.
The most recent episode really has me questioning whether I can be a part of this household any longer (DH and I have been together 10 years).
SS14 recently got in trouble with the police. We found out he was smoking (I suspected and mentioned it to him because he developed a smokers cough). He was found in an abandoned house. Turns out he was the instigator with some friends and broke into an abandoned home and they've been hanging out in there. When he was caught by the police, he was in the house alone. Lots of damage to the house. SS was caught having pissed on the floor in the house (next to the toilet). He said he "had to go." They smoked in the house, damaged property. It was still fully furnished (no one knows what has happened with the owners, but it sounds like they up and left due to a medical emergency). Part of a couch was burned. A portion of the room was burned as apparently a candle was lit and started a fire. This was a couple of weeks ago. We are waiting to hear what he his going to be charged with. The police told us that he should not be home alone anymore (DH and I both work).
So we've been picking him up from school each day and he goes to work with each one of us (mostly me). I've recommended he do some homework or read a book, but he just sits there doing nothing.
Shortly after that incident, he was caught at school with a cigarette in his locker and received an in school suspension. As a result, his cell phone was blocked from everyone except his mom.
DH and mom do not communicate at all. DH ignores BM (avoiding conflict and she is also a whole lot of crazy)As a result of all this, mom has been blasting DH with texts with her new campaign of having SS go back to living with her (she lost custody 2 years ago). She and SS are in this campaign together. She actually asked if DH could call the police and get him out of trouble by saying he was going to live with her. WTF? She doesn't believe in personal responsibility and accountability.
Everything we do is texted to mom by both kids and mom coddles them. She thinks it's karma that the kids hate us and don't want to live here anymore. (Because we "took her kids away from her").
I've told DH he should send them back. Nothing we have done is working or helping. It is a loosing battle. No consequence or discipling gets them to do what we are asking them to do. SS was told he was going to have to earn his privledges back. He's not interested. They are only interested in complaining about loosing priviledges (instead of doing what's required to earn them back). Mom supports the complaining and not having to earn anything.
DH is an idiot. He and SS will argue and DH out of anger will say, "fine, you can go live with your mother." He's done this a couple times. SS thinks he means it (I'm hoping he does mean it), but then DH will backpedal and say he just said it out of anger.
In one instance after I picked up SS from school, we somehow got on the topic of the house he broke into. He still didn't get it, saying no one lived there, it was it was no big deal. He's been told that he could be facing some pretty serious consequences and fines. He began his campaign of I just want to go live with my mom because I'd be happier there, anywhere is better than here, at least he'll be happy. I finally told him the truth and said, I would have sent you back a long time ago.
Apparently, mom thinks that's mental abuse. The kids apparently forced DH to take a phone call from her a few days ago, I overheard a portion of it and could hear her screaming over the phone from our bedroom, with the door.closed. DH didn't get to say much.
This was Monday, the kids did not have school. I stayed home from work to "babysit" a 15 and 17 year old. I had projects to do outside and just left them be to sit on the computer, play playstation, hang out all day long. SS decided to cook and I just told him that he had to do the dishes. He said okay. Sidenote - neither stepkid has to really do anything around the house....chores? nope. Clean rooms? nope. DH will tell them to and they never do.
Two hours later, I told him it was time to do his dishes (while he's sitting at the computer). He said "I will" "later"...and I told him he's had enough time and they need to be taken care of now, that it's been a couple of hours. He refused. So I shut off the internet. He went into his room. I went in and said all right, how about you give me a specific time you are going to do the dishes. He said "later" with as much attitude as one could. I ask him again for a time, he says "midnight." I told him that wouldn't work, he said "then we disagree." During this entire conversation, he was fiddling with his mp3 player and blasting music. So I took all of his electronics and said he could get them back when he finished his dishes. This included the cell phone (which all he can do from now is text/call mom). He said good luck with that (he meant his mom won't let us take his cell phone from contacting her). I told him she can call the house phone anytime to speak with him.
I went through his phone. It was password protected (4 numbers). I tried a bunch of numbers, then had the thought that he would probably do something like make it the word f&^k. I enter that and sure enough it worked. I later overheard him tell his dad that it was the word "duck." I look through his phone and notice that I'm listed as "The Bitch" in his contacts. He had already texted mom in the few minutes before I took his phone away. FYI I'm the primary breadwinner in our household and I work two jobs. DH also works full time. I carry stepkids insurance. Mom pays $20 per month in child support and that's it.
6 1/2 hours later, he does his dishes and asks me for his stuff back. I told him "later" and how about "at midnight." I told him he can have all of his stuff back tomorrow since he made such a big issue out of doing a small amount of dishes, except for his phone. I told him that "the bitch" is the one who pays for his cell phone and writes out the check and makes sure the bill is paid for so "the bitch" isn't giving him his phone until she talks to dad.
BM later tells DH that she "knows people" and is getting an attorney and calling cps because taking SS phone away for not doing the dishes (she doesn't know the whole story I just explained) is ABUSE.
Apparently, DH talked to SS about it being disrespectful and told SS he could get his phone back the NEXT DAY.
The next day, DH talks again with SS and gives him his phone back. I asked DH if he even made him change how I'm listed as a contact. He said he told him to do so. I asked him why he didn't even make SS apologize. He said he told him to, but didn't want it to be forced. Neither of those things are going to happen.
I'm livid. I told DH I'm fully disengaging. This is ridiculous. I will no longer be picking up SS from school and taking him to my work (I have too much to do anyway). His kid....he can figure out his work schedule (which is not nearly as flexible as mine) or he can let him be home alone and if he gets into more trouble....DH can deal with it. I'm done.
Am I way off base here?
- tigerlily's blog
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Hell no you aren't off base.
Hell no you aren't off base. and I like the way you handled SS. You flat out told him "the bitch" does everything for you and you'll get your stuff later. I love it.
For some reason these dads make us question ourselves. Its so wrong. After posting here and talking with friends I finally realized I am the one who actually knows how to parent. He didn't.
This is what you are going through. Disengage. Let your husband deal with the out of control nonsense. I'd take my number out of his phone completely too. There is no reason for him to have it.
Drop it all and let your husband handle everything. Keep your sanity.
My SS had me as Mom2 until he
My SS had me as Mom2 until he moved back with his mom and then he changed me to my name and then when he came to visit I changed it to Stepmonster (I disengaged 2 summers ago so I don't call him much) but when he went back home I called him and he answered the phone laughing -
And yes you should disengage and see how quickly your DH jumps on board when he actually has to be the parent and do everything - I love how people even some on here jump on us and tell us we can't be called a parent but in the same breath make sure by them not doing it that you are the only true parent some of these skids sees!! If it were me I would take the phone and take my name and number off of it and then have him blocked from your cell phone - if DH does not want to assert and show his son what you mean in his life then don't be in his life - Good Luck!!
No way would I pay for his
No way would I pay for his phone. How is this even a consideration? SWITCH IT OFF NOW - if it is that important mommy can pay!!!
Your husband needs to get his head out of his backside and start respecting you - really his kid is only following the parent's examples.
Let DH do EVERYTHING for his children. He is their father.
What? Your DH is a terrible
What? Your DH is a terrible father. Why on earth doesn’t he send them back? They would be much better off if he did. BM may be a bad mother, but it sounds like your DH is also.
I am still floored at this post. My DH was a Disney dad too, but he would NEVER have let SS talk to me like that. I don’t think I could be with a man that would.
If he will not send them back, I suggest (like the others) step back. No more paying for a damn thing for the brats. No more anything. If they dirty a dish…you tell your DH to take care of it ASAP. He will either make SS do it or he will. Either way…it gets done. Lock up your room and let DH worry about babysitting his own little monsters.
WOW…I still vote for packing them up and sending them back to BM. How on earth did she lose custody anyway?
DH already gave the phone
DH already gave the phone back and that's when I told DH that I'm disengaging. He didn't even bother to talk to me about how he was going to handle it. And that was after I told him I don't think SS should have the phone at all anymore. He can take care of everything now. And the hard part for me is to just get over it and let it be. I won't take care of anything for SS and let DH deal with it. It really comes down to DH being scared of BM by not letting SS have the phone to text/call her. That's all he can do on the phone anyway.
I have told DH, really kind of begged, to let them go back. That it might actually help them, that SS might not get into trouble there. Although I know that's not the case. They will find the grass is not greener. But they do know they won't have to go to school there, mom is okay with SS smoking, and will try to get them out of trouble. In fact, that's part of why she lost custody. FYI - she stopped sending SS to school half way through his 6th grade year to homeschool him and then didn't. He missed 30+ days of school/year for years before that. SD was missing a lot as well. She was moving a lot, BM and her husband we're having problems, lots of instability, BM was going to move half way across the country with only two weeks notice to DH, she threated visitation if DH didn't pay her for things, and an onslaught of other things. None of this was enough for DH to have a chance at custody, until she planned to move across the country which allowed him to petition and then all of the other items contributed.
I want my life back, and I do want some peace back. This isn't working. It is a loosing battle. I have tried so hard to make this work. I don't think mom knows what her teenage son (or daughter) is REALLY like anymore. I think it's time for her to find out. Then she can deal with it all. It's really difficult to disengage completely and still live with them all.
DH didn't really respond to my plea and still, even after being berated over the phone by BM, isn't sending them back to her. So I have to disengage. Or bring myself to dealing with the mess of trying to separate/leave which is probably the road we are heading down anyway.
SD17 is 18 in about 4 months and a senior who probably isn't going to graduate as of now. Has been failing a class since the first week of school. DH and the school have tried to get her to make up the missing work, but she doesn't. But of course she's allowed to sit on the computer until the controls turn it off at 11PM and be on her phone nonstop. I disengaged from SD a while back and trying. This is what I observed Monday....the whole day she had off of work and school on Monday? DH told her for the 2nd WEEK straight that her room had to get cleaned....instead, she sat in front of the TV playing playstation, baked cookies, then ate them all, then shit in her pants (seriously, SS told me about it because I asked him why the living room stank (she was in the bathroom at that point)...he said she "sharted"...which I've never even heard of before. gross.), stunk up the bathroom and took a shower, and texted all day. That's it. She's obese, I spent over $1000 dollars and my time last year taking her to a children's obesity specialist as she's pre-diabetic, but she didn't care to do anything they said and neither did either parent, so I disengaged from that situation or trying anything. I'm patiently waiting to see how either parent reacts/what they do when they find out she isn't going to graduate.
I'm to the point where I stay at work longer, find things to do, so I don't have to be at home as much. When I am home, I go to our room and stay there most of the time. Recently, I haven't even really wanted to sit down with the 3 of them to eat a meal. It's a crappy way to live. I used to pride myself in being intelligent (master's degree with a successful career), but how come I can't seem to bring myself to finally break this marriage off? We don't have any kids. I'm fully capable of supporting myself, although DH is not. I'm just so damn frustrated and sick of this situation. And I paid to put myself here (my 2nd job pretty much paid for the custody trial!).
Even worse, is that BM will still make our lives a living hell if they did go live with her. I know it. She did when she had custody. She will figure out a way. It isn't going to end at 18, it will just change and evolve into other things as it has since I've known them.
There is something within me still that isn't bringing me to just leaving. WTF is that? When will that final straw happen that tells me "'s time to end this marriage?"
I am in the same spot.
I am in the same spot. Educated, good career, financially support myself etc etc. I just asked myself this question the other day. What is the final straw going to be? Why do I keep going. I don't have to. I REALLY understand this post. ((((tigerlilly))))
Me three!!!!!!!!! Something
Me three!!!!!!!!!
Something in the water/air or what this month.
UNBELIEVABLE! Forget that...
UNBELIEVABLE! Forget that... if my husband would not enforce any rules, I would be done doing ANYTHING for them. Complete disengagement. AND I would tell them exactly WHY I was doing nothing for them, GOOOOD LUCK DH and skids, you're on your own. Oh, and I would get separate bank accounts as well. That way no one could say that I HAD to pay for something, they are not my kids, and DH, since you undermined me… "oh, sorry, I'm just a bitch, and as a bitch I say forget it"
You need to disengage
You need to disengage completely. That is the only way you will have any sanity. Also, seriously look at your husband, can you really love someone so much that is so weak at being a parent...
Let them go back t thier
Let them go back t thier mother. In fact if I were you, my marrage would depend on it. Let her support them, insure them, etc. This is just outrageous. This level of stress will affect your health, girl.
I say, send them to their mom
I say, send them to their mom on the first thing smoking. }:)
Man i would be ticked!! Grrr
Man i would be ticked!! Grrr that teenager would have me sooo worked up.
My advice is if you are gonna say your disengaging, DO IT! Nothing makes you lose creditibility faster than saying your gonna do something and you dont.
And if you have a dh who is so called blind and chooses to ignore actions and behaviors by his kids toward you then by all means disengage. He isnt backin you up like a dh should.