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It's official...

Jwoo83's picture

The hell beast is moving across the road and 2 houses down from me. Wth is she thinking?! All she's gonna do is see FDHs car at my house on days he doesn't have the kid and make pithy comments and make all our lives a nightmare!


ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Well its not that hard to go and get a restraining order and then she can't move by you.... Idk y u haven't already honestly.

mama_althea's picture

Yep, we've got the BM around the corner too.

It comes in handy for knowing when the sheriff is at her house. It's amusing to see her try to ninja spy on us from the corner. It makes it easy for the kids to run back and forth and get things as needed. We don't have some long drawn out pick up/drop off routine.

Other than that IT SUCKS. We try not to answer the phone when she calls, so she might just show up in the driveway instead. There's this constant dread of her or her deadbeat acquaintances doing something to our house. I can't walk my dogs around the block. It's way too convenient for her to bring her drama over to our house.

Fortunately the layout of our neighborhood allows me to not have to pass her house when leaving or coming home.

Also, if it's any consolation, even our crazy BM got over the novelty of it and tapered off on the instrusions eventually.